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LifeFuel All of you should practice magick instead of crying about inceldom

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All of you should have sex instead of crying about inceldom​


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Join Date: 2016-01-25
Post Count: 182
#183519765Saturday, February 13, 2016 12:37 PM CST
I have developed another explanation for the users on the sub-section. Suppose that we a machine containing six buttons. Each button can be successively activated/deactivated using a sequence of instructions. Each "button press" will reverse the button's current state. We can express this as a binary sequence of six bits. This will be our representation: 000111 In the above sequence for our machine, the first three buttons are deactivated. The last remaining three buttons are active. Naturally, since we are working directly with base-two, we can utilize logical operations to modify the behavior of the individual bits. Let us define a function "P", which will represent each unique button press. Imagine that function "P" accepts an input "positional value", and signals a state change to the bit of that position. This would be our notation to use the sequence(Assuming that lowercase "p" refers to the position within the address and uppercase "B" refers to the actual memory address itself): P(p) = ~B[p] The "~"(Or logical NOT) operator merely reverses the numerical value of the bit found. In non base-two context, this would reverse "true" to false, and "false" to true. Since base-two has only two valid digits, 0 and/or 1, this operator will likewise reverse 0 to 1 and 1 to 0. Since our machine has six button, the function will need to be executed exactly six times to affect every digit. Given that our original sequence was "000111", this is how it would be altered: P(1) = 1 P(2) = 1 P(3) = 1 P(4) = 0 P(5) = 0 P(6) = 0 Altogether, the new button sequence would be "111000." Notice how the values of both sets of halves of the button sequence was swapped. Consequently, the first three buttons are activated. The last remaining three buttons are not.

Re: Poll: Are U Good At Maths?

Join Date: 2016-03-08
Post Count: 157
#200236802Monday, October 17, 2016 1:58 PM CDT
You should define "Maths." There are Geometric Maths, Algebraic Maths, et cetera. Also, the person who stated that "You should learn proper spelling and grammar before studying Maths" is an imbecile who should learn the definition of Ad-Hominem.

All of you should have sex instead of crying about inceldom​





Join Date: 2015-02-05
Post Count: 3034
#183568250Saturday, February 13, 2016 11:43 PM CST
On a side note, anyone who can spell and use grammar correctly can troll anyone without issue.

Join Date: 2010-02-08
Post Count: 451
#183568270Saturday, February 13, 2016 11:43 PM CST
"I'm more then positive that you're over-estimating yourself" That is not so. It has been objectively and explicitly established that I am intellectually-superior to the vast majority of society. You continue to deny this only because you would like to magnify your feigned intellectual capabilities within the presence of your Internet social clique. Meanwhile, the evidence within my favor is publicly available for each user to analyze thoroughly.


Join Date: 2010-02-08
Post Count: 451
#183746169Tuesday, February 16, 2016 3:14 AM CST
Now that I have returned from a temporary "stasis" interval, I can adequately attempt to address only the partially "logical" statements. "I apologize for the misudnerstanding" Aetricity, your solution is rather "concrete" in terms of RBX.Lua-based development. I intend to implement a much more modular approach by simply using custom data structures("Stack" tables, preferentially) to represent each address appropriately. Signals to a "Call Stack" within the MainModule will manage activity quite well. Nonetheless, I am rather pleased by your attempts to provide a reasonable response. The ability to restrain yourself from blatant exhibition of pseudo-verbal aggression within the presence of objective evidence clearly indicates that you are an individual of considerable intelligence. Despite your average intellect, I would consider you a person of uncertain value to discuss basic programming-related material with.

Join Date: 2010-02-08
Post Count: 451
#183781953Tuesday, February 16, 2016 5:02 PM CST
"my post is only logical for those with superior intelligence all others try but fail" You have constructed a splendid illusion. Unfortunately, I cannot receive any direct, sustainable intellectual pleasure by participating in your otherwise futile cycles of role-play. Thus, I would suggest that you either provide a coherent, logically-valid argument, or make your provocation attempts "entertaining" for me.

Re: let's see if you understand what topic this is

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 361
#184605234Tuesday, March 01, 2016 4:19 PM CST
" am I incorrect?" Certainly not, from an objective perspective. I suppose that I was somewhat confused on the type of data you intended to represent with the bits, although I now presume that you intend to use Unicode/ASCII characters. Given the fact that bits/bytes merely represent voltage allocation on the hardware level, it seems rather inappropriate to use the term "code" for this purpose.

