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Blackpill All the great women have already been taken



Angsty KV Teencel
Mar 26, 2018
If you are wondering why it is so hard to even find a decent woman, it's simply because a man who is likely better than you has taken her out of the dating market.
It takes almost no effort for a woman to find a man, especially a man who is at least average. Most of these women also meet their lifelong partner in high school, which for most of us, is far too late.

Allow me to repeat and empathize the main point. Some okay women do actually exist, it's just that some guy who is far better looking than you has probably taken her.

So not only does hypergamy allow roasties to go after Chad, but it ensures that men like us never get the decent women by simple supply and demand laws. Since there are so few of them to go around despite their high demand, only the top men get these women.

In a nutshell, we will never have a cute and feminine girlfriend who is happy cooking and sucking your cock afterwards.
its over once youre 20+. You can never find true love with a loyal foid anymore
It's worse than that, it's possible you are taller or better looking or have more money than who snagged her, but who cares?

Instead of pursuing her you spent that early age how, paying attention in school (still getting shit grades because of anxiety) and meticulously following all the rules, making you a square and unattractive to young girls. You probably didn't stay out late and refused to smoke, keeping you away from the in group that attracted the girls, and other dumb shit.
And/or you focused on things that you thought would pay off later (developing some skill/talent) only to realise what a terrible order of priorities that is, unless you are some kind of virtuoso that absolutely HAS to unleash his masterpiece upon the world.

Your only hope is for a freak accident that leaves her a widow, and even then that would only be the tiniest window of opportunity.
Allow me to repeat and empathize the main point. Some okay women do actually exist, it's just that some guy who is far better looking than you has probably taken her.
damn so fucking true
Majority of them are dating normies and are up for grabs if you're chad. But yes, for us they're locked in Azkaban.
This pill hurts. Up there with agepill.
This pill hurts. Up there with agepill.
Yeah, I feel that the two have a symbolic relationship. The older you get, the less likely you are to find a girl who will actually love you.

I mourn for the poor oldcels who have to deal with this agonizing situation daily. Fuck, age-reversal technology can't come soon enough.
yes highly attractive women are taken - its not like an incel could get them anyway

this is a fakecel thread
All attractive women are taken by 14 or so. From there, they might have random windows of time between boyfriends that last a week or so.
yes highly attractive women are taken - its not like an incel could get them anyway

this is a fakecel thread
I wasn't referring to mere attractiveness dumbass. Being a hot woman doesn't always make a woman ideal for a man, especially if she's crazy as fuck or a psychopathic backstabbing cunt.
I wasn't referring to mere attractiveness dumbass. Being a hot woman doesn't always make a woman ideal for a man, especially if she's crazy as fuck or a psychopathic backstabbing cunt.

those women are out of incels league too stupid
Copers always love pointing out how they saw one woman dating a short ugly bald guy, so clearly incels are wrong. They always forget to address what happens when there are ten ugly men, but only one woman willing to date an ugly man. We also have to remember that 80% of males are rated as ugly by foids. The odds are stacked against men.

I believe AWALT anyway, so either way it doesn't matter. In my opinion, the women willing to date ugly men are merely seeking emotional tampons or betabux. The blackpill is that even if an incel wants this, some other guy is occupying that spot. Many women would also rather remain single than settle for a subhuman.
I should have died years ago, tfw you missed out on highschool relationships.
Copers always love pointing out how they saw one woman dating a short ugly bald guy, so clearly incels are wrong. They always forget to address what happens when there are ten ugly men, but only one woman willing to date an ugly man. We also have to remember that 80% of males are rated as ugly by foids. The odds are stacked against men.

