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Blackpill Adolf Hitler was incel



Nov 15, 2017
According to Kubizek, Hitler never spoke to Stefanie, always saying he would do so "tomorrow".[5] Kubizek wrote that Hitler loathed those who flirted with her, especially the military officers, whom he called "conceited blockheads";[6]he came to feel an "uncompromising enmity towards the officer class as a whole, and everything military in general. It annoyed him that Stefanie mixed with such idlers who, he insisted, wore corsets and used scent".[6]

Hitler insisted that Kubizek stalk Stefanie and delivered daily reports on her activity while he was away visiting his mother or family.[7] In one report, Kubizek wrote that Stefanie loved to dance and had taken lessons. Hitler disliked dancing and reportedly replied, "Stefanie only dances because she is forced to by society on which she unfortunately depends on. Once Stefanie is my wife, she won't have the slightest desire to dance!"[7] In June 1906, Stefanie allegedly gave Hitler a smile and a flower from her bouquet as she was passing him in her carriage.[8] Kubizek later described the scene:

"Never again did I see Adolf as happy as he was at that moment. When the carriage had passed he dragged me aside and with emotion he gazed at the flower, this visible pledge of her love. I can still hear his voice, trembling with excitement, 'She loves me!' "[8]
After Hitler's mother died of breast cancer in 1907, the funeral procession went through Urfahr to Leonding. Kubizek remarks that Hitler said he had seen Stefanie at the funeral procession, which gave him some consolation.[6] Kubizek claims that "Stefanie had no idea how deeply Adolf was in love with her; she regarded him as a somewhat shy, but nevertheless remarkably tenacious and faithful, admirer. When she responded with a smile to his inquiring glance, he was happy and his mood became unlike anything I had ever observed in him. But when Stefanie, as happened just as often, coldly ignored his gaze, he was crushed and ready to destroy himself and the whole world."[6]

Kubizek claims that Hitler finally stated he planned to kidnap Stefanie and kill both her and himself by jumping off a bridge into the Danube.[9] Instead he moved to Vienna, where, according to Kubizek, an idealised image of Stefanie became his moral touchstone.[10]Stefanie stated in later interviews that she was unaware of Hitler at the time, but that she had received an anonymous love letter asking her to wait for him to graduate and then to marry him, which she only realised after being questioned about him, must have been from Hitler.[10] She recalled: "I once received a letter from someone who said they were to attend the Academy of Arts, and that I should wait for him; he could come back and marry me! I had no idea who the letter might have been from or who I should have send it to."

Kershaw notes that as a soldier during the First World War, Hitler did not take part in discussions of sex with his comrades. When teased about his celibacy during this period, Hitler responded by saying "I'd die of shame looking for sex with a French girl," and "Have you no German sense of honour left at all?"[8] When asked by a comrade if he had ever loved a girl, Hitler replied "I've never had time for anything like that, and I'll never get round to it."[9]
Mentalcel. Full head of hair at 50+ and blue eyes, already mogs me to oblivion with just those two.

He was definitely above 5/10 tbh.
He was definitely above 5/10 tbh.
He was a 6/10, only because of his blue eyes. Without them he was a 4.

He went on to lose his virginity in his 20s according to Leon Degrelle.

I agree there was a mentalcel component. Everybody was kind of extremely bluepilled at the time, thinking about love in terms of "soul mates" and similar idealistic/romantic crap. Hitler later came to abandon romantism and adopt a very blackpill view of women as weak things meant to be tamed.
No shit. Nobody that wants to exterminate an entire group of people has sex.
He was a 6/10, only because of his blue eyes. Without them he was a 4.

He went on to lose his virginity in his 20s according to Leon Degrelle.

I agree there was a mentalcel component. Everybody was kind of extremely bluepilled at the time, thinking about love in terms of "soul mates" and similar idealistic/romantic crap. Hitler later came to abandon romantism and adopt a very blackpill view of women as weak things meant to be tamed.

He should have spam approached those Fräulein with "hey babe did you know I'm organizing a militia to overthrow Bayern's government?" game tbh tbh tbh tbh :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:
No shit. Nobody that wants to exterminate an entire group of people has sex.
You know for someone with redpilled in their name you are one of the most blue pilled posters here. Your posts are absolute cancer
You know for someone with redpilled in their name you are one of the most blue pilled posters here. Your posts are absolute cancer