Re: yay more maths

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 361
#184800967Saturday, March 05, 2016 12:01 PM CST
Greetings, masterblokz. Perhaps you could provide us with slightly more context? For example, you mentioned that the maximum capacity for the "attackspd" property is 2. Thus, do you intend to make the "bonusattackspd" equivalent to the quantity that exceeds the maximum value?
Re: yay more maths

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 361
#184804144Saturday, March 05, 2016 12:48 PM CST
Alright. Based on the specifications provided during your original request, I have devised a basic formula that may be able to help you: Atk_Spd = 3.5; Cap = 2; Bonus_Atk_Spd = (floor(Atk_Spd) * (((Atk_Spd - 1) % Cap) / 10)); From a mathematical-perspective, the "floored" value of the Atk_Spd variable will be multiplied by the isolated modulo remainder of the Atk_Spd(After 1 has been subtracted), which is divided by ten to function as a percentage. The overall result is that the quantity exceeding the defined capacity becomes a percentage of the base Atk_Spd variable. Admittedly, I am rather unsure if this is what you desire. Nonetheless, I suppose that you could hopefully this adapt this to suit your needs.

Re: what are some good programming resources?

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 361
#185068624Wednesday, March 09, 2016 8:45 PM CST
It certainly depends on which language you intend to begin using, given that each language often has different documentation. An excellent website for programming resources is TutorialsPoint: http://tutorialspoint.com/ The website is quite comprehensive with its simplistic explanations. Furthermore, there is an "Academic" section for theoretical-aspects of computer-manipulation. Scripting languages are included. If you intend to script with Lua(ROBLOX uses a somewhat modified version of the language), the official developers have an excellent guide on the official website: http://www.lua.org/pil/contents.html Experiment with the content as you please. It can be a rather joyful experience.

Re: Simple Algebra Discussion

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 361
#185313471Monday, March 14, 2016 7:16 AM CDT
"OP, that's not Algebra" Are you truly certain about that? All algebras are derived solely from basic Set-Theory principles. The "Elementary Algebra" commonly used is a distortion of true mathematical progression. Linear Algebra merely describes the properties of matrix structures within a given set of "vector space." It is nothing more than the pleasure of groups and rings.
Re: Simple Algebra Discussion

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 361
#185313548Monday, March 14, 2016 7:20 AM CDT
"OP, I think you searched Google for what Linear Algebra is. No." Ah, no matter. Let us disregard any of the futile principles of "Linear Algebra" and focus on the superior form of mathematical reasoning. You should consider Group-Theory. It is much more abstract and entertaining.
Stop posting about inceldom, ascend your spirituality and acquire ancient powers by learning magick.
While the so-called "normies" and "chads" are out there partying on a friday night, you can ascend into a higher being
holy this is next level cope and delusion. based
holy this is next level cope and delusion. based

Re: Math question of the century

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 361
#185331739Monday, March 14, 2016 3:54 PM CDT
What is the question exactly? "+" is a binary operator on numerical quantities.

Re: How easy is Math?

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 361
#185348927Monday, March 14, 2016 8:11 PM CDT
Disregarding your assignment, it depends on the type of mathematical concepts that you are working with. Equations in elementary "Algebra" differ significantly from groups proposed in Group-Theory.

Off-Topic Logic Game

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 361
#185501144Wednesday, March 16, 2016 11:07 PM CDT
Greetings, Off-Topic. On this particular occasion, I have decided to have an entertaining discussion with all of you by composing a simple game based on logical-reasoning. Firstly, while utilizing mathematics, we have objective statements such as "x = 5" Those particular type of statements are properly known as "predicates", given that they equate to either the Boolean values of true and/or false. within the above premise, it merely defines the quantity that variable 'x' represents. Therefore, it is "true" predicate. Although I used "x = 5", we could use symbolic notation such as this: E(x) = 5 Where uppercase "E" refers to the word "Equal", and the input variable 'x' receives the quantity described on the opposite side of the "=" operand. --------------------------------------- Recognizing the above objective explanation, the goal of the game is rather basic: to derive logical expressions to be interpreted by other users. I have devised a minimal list of logical symbols below: "-->" - The logical "if-then" operator. "If certain cookies are delicious, then some grapes are bluish"(Note that the premise predicate and the conclusion predicate do not necessarily need to be related. They merely need to have an obtainable Boolean value. '~' - The logical "NOT" operator. It merely negates "true"/"false" Boolean predicates into the opposite Boolean value. ~"I decided to traverse the area" becomes "I decided not to traverse the area." "^" - The logical AND operator. "(1+1 = 2) ^ (2 + 2 = 4) --> (5 + 5) == 10", which is true, given that "1 + 1 = 2 ^ 2 + 2 = 4" are both (true ^ true) respectively. Disregarding all of the other logical operators for the current moment, this is a sample expression that I have devised below: Suppose that we have variables 'a' and 'b': a = 100 b = 50 Firstly, let us define a predicate to determine whether the first value is a factor of the second value: R(a,b) = (a % b) This will retrieve the remainder of the division operation "a/b", using the difference between 'a' and 'b' as a referent. Likewise, R(b,a) would also retrieve the remainder of the division operation "b/a", using the difference between 'b' and 'a' as a referent. If I had an expression such as this: (R(a,b) = 0) ^ (R(b,a) = 0) It would be an expected case of a true/false pair. This is due to the mere fact that the (100 % 50) does not have a remainder, whereas (50/100) does indeed have a remainder of fifty itself. Hopefully the above descriptions provides a rather wholesome and otherwise precise discussion involving mathematical logic.

