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Blackpill All relationships devolve into betabuxxing



Fuck it, we ball
Apr 9, 2022
It makes no sense that people fear betabuxxing so much but still desire to have a romantic relationship and get married. In any long term relationship, betabuxxing is inevitable, because you are going to have to support your family.

And herein lies the trap of romantic relationships. Many unsuspecting men are drawn in, tempted by the seductress and the myth of "love". It is only when she has you firmly in her grasp, spellbound, that she reveals her true colors. Her looks start to fade, the emotions you felt in the initial infatuation are a distant memory, and you can finally see her for what she really is: a used up vile, manipulative, sociopathic foidlet. But by that point, unfortunately it is too late for many. They are stuck between getting divorce raped, or simping/betabuxxing for a useless old cunt in a sexless marriage for the rest of their lives. The greatest trick foids ever did was convince men that their beauty and affection would last forever.

At the end of the day, the distinction between a "real" romantic relationship and a betabux/simp/cuck relationship is completely arbitrary. They both end up the same sooner rather than later. The best route is to avoid relationships and their treachery altogether.
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It makes no sense that people fear betabuxxing so much but still desire to have a romantic relationship and get married. In any long term relationship, betabuxxing is inevitable, because you are going to have to support your family.

And herein lies the trap of romantic relationships. Many unsuspecting men are drawn in, tempted by the seductress and the myth of "love". It is only when she has you firmly in her grasp, spellbound, that she reveals her true colors. Her looks start to fade, the emotions you felt in the initial infatuation are a distant memory, and you can finally see her for what she really is: a used up vile, manipulative, sociopathic foidlet. But by that point, unfortunately it is too late for many. They are stuck between getting divorce raped, or simping/betabuxxing for a useless old cunt in a sexless marriage for the rest of their lives. The greatest trick foids ever did was convince men that their beauty and affection would last forever.

At the end of the day, the distinction between a "real" romantic relationship and a betabux/simp/cuck relationship is completely arbitrary. They both end up the same sooner rather than later. The best route is to avoid relationships and their treachery altogether.
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1. Exactly, like I've said before:
Prostitution = Renting
Dating = Leasing
Marriage = Buying

At the end of the day all men are paying for a vehicle, and all men are trying to get one with the least amount of miles on it as possible (except for the Renters, we don't really give a fuck lol).

But there are no longer any low mileage vehicles available for purchase :feelskek:.

2. What's the reference for the image?
2. What's the reference for the image?
It's Samson and Delilah. Samson was a gigachad that fell in love with a philistine foid who manipulated him into revealing his weakness to her, that his power came from his long hair. She cut it because the philistines paid her to, and Samson was taken prisoner. Then God gave him strength one last time so he could go ER on the philistines and everybody died.
It's Samson and Delilah. Samson was a gigachad that fell in love with a philistine foid who manipulated him into revealing his weakness to her, that his power came from his long hair. She cut it because the philistines paid her to, and Samson was taken prisoner. Then God gave him the strength to go ER on the philistines and everybody died.
The bible had a lot of fucking simps, and these were ironically men in God's favor, and they always fell because of the simping over a woman. Samson, David, Solomon, etc. Adam is the ultimate simp who started all of this shit in the stories lol.

I don't believe in the Christian religion, but if any of this is true, Adam has to get a fucking beat down in heaven from all of his male descendants.

And Eve needs to get gangbanged by them too :feelskek:
except chad
Even chad is retarded lots of times and gets married. Marriage is especially cucked for chad, because it is so limiting. He could be having sex with all different kinds of foids, but he restricts himself to just one who gets old quickly and then he basically becomes a chud simping for a used up roastie.
Chad gets toilets to betabux him.
Prostitution = Renting
Dating = Leasing
Marriage = Buying
The Leasing/Buying comparison for Marriage/Dating sounds like there is some debt incurred.

Couples live cheaper, married people especially.
Lower taxes, higher income, lower insurance, better interest rates, reduced cost of living.

