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JFL Alexxander97 Is On Cucktears.

  • Thread starter BlackPilledOverdose
  • Start date
He was a massive cuck
he thinks he’s earning pussy points with that post lmao
Also lol "points" he clearly lost the argument against me and then he couldnt say anything anymore and just kept repeating himself like some retard.
He just seems like a shy average looking normie.

Not an Incel.
Why does he even comes here. He knew what to expect.
Wow what a delusional bluepilled lost soul.
Alexander the duke of low T collecting karma points on soydit.Maybe you will realise how pathetic you are and change your soy behavior.
if hes lucky an IT tranny may fuck him
This is how deep :bluepill: runs for some, despite being 26 yo KHHV they will worship foids and cry about women rights
I had a conversation with him yesterday, it falls into perspective now, he was baiting me to post very offensive and edgy stuff. I can post screenshots if you want.
Quite expected of those who purposely make these bluepill-lite posts for attention... :feelskek:

He knew exactly what would happen. :feelsUgh:
Foids disrespect and treat us like shit every chance they get and we should respect them just for being women?! This level of lack of empathy is present on psychopaths.
I agree with him; we aren't going to get laid if we constantly disparage and redicule women.

Then again, maybe incels don't want to experience equal relations with women...
Soy is strong within this one.
Dont think he was banned for simply talking about respecting women. But when you go on a whiteknight tirade and start attacking and shunning people here for not respecting people who show us zero respect, you aren't welcome.

People always say respect is earned, so why isn't that the case when it comes to us, why dont people have to earn our respect? Better advice would be to just respect individuals who respect and treat you well, man or woman, but coming to a place full of guys who are overall treated like vermin by women and people in general, and to insist we respect the same people who treat us as such is just disingenuous.
Dont think he was banned for simply talking about respecting women. But when you go on a whiteknight tirade and start attacking and shunning people here for not respecting people who show us zero respect, you aren't welcome.

People always say respect is earned, so why isn't that the case when it comes to us, why dont people have to earn our respect? Better advice would be to just respect individuals who respect and treat you well, man or woman, but coming to a place full of guys who are overall treated like vermin by women and people in general, and to insist we respect the same people who treat us as such is just disingenuous.
I agree with him; we aren't going to get laid if we constantly disparage and redicule women.

Then again, maybe incels don't want to experience equal relations with women...
Respecting women has little to do with getting laid. Good looking, sexually successful men disrespect women constantly. Some literally make entire careers out of it and they still have ample success with women. Whereas unattractive men can show nothing but respect and still be seen as ugly, untouchable vermin trash.

This is a common mistake people make. Mixing up cause and effect. The assumption that guys cant get laid because they dont respect women as opposed to guys not respecting women because they get treated like utter dogshit and face mockery no matter what they do.
Knew that shit was gonna happen, guy is a fucking moron. People wear masks all the time, I'm as nice as I can be to people even women IRL but the true me when I'm all alone I fucking hate people with all my heart. You can fake being normal extremely well with practice and Ted Bundy proved that.
What a fucking fag-- I only wish I had the pleasure of banning him personally. I wonder who did??
He belongs there.
Well, you can talk all kinds of mad shit about women and be a misogynist like Andrew Tate apparently is, and that won't stop him from getting laid. Lmao

On a further note: I don't like women because they always made me feel like shit about myself, even when I didn't even talk to them. I've seen so many women being angry with me even when I don't acknowledge these women in any way. It just seems like they hate men they find unattractive and they can't control it. I did nothing to them - and they just hated me. Say what you want IT cucks, I don't owe women respect or nice behavior. They surely didn't feel like they owed me any of that either.
:soy:: "Respect women because they have vaginas, brooo! Just respect them for being females, brooo."
I agree with him; we aren't going to get laid if we constantly disparage and redicule women.

Then again, maybe incels don't want to experience equal relations with women...
Pray tell, what is an equal relation?
You are 99% his alt or some other cuck from IT who needs to be banned.

tagging my based mods @Robtical @The Enforcer
The cuck is gone. Thanks for telling me bro.
I talked with him about OCD, what a cuck:soy:
If he's 26 and still a virgin, it's over for him. He'll desperately try to absorb the bluepill these trannys, soy cucks, and land whales feed him and then when he hits 30 and still a virgin the blackpill will come to collect
I agree with him; we aren't going to get laid if we constantly disparage and redicule women.

Then again, maybe incels don't want to experience equal relations with women...
Jfl what a fucking cuck. I'm glad that piece of shit is gone :feelscomfy:
Well, you can talk all kinds of mad shit about women and be a misogynist like Andrew Tate apparently is, and that won't stop him from getting laid. Lmao

On a further note: I don't like women because they always made me feel like shit about myself, even when I didn't even talk to them. I've seen so many women being angry with me even when I don't acknowledge these women in any way. It just seems like they hate men they find unattractive and they can't control it. I did nothing to them - and they just hated me. Say what you want IT cucks, I don't owe women respect or nice behavior. They surely didn't feel like they owed me any of that either.
We are oversocialised and packed in big cities, women are a protected class and act upon their feeling unlike in the past whern it was more balanced. That's why we have a 3rd wave of feminism and all that crap.
I also think it is insinuated in my post that I am speaking about high-quality women
Those women are already taken, we are bottom feeders.
A toilet commented "thank you for caring us women" meanwhile she went on to do anal
What I am saying is that being haughty towards women as an incel(ugly male) will ensure that he won't get laid. Thus I argue that most users of this site are volcels as they are unwilling to adhere to social conditioning being inflicted onto them.

I think it is a good thing to not capitulate to the values pertaining to the moral standards of contemporary society.

How does a man make a career out of treating women like dirt?

This is true in some cases, however, in others the unattractive male will at least be considered as an equal human-being.

When you go out and see normie-tier men interacting with coworkers/strangers are they always received with ignorance and apathy? No, normal people are practically programmed to be hospitable to others—it is a mutual arrangement.

I am not arguing that all men who are courteous to women will be awarded with sex, and that all men who are disrespectful to women will be punished by being isolated from sexual-love: I am merely suggesting that in order to receive the affections of the opposite sex we must display the same affection we want to experience.

Love should be reciprocal, and if it isn't then do not even bother interacting with those who deny these mutual arrangements their influence.

I also think it is insinuated in my post that I am speaking about high-quality women, not the shit kind that have fucked 50+ guys by their mid twenties.

Reason, not soy.
Most arent being shitty to women though. Shitposting on here doesnt reflect real life. But again this is mixing up cause and effect. Incels are incels for reasons other than just being overly mean to everyone.

There are plenty of professions where guys actively treat women like dirt and are still rewarded by being wanted. Rappers constantly berate women in lyrics, apparently porn treats women like shit, Pimps exist too, jocks are often shitty to women. Yet all these men are still loved and wanted.

An equal human being? Jfl no, your mistake is assuming that everyone is normie tier. Most of us would do anything to live life as a normie. Unattractive guys are treated like crap by people in their day to day lives. Ignorance and apathy are exactly what they're met with. People are hospitable when it benefits them. Unattractive people rarely have any social capital.

Most of the guys who get nothing from women dont treat them horribly though. Hell most unattractive guys cant afford to act that way, they'd get fucked up by the people around them.
I have had it with these cucks
His demeanor reminds me of Jeb Bush kek
Lol glad that cuck is gone

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