Re: String. Starterpack

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 361
#185619268Friday, March 18, 2016 10:34 PM CDT
Hello, UPumpkin. Certainly, you will need an algorithm that can adequately access stored information about a given Player upon event-signalling. Afterwards, it is a matter of utilizing a conditional "if" statement to compare the quantities. I have devised a custom-notation example to attempt to help you(Note that this is quite different from the syntax used in Lua, as it is only an example expression): Sword = Object_Space["Sword"]; sub Check_Class(Player){ if(Player["Class"] >= 199){ Sword.Location = Player["Item_Storage"]; elseif(Player["Class"] < 199 & Player["Item_Storage"][Sword.Name] !== nil){ Player["Item_Storage"][Sword.Name] = nil; } } } Event_Space.Event:connect(Check_Class); Although the above is somewhat different from a typical Lua example, it seems sufficient to explain the process. A function known as "Check_Class" is created, with a parameter referring to the actual Player being modified(This assumes that the event signalling the function's execution will provide a reference to the Player object). Presumably, our Player object is a data structure containing a key known as "Class." The "Class" key allows is refer to the numerical quantity that we would like to compare to the maximum quantity, 199. Our specified "elseif" condition ensures that if the Class quantity is lesser than 199 whenever the event signals our function's execution, that the sword is properly removed. The "["Item_Storage"][Sword.Name] !== nil" segment ensures that an actual Sword object exists within the specified location. Regarding a concrete "Lua" example, these links may help you: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=Function http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=Table http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=Conditional_statement Although it is somewhat different from what you may have expected, I am hoping that this suggestion is useful for what you intend to accomplish. Goodbye.
ok GrAY.

Thanks, I'm already learning a lot
is this a tranny thing?
You have a christian as your avi nigger.

Also joy of satan are neo nazi feds.
Stop posting about inceldom, ascend your spirituality and acquire ancient powers by learning magick.
While the so-called "normies" and "chads" are out there partying on a friday night, you can ascend into a higher being

@Michael W. Ford

nigger just post the spell to get me pussy. If that spell works then i will join your shit.

Other wise go fcuk yourself. Posting same old cope shit that cant do anything just like how Christians, Islam , new age shit post cope shit
You have a christian as your avi nigger.
Yes, this is true. Though I have Terry as my avi, I am free to practice the occult. The bible is a coded book made for everybody. It contains hundreds of contradictions; it is still a coded reading.
nigger just post the spell to get me pussy. If that spell works then i will join your shit.

Other wise go fcuk yourself. Posting same old cope shit that cant do anything just like how Christians, Islam , new age shit post cope shit
I've posted multiple spells that can get you pussy.
They all work
prove it instead of talking and larping.
Post a simple easy to follow spell here for the forum to see it and try it. If it works then we know you for real.
Magic is not real and is for copers and tarot foids

Even in videogames using magic is admitting that you are pathetic and weak and dumb (mages in games are supposed to be smart but the player is not because they have no idea how magic works cause it doesnt exist)
Post a simple easy to follow spell here for the forum to see it and try it. If it works then we know you for real.
I've posted multiple simple spells over the past 8 months.
I've posted multiple simple spells over the past 8 months.
what a useless oloser. Claiming love spells work but spends time on incel forums like yeah right
Just wave a magic wand theory
Spiritual people don’t crave pussy.
what a fcuking joke and a convient excuse. There are loads of witches in every city and you cant even get one to lay with.

That magik shit is nonsence, it cant do anything. You are pathetic for larping on about it yet you play with your dick while watching porn but tell me about "spiritual people" and are even more a joke than christians coping with pie in thge sky
i dont believe in magic
what a fcuking joke and a convient excuse. There are loads of witches in every city and you cant even get one to lay with.

That magik shit is nonsence, it cant do anything. You are pathetic for larping on about it yet you play with your dick while watching porn but tell me about "spiritual people" and are even more a joke than christians coping with pie in thge sky

I'm not willing to use my energy to get pussy.
I'm not willing to use my energy to get pussy.
even worse coping and self delusions than christians. Post the spell here that 100% garuntees inces to get pussy from their target foid. But you cant because it dont exist but you will come with coping spiritual people dont want pussy larp larp larp
Neil de grasse tyson when the coping is too strong
Based schizomaxxer

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