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Aferlife theories ranked



Sep 22, 2024

There were others but I didnt really know what they meant so these were the only ones I did

S tier:
ISEKAI: I know this is weird but it is my dream to be isekaid. I have day dreamed about being isekaid to a world of swords and magic for hours everyday for the past couple years.

A Tier:
heaven: pretty obviously a good pic

B Tier:
Nothing: Nothing is pretty meh. on one hand it sounds peaceful, I imagine it would be similiar to sleeping but without waking up or dreaming. But on the other hand the eternal death of my consciousness and thought sounds pretty scary.
We are in a simulation: I assume this would be the same as nothing after death.

Nightmare tier:
Reincarnation/We are all same person (i assume these are the same): holy shit this sounds bad. There is no escape to the burden of life. And the chance of living a life thats okay is like 3% or something. thousands of years of torture just for one good life. How many lives are you a cobalt slave miner or a worm until you are chico. And even if you kill yourself you are just born again. We were talking about this one today in my philosophy class and i looked around the room imagining being other people and cringed.

Being a ghost: This one doesnt make any sense logically, but sounds hellish. Okay, you're a ghost on this world for a couple hundred thousand years. Then what. I assume it goes on for eternity? so when the sun explodes and theres nothing you remain conscious. Frightening.

Hell: obviously bad

Nothing seems like the most logical thing that happens after death though i Am praying God isekais me. What do you guys think about my tier list? Any changes? what do you want to happen when you die?
All retarded. Afterlife concepts only exists because your brain hallucinates while you're dying.
All retarded. Afterlife concepts only exists because your brain hallucinates while you're dying.
Would'nt that imply nothingness? which is an afterlife theory?
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guys pls respond to my thread i really wanna know what yall think :(
isekai is basically the same as reincarnation but worse, what are the chances you are the gigachad slayer with magical powers?
i honestly believe that when we die, we just repeat this life with maybe some variation
isekai is basically the same as reincarnation but worse, what are the chances you are the gigachad slayer with magical powers?
Even if i'm normal magic would be giga fun to study. sometimes i think about what it would take for me to be happy, and i think magic existing is the one thing. Also idk how to word this exactly, but isekai is so illogical and unlikely to happen that if it was too happen would'nt you be one of the op mcs? Think about the types of people who are usually isekaid. they are like us.
Reincarnation is A tier. I highly doubt you will be reincarnated into the same world; that would make no sense. I have hope to reincarnate into a different and better world and use my wisdom there.
I'm just expecting the worse tbh. My heaven would be far away from this world. I don't see how anything could make me happy, so I doubt I could be fulfilled in heaven :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
Reincarnation is A tier. I highly doubt you will be reincarnated into the same world; that would make no sense. I have hope to reincarnate into a different and better world and use my wisdom there.
I have a hard time comprehending other worlds aside from earth and worlds written about in stories. What do you think the other world would be like? Most fantasy/scifi worlds in fiction are worse than earth, and life on earth is already miserable. And like i've been saying, there is no escape from your problems even if you kill yourself because you keep coming back. you will never have peace.
i honestly believe that when we die, we just repeat this life with maybe some variation
Hope the next variation I will be born better looking, with a big schlong, a good voice, and 6'4. It would be nice if we started on like new game plus, but instead next time we have god like powers and can will whatever we want into existence.
That sounds hellish. there would be no escape even if you kill yourself, you just keep coming back to this incel life.
I believe I have lived this life before. I'm 99% sure I killed myself last time though.
That sounds hellish. there would be no escape even if you kill yourself, you just keep coming back to this incel life.
worst thing about it is that when you reincarnate, you never know whats in store for you
Hope the next variation I will be born better looking, with a big schlong, a good voice, and 6'4. It would be nice if we started on like new game plus, but instead next time we have god like powers and can will whatever we want into existence.
yes, if only
worst thing about it is that when you reincarnate, you never know whats in store for you

yes, if only
There's no way that God sent us here to test our character. He already knew who we would become because he's the one who created us in the first place.

Plus it serves no purpose unless he wants us to create our own worlds and creations once we die.
There's no way that God sent us here to test our character. He already knew who we would become because he's the one who created us in the first place.

Plus it serves no purpose unless he wants us to create our own worlds and creations once we die.
that assumes there is a God.
I have a hard time comprehending other worlds aside from earth and worlds written about in stories. What do you think the other world would be like? Most fantasy/scifi worlds in fiction are worse than earth, and life on earth is already miserable. And like i've been saying, there is no escape from your problems even if you kill yourself because you keep coming back. you will never have peace.
I have no idea. It could be modern city with robot people or a medieval one. But reincarnating into the same world just doesn't make sense, you would be seeing babies doing crazy shit.
I have no idea. It could be modern city with robot people or a medieval one. But reincarnating into the same world just doesn't make sense, you would be seeing babies doing crazy shit.
I mean, I assumed your memories were wiped when you got reincarnated, though that makes me wonder if you are really the same person if your memories are wiped?
God definitely exists. I just wish he guided us along instead of casting us out into this fucked up world.
the idea of something like the christian God seems illogical to me. though maybe God is something more of a concept that i'm too low iq to undertand
the idea of something like the christian God seems illogical to me. though maybe God is something more of a concept that i'm too low iq to undertand
If hell is real then it's so fucking over for me. I am a miserable prick :fuk:
If hell is real then it's so fucking over for me. I am a miserable prick :fuk:
the idea of Hell does not seem logical to me, because Hell can not exist unless God is a real entity, and God is evil. Im low iq but If God was real why would he make a hell? How could you suffer for eternity for finite crimes? Are you truly evil if God made you to be that way? God knew you would be evil and still created you leading to your eternal suffering.
the idea of Hell does not seem logical to me, because Hell can not exist unless God is a real entity, and God is evil. Im low iq but If God was real why would he make a hell? How could you suffer for eternity for finite crimes? Are you truly evil if God made you to be that way? God knew you would be evil and still created you leading to your eternal suffering.
I mean he cast the devil out knowing he would fall, so who knows really :waitwhat:
I mean he cast the devil out knowing he would fall, so who knows really :waitwhat:
I have never done anything that was heinously morally wrong, and I never plan on it. Unless God is super strict and I have to follow whatever religion exactly then I probably won't be going to hell so I'm not too worried about it even if it does exist.

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