I believe AWALT anyway, so either way it doesn't matter. In my opinion, the women willing to date ugly men are merely seeking emotional tampons or betabux. The blackpill is that even if an incel wants this, some other guy is occupying that spot. Many women would also rather remain single than settle for a subhuman.
Even the need for a betabuxx is fading away with time as more diversity quotas and wamins in high level jobs become more of a thing. That is one of the things that are fueling the rise of inceldom and waking men up. Only 20% of men barely make the cut genetically, so it's no wonder why celibacy is rising so rapildly when they don't even need our money anymore.
Chad swoops in and steals girls several points below him and has multiple relationships at the same time. Normies and chadlites dig deeper into the barrel of foids to grab the lowest psl. You might be able to scrap one for a single fling once in your life.
There are no great women, only preconceptions of women that we invent for ourselves.
There are no great women, only preconceptions of women that we invent for ourselves.
That's because we as men are huge idealists in what we want from a woman. That's why enforced monogamy even exists.
After I turned 17 I never saw a girl without a boyfriend or husband the only ones I see without a serious relationship are the ones who are being fucked by a different chad every night
cope. there are no loyal foids.
not worth crying over the 1 in a 100 who's the exception tbh
After I turned 17 I never saw a girl without a boyfriend or husband the only ones I see without a serious relationship are the ones who are being fucked by a different chad every night
Same it's like they're all fucking born into relationships every single goddamned one. :feelsrope:
I should have died years ago, tfw you missed out on highschool relationships.
I should have died 8 years ago when I was diagnosed with diabetes. If I hadn't gone to that hospital, I'd probably have died in my sleep and be at peace right now.
I should have died 8 years ago when I was diagnosed with diabetes. If I hadn't gone to that hospital, I'd probably have died in my sleep and be at peace right now.
yeah, you basically have to find a GF before school ends, a slim window in college but after that basically everyone is paired off, the few actual nice girls that are out there don't stay single
It's also worse cause those younger Incels who think they have a chance with foids their own age will never get them cause they prefer older Chad.
The bar is high even for landwhales and 30+ women, it's 100% over if all you want is to marry a cute young white virgin or something.
What is worse is that "you'll find someone eventually" ignores the fact that person will have SIGNIFICANT life baggage, which often ends up precluding any hope of a long term successful relationship. If you are 25+, there are no virgins. Every girl has had multiple boyfriends, including "the one" that she really fell hard for, who gave her multiple orgasms etc. There are also a huge number of single mothers in this dating pool, which again raises the competition for non-single mothers. Single mothers are a pretty poor deal, because she will never ever love you as much as her child, and will probably not be interested in having any more.

Case in point - Wil Wheaton. Relatively famous somewhat wealthy (at least not poor) male, had to settle for a lifelong single mother friend who already had two sons by her chad ex-husband. He never got the chance to reproduce, and I think deep down its why he is so massively depressed.
I very rarely come across "available" women.
Chad swoops in and steals girls several points below him and has multiple relationships at the same time. Normies and chadlites dig deeper into the barrel of foids to grab the lowest psl. You might be able to scrap one for a single fling once in your life.
yeah, you basically have to find a GF before school ends, a slim window in college but after that basically everyone is paired off, the few actual nice girls that are out there don't stay single
If you are 25+, there are no virgins. Every girl has had multiple boyfriends, including "the one" that she really fell hard for, who gave her multiple orgasms etc.


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It's also worse cause those younger Incels who think they have a chance with foids their own age will never get them cause they prefer older Chad.
I'm getting older and the younger females don't even look my direction. They're even fucking worse with their standards.
I very rarely come across "available" women.

True. Most have a bf or are stuck with some chad fuckfriends for eternity. The only one availables are on Tinder anyway. Meeting a single foid irl is one of the strangest things ever, at least in my experience.
After I turned 17 I never saw a girl without a boyfriend or husband the only ones I see without a serious relationship are the ones who are being fucked by a different chad every night

I'm getting older and the younger females don't even look my direction. They're even fucking worse with their standards.
I'm sorry, are you a Chad? No? Then it doesn't apply to you.
I have a damn curry Chad-lite friend that dated and fucked a 22 y.o. beauty pageant winning white Stacey at 34. He's with some other white Stacey now thats 29.
Sorry if I sounded harsher than normal - seeing it is Sui-fuel since the only difference between me and him is genetics and probably money.
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It's worse than that, it's possible you are taller or better looking or have more money than who snagged her, but who cares?

Instead of pursuing her you spent that early age how, paying attention in school (still getting shit grades because of anxiety) and meticulously following all the rules, making you a square and unattractive to young girls. You probably didn't stay out late and refused to smoke, keeping you away from the in group that attracted the girls, and other dumb shit.
And/or you focused on things that you thought would pay off later (developing some skill/talent) only to realise what a terrible order of priorities that is, unless you are some kind of virtuoso that absolutely HAS to unleash his masterpiece upon the world.

Your only hope is for a freak accident that leaves her a widow, and even then that would only be the tiniest window of opportunity.


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