There is a huge return on investment for Marriage (-Betabuxx) and a huge cost benefit to being a couple (Sharing an apartment, carpooling, splitting meals, etc.)
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Whatever the purchase is, i.e. a Wedding Venue or a Ring, the future financial benefit is much higher than the initial cost of those purchases.
You aren't answering the question, how are you not getting what I'm asking, it's so straight forward.

You aren't answering the question, how are you not getting what I'm asking, it's so straight forward.

Thought you were asking what 'return on investment' was.

You get lower taxes (more money at the end of the year)
Better interest rates (pay less for big purchases over time, therefore more money is saved)
Lower insurance (Saving money on the cost of living)
Reduced cost of living (Splitting a mortgage, grocery bills, carpooling, memberships, etc. means you save more money than you could if you were single and paying 100% of the cost of these things).
Thought you were asking what 'return on investment' was.

You get lower taxes (more money at the end of the year)
Better interest rates (pay less for big purchases over time, therefore more money is saved)
Lower insurance (Saving money on the cost of living)
Reduced cost of living (Splitting a mortgage, grocery bills, carpooling, memberships, etc. means you save more money than you could if you were single and paying 100% of the cost of these things).
That's only a "huge" return on investment for the woman.

For the man he is literally leveraging 50% of all his wealth and assets, plus alimony in order to reap these benefits. The return is not equal to the value being leveraged on a 50% chance of failure where it's the other partner that breaks the contract 70+% of the time.
That's only a "huge" return on investment for the woman.
A man that makes $50,000 a year with a wife that has little to no income, but filing for 'Married Filing Jointly' will decrease his taxes from 22% to 12%. That's a 10% take break, meaning he would have payed $11,000 in taxes, but now pays $6,000 in taxes. That's a savings of $5,000. Filing for 'Head of Household' is elective btw and they still get tax cuts.

A $3,000 wedding and a $5,000 tax cut is a $2,000 profit on the first year.

For the man he is literally leveraging 50% of all his wealth and assets, plus alimony in order to reap these benefits.
The only men that leverage their wealth and assets are betabuxxers. Alimony is situational, not every divorce ends in forced alimony.

The return is not equal to the value being leveraged on a 50% chance of failure where it's the other partner that breaks the contract 70+% of the time.
The return is on average greater than the losses incurred in divorce court. Being in a marriage immediately saves you thousands of dollars a year. As a general rule, the average alimony payment is roughly equal to the amount saved in taxes alone; but again most divorces don't end in some big financial fuck-over anyway.
A man that makes $50,000 a year with a wife that has little to no income, but filing for 'Married Filing Jointly' will decrease his taxes from 22% to 12%. That's a 10% take break, meaning he would have payed $11,000 in taxes, but now pays $6,000 in taxes. That's a savings of $5,000. Filing for 'Head of Household' is elective btw and they still get tax cuts.
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A $3,000 wedding and a $5,000 tax cut is a $2,000 profit on the first year.
Where have you ever seen a $3000 wedding in the West?.

The average cost of a wedding in America is $28,000 :feelskek:.

The only men that leverage their wealth and assets are betabuxxers.
What are you even talking about?

You lose 50% of your assets regardless. Unless there's some stat or data I don't know about, please state it.

Alimony is situational, not every divorce ends in forced alimony.
I plan on making the kind of money in which alimony would be forced, I don't know any man who is aiming to stay broke just so that they don't have to worry about paying lol.

The return is on average greater than the losses incurred in divorce court. Being in a marriage immediately saves you thousands of dollars a year.
That's because you have to spend thousands more on other expenses, children included. So there isn't really much of a financial benefit.

As a general rule, the average alimony payment is roughly equal to the amount saved in taxes alone;
She's gonna be getting half of that though and much more.

but again most divorces don't end in some big financial fuck-over anyway.
Please give me the stats or source for this, I'd like to see it myself.
Where have you ever seen a $3000 wedding in the West?.
Anecdotal, but yes I have.