Because I tell SFcels the truth that they don't want to accept. Alright, you're right: they actually have TONS of sex and tons of Chads in their midsts. They TOTALLY aren't by and large just coping rejects. And you call me blue-pilled. Your problem is that you respond to a mass delusion (blue pill ideology) with simply another moronic delusion.
If I fought for Germany during the First World War, I'd be Hitler's friend tbh.
Stalin mogs him
I bet he didnt lose just one testicle in WW1. He prob lost both.
Because I tell SFcels the truth that they don't want to accept. Alright, you're right: they actually have TONS of sex and tons of Chads in their midsts. They TOTALLY aren't by and large just coping rejects. And you call me blue-pilled. Your problem is that you respond to a mass delusion (blue pill ideology) with simply another moronic delusion.
Hitler wanting to exterminate all the jews is the biggest blue pill out there. He allowed jews to leave germany all the way up until the war started. Why would he have let them leave if he wanted to exterminate all the jews? Not only that, IT'S ILLEGAL TO QUESTION THIS EXTERMINATION IN 17 COUNTRIES ACROSS EUROPE. Wake up
Brutal blackpill, thanks to WW2 we are now here today Hitler
Because I tell SFcels the truth that they don't want to accept. Alright, you're right: they actually have TONS of sex and tons of Chads in their midsts. They TOTALLY aren't by and large just coping rejects. And you call me blue-pilled. Your problem is that you respond to a mass delusion (blue pill ideology) with simply another moronic delusion.

There are far more anti-racist incels here than racist ones. How does that not delegitimize your own views if "sfcel" views are delegitimized by their virginity?
Hitler was an asshole AND Is The enemy
Hitler wanting to exterminate all the jews is the biggest blue pill out there. He allowed jews to leave germany all the way up until the war started. Why would he have let them leave if he wanted to exterminate all the jews? Not only that, IT'S ILLEGAL TO QUESTION THIS EXTERMINATION IN 17 COUNTRIES ACROSS EUROPE. Wake up

1.) Original comment was made partially in jest. Nontheless there's obvious truth to it.

2.) I've heard all these various theories about what Hitler "really" wanted to do or what "really" happened. Known an awful lot of actual people whose grandparents were killed in a concentration camp though for something that "never happened."

3.) I criticize Israel all the time so I'm certainly no jew-worshiper.

4.) All this is irrelevant as you're attempting to change the subject. SFcels are fucking retarded. End of.
There are far more anti-racist incels here than racist ones. How does that not delegitimize your own views if "sfcel" views are delegitimized by their virginity?

Hating your fellow man because of what women have done to you is not only wrong, its also pretty cucked.
Hitler was a sensitive soul.
Adolf Hitler Feeding Baby Deer
I wish I could have had a cup of tea and a scone with him. He also wasn't racist, he had great respect for Muslims, Indians, and the Japanese. It's really a shame how the normies have smeared him. Wanting the best for your own race does not mean hating other races. Personally I despise white Americans far more than any other ethnic group on the planet, but mongs like Robert would probably call me a bigot anyways.
Just looked up this Adolf Hitler guy, he seems like a real jerk
he probably was seeing the sexy culture in the usa and had a melt down
2.) I've heard all these various theories about what Hitler "really" wanted to do or what "really" happened. Known an awful lot of actual people whose grandparents were killed in a concentration camp though for something that "never happened."
If they were killed then how did their children survive? Don't you see the blaring contradiction here?
3.) I criticize Israel all the time so I'm certainly no jew-worshiper.
You accept their claim that they were gassed by the milions by hitler, even though no one is allowed to investigate these claims without being thrown in jail. You might as well be a jew worshipper
If they were killed then how did their children survive? Don't you see the blaring contradiction here?

You accept their claim that they were gassed by the milions by hitler, even though no one is allowed to investigate these claims without being thrown in jail. You might as well be a jew worshipper

I don't accept all of it and I've known for a long time that even academics aren't allowed to question it without getting in trouble. I used to be more or less on the far-right myself believe it ot not, and that's a big part of why I'm now so against it because I've seen how self-defeating and pointless it is at the end of the day. So believe me I used to believe pretty much all the same shit you SFcels did years ago. But you need to understand that your fellow man is not the enemy: women are the enemy.

That being said to deny that there were concentration camps and stuff at this point is like denying that the earth revolves around the sun. So I don't believe in their "6 million" bullshit and obviously they milk it (e.g. if people criticize Israel for killing innocent Palestinians) "oy very vasn't 6 million enough?!" but clearly the holocaust did happen in some form.
women are the enemy..
Women don't have the agency nor the intelligence to engineer the sort of social changes that have taken place in the last 100 years. The jews are the enemy
clearly the holocaust did happen in some form.
I never said that it didn't happen, only that the official narrative is complete bullshit including hitler wanting to exterminate the Jewish race
Good post. I always felt Hitler was painfully shy with women, and had faced rejection. But I wasn't aware of his limerence for this woman. I'm reading the whole Wiki article now.
Some high IQ posts just deserve a bump
Sounds like me, funny how over 100 years later incels still give the same canned responses when questioned about our sexual experience
Stalin mogs him

He was also a manlet with a lame arm. I don't know really know much about his personal life, but I imagine Koba the revolutionarycel wasn't often diverted by matters amorous.
He did the greatest ER though.

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