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Africa Is Dating On Easy Mode?



Dec 21, 2017
So I was watching some mirrored videos on YouTube by the YouTuber Darwinian Thought and I came across one of the videos from the African version of the dating show "Take Me Out". The guys who went on there were not good looking at all especially the 2nd guy who was not only a manlet but super corny yet he still had no problem getting a date. If that was the western version he would have gone home alone. I mog both of these guys and I think I would have the pick of the litter if I went to Africa. It might be better than Asia for ethnic guys because all the white guys take the women in South East Asia. I'm not a volcel and I would go to Africa if it meant I could get pussy on demand over there.

Crazy man how different it is.
Yeah def different. But they are black women so kinda meh.

@face_and_lms hope for you tbh ITT

St.Tropez said:
Crazy man how different it is.
Yeah def different. But they are black women so kinda meh.

@face_and_lms hope for you tbh ITT


He should try swiping in other countries. Im curious to see his results.
you want to get ebola? lol
having a strong african lady, who is also beautiful, as your wife, would be heaven.

holy fucking shit.

if i get a son with an african lady.

he will be like 6'7-6'8 mixed, if I get a 7/10 PSL african he might end up as 6.5 mixed black at 2 meters height.... he will be a slayer
ghostcell said:
having a strong african lady, who is also beautiful, as your wife, would be heaven.

she would destroy you kek
St.Tropez said:
Crazy man how different it is.
Yeah def different. But they are black women so kinda meh.

@face_and_lms hope for you tbh ITT


Their faces are not as pretty as other races but a lot have great bodies
So there’s hope in Africa I see
LOL Africa is full of subhuman blacks chicks that carry diseases, the only countries with little to no hiv/aids diseases are muslim countries. And they wont accept a fornicating subhuman
Go ahead if you wanna catch stds
Most people are starving and have aids in Africa, so they have more important things to consider (like not dying)
theultimate341 said:
How do you know?

90%(generous estimate) of the african females i have seen look subhuman.
Hunter said:
90%(generous estimate) of the african females i have seen look subhuman.

Wouldn’t that be an incels lookmatch? Jfl @ you.
theultimate341 said:
Wouldn’t that be an incels lookmatch? Jfl @ you.

well... you got me there lol.
Hunter said:
90%(generous estimate) of the african females i have seen look subhuman.
There are girls in that video that are bangable. You're volcel if you wouldn't bang the girl that got the first date
it's also AIDS on easy mode
fukmylyf said:
it's also AIDS on easy mode
Lol SEA also has the same aids rate as some of countries in Africa but nobody talks about that
NeverSubmit said:
Lol SEA also has the same aids rate as some of countries in Africa but nobody talks about that

I believe it.
Yes I guess it will be a lot easier in Africa or South America.
In Africa the Muslim women are legit but you have to marry them. I find certain tribal women very attractive too. Not into the regulars who fuck around as much as Westerners minus protection and medicine. Those tribal chicks with painted faces and gold bangals though...
theultimate341 said:
Wouldn’t that be an incels lookmatch? Jfl @ you.

You are right Gon. It is quite a weird situatio but I wouldn't date them cause I am not attracted to them.
It just creates mixed mentalcels like me.
African nigger chicks are fucking mental. Moreso than American ones.
Look at the Femoid that was running to the first guy and hugging him intensely despite not knowing him. Look at her crying simply because he gave her a chance. This is the life of the genetically superior man. Only Chad experiences this.
Kong Rong said:
It just creates mixed mentalcels like me.
Not another mentalcel teenager this forum is a joke

RichCel said:
African nigger chicks are fucking mental. Moreso than American ones.
I have seen what you're talking about although nobody is worse than americans

DankIncel said:
Look at the Femoid that was running to the first guy and hugging him intensely despite not knowing him. Look at her crying simply because he gave her a chance. This is the life of the genetically superior man. Only Chad experiences this.
I noticed that too if he's a chad in Africa then they must have really low standards over there
Kong Rong said:
It just creates mixed mentalcels like me.
Tfw white people don't like you because you're not white enough, and black people don't like you because you're not black enough. Having no racial identity is correlated with mental issues.
St.Tropez said:
You are right Gon. It is quite a weird situatio but I wouldn't date them cause I am not attracted to them.

Yea you love whites only and non whales.
NeverSubmit said:
I noticed that too if he's a chad in Africa then they must have really low standards over there

You can't be serious he is actually pretty attractive. He mogs me to oblivion. I wish I looked half as attractive as he is. Just look at his facial features.
DankIncel said:
You can't be serious he is actually pretty attractive. He mogs me to oblivion. I wish I looked half as attractive as he is. Just look at his facial features.
He would be average looking in the west definitely not chad.
RichCel said:
African nigger chicks are fucking mental. Moreso than American ones.


NeverSubmit said:
Not another mentalcel teenager this forum is a joke

I'm an 18 year old who looks 15 and has autism do you really think I could get laid.

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