The average cost of a wedding in America is $28,000 :feelskek:.
Plenty of people don't have expensive weddings, it is not mandatory, and often the cost isn't even payed by the couple getting married.

What are you even talking about?

You lose 50% of your assets regardless. Unless there's some stat or data I don't know about, please state it.
You don't need to leverage your wealth and assets unless you are a betabuxxer. You don't lose 50% of your assets 'regardless'; it's your claim, you should provide the source, not me.

I plan on making the kind of money in which alimony would be forced, I don't know any man who is aiming to stay broke just so that they don't have to worry about paying lol.
It doesn't matter what your plans are, only what would actually happen if you went through a divorce, you're stretching for a marginal case where the top 1% of income earners have to pay their unemployed wives alimony.

That's because you have to spend thousands more on other expenses, children included. So there isn't really much of a financial benefit.
What other expenses are you paying for in a marriage that you wouldn't be paying for if you were single? Children? You get tax breaks for those too.

She's gonna be getting half of that though and much more.

Please give me the stats or source for this, I'd like to see it myself.
Best case scenario you pay legal fees (ranging anywhere from cheap to expensive) the median cost of a divorce is ~$7,500; worse case scenario you have to pay an expensive legal fee (elective, not mandatory) and you're forced to pay alimony.

The cost of divorce reflects a cost that the person is willing or able to pay.

Also, are you going to ignore all the potential savings a marriage entails just to put me on the defensive, or do you have an argument against that too?
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Also, are you going to ignore all the potential savings a marriage entails just to put me on the defensive, or do you have an argument against that too?
1. JFL defensive about what?, you can do whatever you want but as an incel you are sure to just divorce raped, good luck.

2. Please see the irony in you going on and on about these benefits and yet women initiate 70% of all divorces, and when you filter down to college educated women it goes up to a 90% initiation rate .

It's funny how easily women can see that the benefits of divorce outweigh the benefits of marriage, but you (a so called black piller) can't.

3. You seem to be missing the point. She will be getting half of whatever savings you make on taxes. So your savings will really just benefit her more than you.

4. The life of a single bachelor is very cheap and there are other ways to do tax write-offs and many other tax loopholes.

I don't see "saving more money" as this huge perk when I could have less stress, less responsibilities, less obligations, less etc by living as a bachelor.

Maybe you plan on living where you are now, but I plan on living a life of travel. Last time I checked [UWSL]Bermuda, Monaco, the Bahamas, and the United Arab Emirates (an Islamic country, that's another perk) are all countries that don't have any personal income tax. I could just move to those countries and structure my assets so that I can make US income and still not pay any income tax.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]5. I've heard this saying before and it's true - "Marriage is for broke niggers" :feelskek:.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]If you plan on making a regular wage slave income for the rest of your life, then all of the benefits you talked about make complete sense.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]But for any man who ends up working his way up the corporate ladder, starts a business, etc, the juice just isn't worth the squeeze.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]I don't plan on being a lifetime wage slave, so these benefits you are talking about pale in comparison to whats available to a man with resources. I want the freedom to enjoy these resources.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]6. It's very ironic to me to see a man who society has deprived of something so essential to existence, now be so desperate to be restricted and locked down by a contract.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]I'm going to spend the rest of my life fucking as many women as humanly possible, it makes no sense to me to spend years being an incel and then restrict myself to one woman.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]I've already missed out on so many experiences, and I can say without a doubt it's left me beast with insatiable tastes. It would make no sense for a man like me to take on a contract that requires monogamy.[/UWSL]

7. In conclusion:
[UWSL]I'll end this back and forth here, I really don't know why you are defending the idea of marriage so strongly despite the stats showing that it's a failing institution. Pair that up with your suspicious looking username ( @Man ) and you just look like a larp lol.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]It's like someone joining a feminist forum and choosing the username "Woman", like come on dude, you just look suspicious lol (but I digress).[/UWSL]

You can say whatever you want but:
50% of 1st marriages end in divorce
67% of 2nd marriages end in divorce
74% of 3rd marriages end in divorce
The chances of divorce go up by 30+% if the woman out-earns the man.
Women initiate 70% of all divorces
College educated women initiate 90% of all divorces
Men make 95% of all alimony payments
Men lose 85% of all child custody cases and half of the 15% that they do win is because the mother didn't show up in court (so they actually lose at a 90+% rate)
Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.

