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After thinking about the issue, I now actually support H1B visas.



Original recipe mod from the Serge regime.
Nov 7, 2017
Don't get me wrong, I still stand by what I've already said about H1B visas. It really is just about replacing american workers with cheap foreign labor. Chinese and Indians will work for a third of the salary as qualified American citizens because they're desperate to leave their countries. They'll also put up with much more bullshit since if they lose their job, they have to go back to their home country. This is the sole reason the program exists, and anyone telling you otherwise ("oh, its because americans are lazy, while indians and chinese come from a culture that respects hard work!" or even worse "there's a laboooooor shooooortage" ) is bullshitting you.

I simply look at these facts from a different angle. For starters, I don't work in tech, and nobody I'm still close with (which is a pretty small number of people these days) works in tech, why should I care?

Initially I thought "Well, I should at least support my fellow americans"....then I took a minute to think about the types of people who work in tech. Your average redditor. Militant ideologues who hate free speech with a passion. Not only do they support mass censorship, they actively censor us on every platform besides forums like this that are on the edge of the internet. They're why people with opinions that are even slightly outside of the overton window walk on eggshells (and still get censored). They're why the blackpill is a censored topic across all social media and people like wheat waffles say "the BP". Hell, they're why even normies have to censor themselves when it comes to certain topics and say words like "unalive".

So why should I care if Mr. Patel or Mr. Chen replaces some redditor that not only hates people like me with every fiber of their being, but also works tirelessly to censor people like me?

Yeah yeah, I know, not EVERYONE in tech is like this...but we all know it's a large majority. I challenge you to name a field that attracts redditor types more than tech.
Disagree, I don't want to be impacted by it

I also don't want Elitefags to win
So why should I care if Mr. Patel or Mr. Chen replaces some redditor that not only hates people like me with every fiber of their being, but also works tirelessly to censor people like me
The average IT guy has 0 say on censorship, that's up to the higherups
Good and Vlad point
I never even had a chance. Fuck h1b.
Disagree, I don't want to be impacted by it
If you work in tech, yeah obviously I can understand why you're opposed to it.
Disagree, I don't want to be impacted by it

I also don't want Elitefags to win
Indians will follow orders including being a Hate filled Redditor CUCKold who Loves censoring the (((jeet))) word and calling you a bigotted wyt racissst for criticizing their ant subhuman culture.

Furthermore, employing their own jeeters & jeettesses. And you and i just starve.
I'm against anything that demographically replaces white people since that will definitely make things shittier for me and people like me but it might be funny to see tech bros suddenly become anti-immigration when they all lose their jobs to migrants.
"NOOOOO you were supposed to replace the racist maga chuds, not me" :soy: :foidSoy:
I'm against anything that demographically replaces white people since that will definitely make things shittier for me and people like me but it might be funny to see tech bros suddenly become anti-immigration when they all lose their jobs to migrants.
"NOOOOO you were supposed to replace the racist maga chuds, not me" :soy: :foidSoy:
They did this with A.I. too, they were all in favor of automation when they thought working class white people were going to be replaced by it but they did a complete 180 when it started replacing tech workers "artists", and journalists instead.
This is the sole reason the program exists, and anyone telling you otherwise ("oh, its because americans are lazy, while indians and chinese come from a culture that respects hard work!" or even worse "there's a laboooooor shooooortage" ) is bullshitting you.
It's not the hard work. It's competency crisis.
Medicine and tech fields are largely occupied by foids and minorities in US.
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an eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind
an eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind
..as the minimum wage Shatters to the ground.

Shahid Kapoor Dance GIF
If only they hire SEAcels like me instead
It's based to want to destroy your enemies and see them fail.
Is it really based to care about your "enemies" so much that you'll ruin them at your own peril?
Is it really based to care about your "enemies" so much that you'll ruin them at your own peril?
Not OP and I said I was ultimately against it since this will demographically replace white people which I think is bad but I agree it's good to see tech bros get a taste of their own medicine at least.
They need to stop being cucks and repent for their transgressions.
Agreed on your points, but this also means more Pajeets and minorities around us.

