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JFL Adolf Hitler was a virtue signaling SJW.

Blackpill Rage

Blackpill Rage

Ethnic sfcel
Feb 10, 2019
One of the most interesting aspects of the German foreign policy was the economic and military relationship with China and Japan. Hitler saw China and Japan as equals to Germany and established strong economic links with these countries, particularly with China. Chinese and Japanese were seen as “honorary Aryans and in The Political Testament of Adolf Hitler, he wrote: “Pride in one’s race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their history is superior to our own.

Adolf Hitler once said himself that Asian history was superior to White history (which is demonstrably not true). This is a direct quote from Hitler on what he thought about Asians.

“I admit freely that their history is superior to our own”

He obviously doesn't believe this and the only reason he said that was to virtue signal for the Japanese since they were allies.

Imagine that. Adolf Hitler himself, who created one of the most based society in history, was a virtue signaling SJW.

JFL!!!! :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
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Why would he not believe it?

While he did believe in a lot of fairy tales he also knew history pretty well, when his Ancestors were living in mud huts Chinese were living in complex 100k+ cities.
China is a much larger country than pre Hitler Germany. It's no secret their history were superior.
Its hard to believe anything said about hitler though You have to understand he was in dire need of allies considering the fact that he was up against the entire anglosphere and world jewry combined. These newspeak words like “sjw” and “virtue signaling” are meaningless
he was probably referring to civilization building / the economical history of china and japan
An sjw would never virtue signal for asian. They all do it in certain cases.
Hitler was a sensitive man.
Why would he not believe it?

While he did believe in a lot of fairy tales he also knew history pretty well, when his Ancestors were living in mud huts Chinese were living in complex 100k+ cities.
China is a much larger country than pre Hitler Germany. It's no secret their history were superior.
JFL if you actually believe this. Germany was first allied with the Chinese and then the Japanese. Hitler was obviously virtue signalling when he said that nonsense.
and he liked islam. but he still considered arabs as inferior.
Well, it was a matter of historical truth, what was he supposed to say?

The era of Otto the Great was their high point, and while impressive, it doesn't really compare to either China or Japan. The greatest contribution of Germany seems to be in stuff like art, music and philosophy. They never were that impressive as empire builders.
Well, it was a matter of historical truth, what was he supposed to say?

The era of Otto the Great was their high point, and while impressive, it doesn't really compare to either China or Japan. The greatest contribution of Germany seems to be in stuff like art, music and philosophy. They never were that impressive as empire builders.
Sub-atomic IQ gigacope. Germans actually invented stuff. Japs and chinks have not.
Sub-atomic IQ gigacope. Germans actually invented stuff. Japs and chinks have not.

I'm not particularly impressed by modern science, "inventions" and the like. I'm a Guenonian traditionalist, i care very little for the mythology of modern progressivism.
JFL @ anyone who honestly believe Hitler thought Asians were superior.

Sub-atomic IQ gigacope. Germans actually invented stuff. Japs and chinks have not.
gunpowder/paper/printing/compass etc

he was referring to ancient history long before germany was even a nation state
Absolutely insignificant compared to German inventions much less White inventions.
most of which are modern inventions and not part of germany's history pre hitler hence his point
Germans were eating grass and wearing animal hides while the Chinese were living in huge cities

ofc their history is superior

He never said they were superior, he was talking about their history
Ancient Chinese living in "huge cities" = 1 million + peasants crammed into slums.

Adolf Hitler once said himself that Asian history was superior to White history (which is demonstrably not true). This is a direct quote from Hitler on what he thought about Asians.

“I admit freely that their history is superior to our own”

He obviously doesn't believe this and the only reason he said that was to virtue signal for the Japanese since they were allies.

Imagine that. Adolf Hitler himself, who created one of the most based society in history, was a virtue signaling SJW.

JFL!!!! :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
Hitler called poles subhuman then kidnapped over 200,000 blonde polish kids to be raised in german homes during the war.
I understand saying that about China... but Japan? Throughout most of recorded history, Japan was basically the West Virginia of East Asia.
None of us would be Incels if hitler had won the war.
JFL @ anyone who honestly believe Hitler thought Asians were superior.


He didn't say that though.

Julius Evola considered the English superior to the Hindu by race but he still argued Hindu civilization was far more impressive than anything the English came up with (and that was during the height of English domination of India). I'm sure Hitler is running on the same theme. The Germans were superior by race but not by culture is probably what he believed.

I mean, ignoring the question of race for a second, there's an easy example out there of how power does not actually equal greatness: America. Even in this age of decline America is still a powerful force in the world and is the leader in terms of technological advancements but is anyone going to argue American culture isn't among the most idiotic in the history of humanity?

Just because same worthless brute can probably beat up a mystic or a sage doesn't mean the brute in question is superior to the latter. I think this analogy probably elucidates the mistake in believing the "west" is superior to anyone only because of their sheer material power.
Not to mention their entire culture is just a ripped off of China.

Non-sequitur. Every tribe that rose from barbarism to civilization took their culture from someone else. The Germans are no different.
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So a guy told me.. that jews were already using their money to fund countless opposing nations groups societies throughout history and making them go to war with eachother, prior to the 1940's holocaust in Europe. Is this true?
Adolf Hitler was basically the historical equivalent of a /pol/ (or tumblr) browsing aimless basement dweller before he fought in WWI and entered politics professionally after. He was a SJW for the Aryan peoples, believed they needed a protected safe space where they could be Aryan together free from subversions and sabotage from outside forces.

Of course he was a weeb at heart.
Why would he not believe it?

While he did believe in a lot of fairy tales he also knew history pretty well, when his Ancestors were living in mud huts Chinese were living in complex 100k+ cities.
OP clearly showing a huge lacking in his knowledge of ancient history.
So a guy told me.. that jews were already using their money to fund countless opposing nations groups societies throughout history and making them go to war with eachother, prior to the 1940's holocaust in Europe. Is this true?

It's been going on since Roman times.

Adolf Hitler once said himself that Asian history was superior to White history (which is demonstrably not true). This is a direct quote from Hitler on what he thought about Asians.

“I admit freely that their history is superior to our own”

He obviously doesn't believe this and the only reason he said that was to virtue signal for the Japanese since they were allies.

Imagine that. Adolf Hitler himself, who created one of the most based society in history, was a virtue signaling SJW.

JFL!!!! :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
Probably realized Asians IQ mogged whites, but weren't Jewish. And their women would fuck them

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