[UWSL]It's a failing institution for a reason. It's funny how everyone else on the planet except you seems to be an idiot because "they just can't comprehend all of these great benefits" :feelskek:.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]You can shout "muh tax benefits" till kingdom come, everyone can see the writing on the wall (that's why marriage rates are going down).[/UWSL]

[UWSL]And once again, it's funny how easily women can see that the benefits of divorce outweigh the benefits of marriage (due to their 70%-90% initiation rate), but you go ahead and keep dreaming and chasing after your marriage fantasy.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]Why don't you go preaching to women about "muh tax breaks" :feelskek: (they are the ones initiating the divorces).[/UWSL]
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1. JFL defensive about what?
I said "putting me on the defensive" not being defensive; there is a difference.

, you can do whatever you want but as an incel you are sure to just divorce raped, good luck.
An incel getting married is unlikely, an ensuing divorce rape isn't, but the benefits of that marriage on average far outweigh the cost of divorce.

2. Please see the irony in you going on and on about these benefits and yet women initiate 70% of all divorces, and when you filter down to college educated women it goes up to a 90% initiation rate .
I defend the fact that marriage is financially beneficial despite the odds of being divorced by a woman being high, I guess I can see irony there.

It's funny how easily women can see that the benefits of divorce outweigh the benefits of marriage,
The benefits of divorce only outweigh the benefits of marriage when the husband has a high income and the wife is unemployed or low-income. This is a marginal case. Rich men are aware of the risks they take.

but you (a so called black piller) can't.
My point is 100% congruent with blackpill. I'm making an argument for 'The IncelTax'. People in relationships have better finances.

3. You seem to be missing the point. She will be getting half of whatever savings you make on taxes. So your savings will really just benefit her more than you.
Wives are not entitled to a mans income. It is a husbands choice to share his income. YOU are missing the point, being that, there is no potential for savings while living single, and every possible opportunity is given to those who are married or in a relationship.

4. The life of a single bachelor is very cheap
Cope, in the US 1 bedroom apartments are non-existent or never available, Studio apartments exist, but once again, never available -- even if they were, splitting them with someone else would be even cheaper.

and there are other ways to do tax write-offs and many other tax loopholes.
These are not exclusive to bachelors, these, I'm sure, would also apply to married people.

I don't see "saving more money" as this huge perk when I could have less stress, less responsibilities, less obligations, less etc by living as a bachelor.
"I want to be single bro"

Maybe you plan on living where you are now, but I plan on living a life of travel. Last time I checked [UWSL]Bermuda, Monaco, the Bahamas, and the United Arab Emirates (an Islamic country, that's another perk) are all countries that don't have any personal income tax. I could just move to those countries and structure my assets so that I can make US income and still not pay any income tax.[/UWSL]
Marginal Cases. Those countries have a tradeoff of being shitholes.

[UWSL]5. I've heard this saying before and it's true - "Marriage is for broke niggers" :feelskek:.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]If you plan on making a regular wage slave income for the rest of your life, then all of the benefits you talked about make complete sense.[/UWSL]
Nobody plans on being a wage slave, but most Americans live paycheck to paycheck. It's not about what's best or ideal, it's about what it actually is.

[UWSL]But for any man who ends up working his way up the corporate ladder, stars a business, etc, the juice just isn't worth the squeeze.[/UWSL]
Even working your way up the ladder, the more you earn, the more you'll save in tax breaks.

[UWSL]I don't plan on being a lifetime wage slave, so these benefits you are talking about pale in comparison to whats available to a man with resources. I want the freedom to enjoy these resources.[/UWSL]
Men with the resources to make a marriage more risk than benefit are rare.