Labor shortages will soon become reality. Not in tech, but for shit jobs.
I'm against anything that demographically replaces white people since that will definitely make things shittier for me and people like me but it might be funny to see tech bros suddenly become anti-immigration when they all lose their jobs to migrants.
"NOOOOO you were supposed to replace the racist maga chuds, not me" :soy: :foidSoy:
White tech bros just run start-up scams. They don't even code.
Don't get me wrong, I still stand by what I've already said about H1B visas. It really is just about replacing american workers with cheap foreign labor. Chinese and Indians will work for a third of the salary as qualified American citizens because they're desperate to leave their countries. They'll also put up with much more bullshit since if they lose their job, they have to go back to their home country. This is the sole reason the program exists, and anyone telling you otherwise ("oh, its because americans are lazy, while indians and chinese come from a culture that respects hard work!" or even worse "there's a laboooooor shooooortage" ) is bullshitting you.

I simply look at these facts from a different angle. For starters, I don't work in tech, and nobody I'm still close with (which is a pretty small number of people these days) works in tech, why should I care?

Initially I thought "Well, I should at least support my fellow americans"....then I took a minute to think about the types of people who work in tech. Your average redditor. Militant ideologues who hate free speech with a passion. Not only do they support mass censorship, they actively censor us on every platform besides forums like this that are on the edge of the internet. They're why people with opinions that are even slightly outside of the overton window walk on eggshells (and still get censored). They're why the blackpill is a censored topic across all social media and people like wheat waffles say "the BP". Hell, they're why even normies have to censor themselves when it comes to certain topics and say words like "unalive".

So why should I care if Mr. Patel or Mr. Chen replaces some redditor that not only hates people like me with every fiber of their being, but also works tirelessly to censor people like me?

Yeah yeah, I know, not EVERYONE in tech is like this...but we all know it's a large majority. I challenge you to name a field that attracts redditor types more than tech.
Another advantage to H1Bs is that they typically do a mediocre job, which then allows actual good talent to charge obscene ($500+/hr) rates to fix shitty unoptimized jeetcode. I can assure you that these "fixers" are far closer to us then they are to the typical staff that currently is employed by these companies.

There is also the benefit of destroying many foids public life in the process. Stacy and Becky are going to be far less enthusiastic about going to work in their mediocre $60k/year "career" if they are going to be around sub-5 subhumans all day for dozens of years on end.

I've had this discussion with numerous smooth brained idiots on /pol/ and other such places over the last month. H1Bs make the workplace more hostile to the main demographic destroying the west, which is by far the entitled western women class. It reduces their earning power by driving down their labor, and it makes their workplaces far more difficult to deal with. Western men should be pursuing trades and other methods of income anyways. The challenge is to only keep the H1Bs contained to jobs that are usually done by women. We don't need more cheap blue collar labor (leads to lots of fucked up shit happening).
Incoming Roman Empire tier Collapse.
@DarkStar GOD Bless America, eventually there will come a time where people will not give a shit about federal state relevancy anymore and you guys are going to Balkanized.

Thanks Jesus.
yall act like you're gonna be the one getting a job, lol
I see where you're comming from: scorched earth policy.

but currys are a non human race of scammers and spammers.
they are a detriment to lone inventors and every aspect of human living.

they poison search results, they fraud, scam, pollute where they live.

they will be a cancer to the waifubot endeavor.