[UWSL]6. It's very ironic to me to see a man who society has deprived of something so essential to existence, now be so desperate to be restricted and locked down by a contract.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]I'm going to spend the rest of my life fucking as many women as humanly possible, it makes no sense to me to spend years being an incel and then restrict myself to one woman.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]I've already missed out on so many experiences, and I can say without a doubt it's left me beast with insatiable tastes. It would make no sense for a man like me to take on a contract that requires monogamy.[/UWSL]
Fair point. Marriage isn't for everyone, but that doesn't mean single > married when finances are a factor.

7. In conclusion:
[UWSL]I'll end this back and forth here, I really don't know why you are defending the idea of marriage so strongly despite the stats showing that it's a failing institution. [/UWSL]
I'm defending the financial benefit of marriage, not it's success rate.

[UWSL]Pair that up with your suspicious looking username (@Man ) and you just look like a larp lol.[/UWSL]
[UWSL]It's like someone joining a feminist forum and choosing the username "Woman", like come on dude, you just look suspicious lol (but I digress).[/UWSL]
Username = Larp Fakecel :dafuckfeels:

It's a 3 character username, it's a status symbol :feelsUgh:. The only suspicious usernames are the ones that are 0 effort.

[UWSL]You can say whatever you want but:[/UWSL]
50% of 1st marriages end in divorce
67% of 2nd marriages end in divorce
74% of 3rd marriages end in divorce
The chances of divorce go up by 30+% of the woman out-earns the man.
Women initiate 70% of all divorces
College educated women initiate 90% of all divorces
Men make 95% of all alimony payments
Men lose 85% of all child custody cases and half of the 15% that they do win is because the mother didn't show up in court (so they actually lose at a 92% rate)
Etc, etc, etc, etc

[UWSL]It's a failing institution for a reason. It's funny how everyone else on the planet except you seems to be an idiot because "they just can't comprehend all of these great benefits" :feelskek:.[/UWSL]
Marriage/Relationships save money. I'm not arguing for marriage being successful.

[UWSL]You can shout "muh tax benefits" till kingdom come, everyone can see the writing on the wall (that's why marriage rates are going down).[/UWSL]

[UWSL]And once again, it's funny how easily women can see that the benefits of divorce outweigh the benefits of marriage (due to their 70%-90% initiation rate), but you go ahead and keep dreaming and chasing after your marriage fantasy.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]Why don't you go preaching to women about "muh tax breaks" :feelskek: (they are the ones initiating the divorces).[/UWSL]
I don't bother reasoning with women.
I said "putting me on the defensive" not being defensive; there is a difference.
I know what you meant, I found it funny that you thought I was trying to put you on defensive, I can read english you know lol. What's funny is that you're making it sound like I'd care enough about your perspective to try and make you defensive.

The benefits of divorce only outweigh the benefits of marriage when the husband has a high income and the wife is unemployed or low-income. This is a marginal case. Rich men are aware of the risks they take.
Wrong, 50% of ALL marriages end in divorce, and 50% of married men are not high earners nor are 50% of married women unemployed. It's usually that both partners are low income earners.

So broke women who could definitely enjoy those tax benefits are still taking the divorce over being married.
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I’d rather try before I actually get old old

One can escortmaxx even when they’re near geriatric lol
One can escortmaxx even when they’re near geriatric lol
Will you even have a libido or a working dick at 90?, will your back even be able to take it?. I don't want to just lie down and get my dick sucked. I want to enjoy actually having sex.
Why Are Young Adults Incapable Of Loving Someone Without Money ?
Will you even have a libido or a working dick at 90?, will your back even be able to take it?. I don't want to just lie down and get my dick sucked. I want to enjoy actually having sex.
ah gotcha

but yea it's not mutually exclusive.

one can still try to attain relationships while simultaneously escortmaxxing
@sub human

you should try to attain love while you're still young

do it before you become a wizard like me lol
one can still try to attain relationships while simultaneously escortmaxxing
True, but why would you bother?