they will turn where you live into a 3rd world shit hole, in your lifetime.
yall act like you're gonna be the one getting a job, lol
Smartcels have jobs in industries that are hard to outsource. I saw the writing on the wall 12 years ago when I was a youngcel and everybody, including my parents, were telling me to code. I knew that shit was a trap when boomers started parroting that shit left and right. Boomers are the counter signal to many things. If boomers like it, its likely bad for us (incels and single men in general).
My advice for youngcels itt is to go after jobs that have low male representation but have high steady pay, like nursing (actual RN/BSN nursing, not CNA shit), or jobs that are historically male and high risk/high pay but hard to outsource, like heavy equipment operations or oil rig work. Working in the oil pit will destroy you but you'll be able to clear big money and the environment will likely be completely foid free. Invest it right and you won't have to worry about money every again, at the expense of you dying 20 years younger than you previously would (a blessing in disguise perhaps).
Now i see. If i was american id rather live near liberal whites than jeets, but do whatever you want
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The H1B visas will lead to further stagnation in tech.
Smartcels have jobs in industries that are hard to outsource. I saw the writing on the wall 12 years ago when I was a youngcel and everybody, including my parents, were telling me to code. I knew that shit was a trap when boomers started parroting that shit left and right. Boomers are the counter signal to many things. If boomers like it, its likely bad for us (incels and single men in general).
rare breed
Not the original poster.
I got that far. Are you trying to say that what I said doesn't apply to OP because he doesn't work in tech so it's not at his own peril?
The H1B visas will lead to further stagnation in tech.
Most tech innovation is happening in China though, not the US. Have you seen what their video models can do compared to the USA's? Copyright and political correctness will fuck up any good western AI.
Most tech innovation is happening in China though, not the US. Have you seen what their video models can do compared to the USA's? Copyright and political correctness will fuck up any good western AI.
as i said further stagnation, US has been stagnating at the tech front for years, the breakthroughs made gets overshadowed soon after, potential talent in the US is already dismissed due to outsourcing and CEOs to worried about profit margins. Add HR to the mix and the talent flee to work on their own, severally reducing the potential finances for some spectacular tech achievements.

Tech in the US is only ahead in Weapons and profit margins, said lead becomes smaller and smaller each year.
My advice for youngcels itt is to go after jobs that have low male representation but have high steady pay, like nursing
Everyone's gonna flock to medical fields lol. That's the only place where you can find job security now.
jobs that are historically male and high risk/high pay but hard to outsource, like heavy equipment operations or oil rig work. Working in the oil pit will destroy you but you'll be able to clear big money and the environment will likely be completely foid free. Invest it right and you won't have to worry about money every again, at the expense of you dying 20 years younger than you previously would (a blessing in disguise perhaps).
You are a boomer yourself you just don't know it yet. Only difference that they tell you to join the army.
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I got that far. Are you trying to say that what I said doesn't apply to OP because he doesn't work in tech so it's not at his own peril?
I just meant that I can't speak for and don't agree with everything the original poster said but I still think he made some good points that I agree with.
I just meant that I can't speak for and don't agree with everything the original poster said but I still think he made some good points that I agree with.
ah OK
Labor shortages will soon become reality. Not in tech, but for shit jobs.

What makes you think this?

Corporations and the media push the myth of a "labor shortage" as a means to justify importing cheap labor. There is no labor shortage and for the most part, there really never was. There was a brief moment during Covid where certain industries had something vaguely resembling a labor shortage. It was easy to get hired for certain positions during that brief period of time, but that's long over, and it's very unlikely anything like that will happen again for a long time.

I work in fast food, which is a "shit job" if ever there was one. We have people applying everyday. We get so many applicants that we don't even interview most of the people who apply. Not only that, but we recently only started hiring part time. It's now a privilege to work this job (again, we're talking about fast food) full time.

Also I've been applying to other jobs since I'm desperate to escape the hell that is fast food. Most of the jobs I apply for are minimum wage or close to it, just in other industries. I rarely even get an interview.

I really don't see any path to a "labor shortage". Either AI will live up to expectations and the shit jobs will be automated, or AI will fail to live up to expectations and that will trigger a recession and the job market will be like 2008.
What makes you think this?

Corporations and the media push the myth of a "labor shortage" as a means to justify importing cheap labor. There is no labor shortage and for the most part, there really never was. There was a brief moment during Covid where certain industries had something vaguely resembling a labor shortage. It was easy to get hired for certain positions during that brief period of time, but that's long over, and it's very unlikely anything like that will happen again for a long time.

I work in fast food, which is a "shit job" if ever there was one. We have people applying everyday. We get so many applicants that we don't even interview most of the people who apply. Not only that, but we recently only started hiring part time. It's now a privilege to work this job (again, we're talking about fast food) full time.

Also I've been applying to other jobs since I'm desperate to escape the hell that is fast food. Most of the jobs I apply for are minimum wage or close to it, just in other industries. I rarely even get an interview.

I really don't see any path to a "labor shortage". Either AI will live up to expectations and the shit jobs will be automated, or AI will fail to live up to expectations and that will trigger a recession and the job market will be like 2008.
Depends on the area, I assume you are living in an overpopulated area, I live in a small town and multiple businesses had to shut down because nobody wants to do it anymore.
I agree the issue is overblown though.
Depends on the area, I assume you are living in an overpopulated area, I live in a small town and multiple businesses had to shut down because nobody wants to do it anymore.
I agree the issue is overblown though.
Are you sure the reason these businesses shut down was a lack of workers, and not a lack of customers? It's almost always the latter in small towns from what I've seen.

I've also known people who lived in small towns who moved to my city, and every single time I ask them why, they said "there's no jobs where I'm from". Every. Single. Time.

That said, they were all from economically poor small towns. I suppose if you live in an affluent small town that's too far from any large population center to reasonably commute to, it would be harder to find workers for minimum wage jobs since it would be impossible to support yourself on such an income. But that's an extremely specific and rare circumstance.

But in general, when corporations say there's "a labor shortage" that always means they just want cheaper labor. Either they're saying that because they want to import cheaper labor overseas, or because they're trying to gaslight the general public into opposing minimum wage increases. This is even worse than the 3/10 woman with 7 orbiters and 2500 tinder likes complaining she can't find a boyfriend.
Are you sure the reason these businesses shut down was a lack of workers, and not a lack of customers? It's almost always the latter in small towns from what I've seen.
All the people that worked there were old people who just wanted something to do and then they retired. Nobody wanted to do it because it's a shit minimum wage job and being able to work for minimum wage isn't a privilege where I'm at.
But in general, when corporations say there's "a labor shortage" that always means they just want cheaper labor. Either they're saying that because they want to import cheaper labor overseas, or because they're trying to gaslight the general public into opposing minimum wage increases. This is even worse than the 3/10 woman with 7 orbiters and 2500 tinder likes complaining she can't find a boyfriend.
I mostly agree you with on this though, but it is largely dependent on the area.
I think it's crazy whenever I hear people like you talk about filling out 100 applications to work at McDonalds part-time for minimum wage, I imagine the only way that's possible is if you live in a very large city that is 90% service jobs and has no real industry.
All the people that worked there were old people who just wanted something to do and then they retired. Nobody wanted to do it because it's a shit minimum wage job and being able to work for minimum wage isn't a privilege where I'm at.

I guess where you live meets the rare criteria to be an exception.

But in 99 percent of America, there is absolutely no shortage of low skill workers fiending for a job, and they'll take any job they can get and cling to it for dear life. Just like there's no shortage of men who are willing to date even women in the bottom 1 percent of looks.
There is also the benefit of destroying many foids public life in the process. Stacy and Becky are going to be far less enthusiastic about going to work in their mediocre $60k/year "career" if they are going to be around sub-5 subhumans all day for dozens of years on end.
I have no skin in the game, but this is the main reason I am in favor of these visas :feelsokman:

I don't want roasties to be fantasizing about white techbro pretty boy chads. I want them to share a cubicle with subhuman ugly men :feelsokman:
But in 99 percent of America, there is absolutely no shortage of low skill workers fiending for a job, and they'll take any job they can get and cling to it for dear life. Just like there's no shortage of men who are willing to date even women in the bottom 1 percent of looks.
Guess I should be grateful then but it still pisses me off because all the females in my area make way more than me despite not really contributing that much.
I just try to keep my ego in check and not sperg out and lose opportunities, but it's annoying being stuck on the bottom even if the bottom isn't that bad.
I really think you live in a major city though or shitty state though, I feel like more smaller cities/states aren't this bad yet, factory work pays really good everywhere in my state and it's not hard to get hired at all.
How it this related to Inceldom? This thread should have been in Politics subforum
I support h1b visas because it means more low inhib currycels might rapemaxx with american foids.

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