If your goal is to have children it makes complete sense, but if you're like me and you just want women for sex, then it makes no sense to pursue a relationship.
Divorce is not even the ugliest part, but what comes before it.

Her getting fat, increasingly nagging, flirting with other men while you are present, partying with the "girls" or even cheating.

They will do anything to get a strong reaction out of you and when you do raise your voice or overreact she will yell "Divorce!" and make you look like the aggressor, maybe even accuse you of violence or rape, thus alienating your mutual friends.

I've seen some pretty nasty and fucked up shit on Youtube. No man has his soul intact after witnessing that shit.
Most non christian western marriages are prostitution period
@sub human

you should try to attain love while you're still young
Love doesn’t exist. All I want is sex with big tits stacys. So it just makes more sense to escortmax
True, but why would you bother?

If your goal is to have children it makes complete sense, but if you're like me and you just want women for sex, then it makes no sense to pursue a relationship.
Love doesn’t exist. All I want is sex with big tits stacys. So it just makes more sense to escortmax
i guess i'd like to see 100% for sure.

it's like theorizing whether or not water is really really wet or not. like, we all know water is wet, but you can't really know unless you stick your hand in there
i guess i'd like to see 100% for sure.
See what?

You already know how all this shit works. Sounds like you are clinging to copes.

Do whatever you want, just know that you don't have the right to complain about the results afterwards.
See what?

You already know how all this shit works. Sounds like you are clinging to copes.

Do whatever you want, just know that you don't have the right to complain about the results afterwards.
i know. ya if i don't like having a gf, i can always ditch her

whereas i can't if i only stick to escortmaxxing lol
i know. ya if i don't like having a gf, i can always ditch her
Yes, and if you "like having a GF" you might get lulled into a false sense of security and "like having a wife", and then you're trapped.

What you aren't taking into account is "standards attrition".

If you spend years and years chasing after some dream goal of "finding true love", your standards will degrade over time and you'll end up setting (here's the key part - WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING IT). In fact you won't even see it as settling because you'll be so mentally defeated and desperate, you'll have yourself convinced that you "didn't do too bad".

Desperation and hope for something means that you will always have a blindspot to it.

If you think you are just going to magically "stop at having a girlfriend" when you have this mindset you are coping. It's like the drug addict telling themselves "just one more hit". You will keep trying to chase after this dream until there's no way out, and your mind will fabricate a reality so that you can pursue it. You'll take whatever you can get and be happy about it, because you'll finally "feel loved".
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Maybe dating only make sense in teenager years as they are both buxxed by the parents and dont have interest involved but it's an experience we never had and we never will
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it's like theorizing whether or not water is really really wet or not. like, we all know water is wet, but you can't really know unless you stick your hand in there
:bluepill: statement. Its impossible to prove emotions exist outside of your conscious.

Reality is based on thoughts and impressions about what seems to be present. The only way to confirm the reality of emotion is via direct conscious experience. There's no other way to prove its existence beyond reasonable doubt. You will just delude yourself by thinking that you are 100% sure that you know the emotional state of another person.
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Except for professional sluts and casual sluts, pretty much all sexual relations (for adults) will involve economic expenses.

IMO better to spend on a foid who's obliged to allow their body to be used for sex upon payment, than to spend on a foid who can still disallow her body to be used for sex after you financial expense on them.
1. Exactly, like I've said before:
Prostitution = Renting
Dating = Leasing
Marriage = Buying

At the end of the day all men are paying for a vehicle, and all men are trying to get one with the least amount of miles on it as possible (except for the Renters, we don't really give a fuck lol).

But there are no longer any low mileage vehicles available for purchase :feelskek:.

2. What's the reference for the image?
brutal CAR PILL
Yeah you're right.
Things have always been different. Divorce was rare, there was no alimony. Also being cucked didn't happen so often. There is nothing wrong with marriage itsfelf, feminism and modern laws made it bad. They literally ruined our lives and forced our extinction/living as cuckdolds...
It makes no sense that people fear betabuxxing so much but still desire to have a romantic relationship and get married. In any long term relationship, betabuxxing is inevitable, because you are going to have to support your family.

And herein lies the trap of romantic relationships. Many unsuspecting men are drawn in, tempted by the seductress and the myth of "love". It is only when she has you firmly in her grasp, spellbound, that she reveals her true colors. Her looks start to fade, the emotions you felt in the initial infatuation are a distant memory, and you can finally see her for what she really is: a used up vile, manipulative, sociopathic foidlet. But by that point, unfortunately it is too late for many. They are stuck between getting divorce raped, or simping/betabuxxing for a useless old cunt in a sexless marriage for the rest of their lives. The greatest trick foids ever did was convince men that their beauty and affection would last forever.

At the end of the day, the distinction between a "real" romantic relationship and a betabux/simp/cuck relationship is completely arbitrary. They both end up the same sooner rather than later. The best route is to avoid relationships and their treachery altogether.
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In the end incels and volcels like myself win the game.
1. Exactly, like I've said before:
Prostitution = Renting
Dating = Leasing
Marriage = Buying

Actually, marriage in most countries these days is akin to "rent to own" option.
It's not a guarantee that she'll be around for more than 7 years (being generous) after you wife her up. In fact, it's very likely she will divorce you if/once you have a kid or two and they age up past 10 years.
Remember, lads, many anti-incel larpers are programming you not to feen angst, hate, anger etc etc over not getting to experience a PEAK AGED roastie in her prime. They want you to just accept that you will never have a torrid love affair with a peak aged and virginal femgroid involving the so called "big strokes" (if you will) and such phrases as "she reached for the shaft."
Actually, marriage in most countries these days is akin to "rent to own" option.
It's not a guarantee that she'll be around for more than 7 years (being generous) after you wife her up. In fact, it's very likely she will divorce you if/once you have a kid or two and they age up past 10 years.
No, it's buying, because the moment you sign the contract she now owns 50% of your assets, pension, etc.

"Rent to own" would imply that the payments stop when you end the relationship, that's not how marriage works, you pay a lump sum afterwards and sometimes you still have to may extra fees (alimony) after the fact.
No, it's buying, because the moment you sign the contract she now owns 50% of your assets, pension, etc.

"Rent to own" would imply that the payments stop when you end the relationship, that's not how marriage works, you pay a lump sum afterwards and sometimes you still have to may extra fees (alimony) after the fact.

You're right. Wasn't thinking clearly when I made that post. lol
If you think about it, OPs post should make inkwels even MORE angry. If you are to get even the mere whiff of roastie beef-flaps outside of sex-work, you will have to be a utility/beta-buxx having missed out on teen-love, passionate adult sex, her willing enthusiasm when she was younger, hotter, and tighter etc. OP fails to acknowledge this irrevocable loss that very much pains inkwels and for which they should avenge themselves on society most viciously and cruelly.

DeSantis 2024. :)
Remember, lads, many anti-incel larpers are programming you not to feen angst, hate, anger etc
The only larp here is you, you are making your larp too obvious tbh, you need to tone it down a bit.

OP fails to acknowledge this irrevocable loss that very much pains inkwels and for which they should avenge themselves on society most viciously and cruelly.
Everything in life is a tradeoff, and you may be projecting because a lot of us don't really care about what you described so we don't feel "a loss". I'm sorry, women just aren't that special to me, I just want to be able to fuck, I don't care about "prime" anything.

If any of us REALLY wanted prime women we'd be willing to make the sacrifice to convert to Islam, wealthmaxx, and then move to an Islamic country like Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc (you could easily get a virgin wife that way, even a jailbait virgin wife). But none of you guys are going to do that because it requires too much planning and effort, and you don't really care about getting a "prime" woman that badly.

Stop projecting and go do the mass shooting you are trying to instigate yourself.

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