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JFL ADHD foid proposed to a 5’6 manlet

I remember i met an autistic foid last year at college, she was one of the few females that actually treated me like a human. She was borderline unbereable tho
lol at zoomers thinking ADHD is a viable mental illness that makes you special and different for having. This foid sounds more autistic than anything
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lol at zoomers thinking ADHD is a viable mental illness. This foid sounds more autistic than anything
Kek, also, r/foreveralonewomen how pathetic
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Screenshot in case the original post gets deleted.

Looking for shrooms on tinder...? Not even using the app for hookups - what a joke. Least it turned into something, I guess. :lul:

How is her sister going to be the laughing stock of the family - just because he's short? No love, YOU are the laughingstock. Remain forever alone (by choice) - see if anyone else cares.

Short-shaming. Whenever a toilet doesn't care about height other toilets go out of their way to shame her for her preference. Shortcels aren't incels because there are not enough toilets that like short men, they're incels because the toilets that would love them don't want to be laughed at by their social circles.
View attachment 695073

Screenshot in case the original post gets deleted.

Short-shaming. Whenever a toilet doesn't care about height other toilets go out of their way to shame her for her preference. Shortcels aren't incels because there are not enough toilets that like short men, they're incels because the toilets that would love them don't want to be laughed at by their social circles.
16k notifications!!!!! Crazy
Likely has a good face, though; JFL at the "forever alone" foid still holding such disgust and looking down upon manlets. :feelswhat:

All this is entirely expected; their own privilege and the numerous benefits of hypergamy and widely accepted moral degeneracy award them a standard of living so high that this entitlement is absolutely inevitable, even not getting the door open for them is seen as some sort of forever fate of loneliness and isolation, while actual subhumans face the actual discrimination of society... :feelsclown:

Entirely likely she's had millions of chances, too ignorant to even consider them if all she can think of is not receiving the exact same amount of attention as Stacy; it's a skinny white foid, by the looks of it, so in no way ever is she "forever alone", though perhaps from the Chads she so likely exclusively looks out for. :feelsjuice:
>more specifically yaoi in anime (gay relationships)

lifefuel for @shii410 tbh

Our resident gay fujoshi @shii410 would get along very well with her
I remember i met an autistic foid last year at college, she was one of the few females that actually treated me like a human. She was borderline unbereable tho
Definitely punchable dumb foids should be eliminated
Interesting jfl
Her favorite topic is anime, more specifically yaoi in anime (gay relationships). You think that would be a big turn off for most guys, but not her boyfriend.
JFL. Look, as long as you aren't morbidly obese and have a working vagina nobody gives a shit about what you're into.
Likely has a good face, though; JFL at the "forever alone" foid still holding such disgust and looking down upon manlets. :feelswhat:
Reddit OP can’t be happy because a short man is her relative now :feelsclown:
lol at zoomers thinking ADHD is a viable mental illness that makes you special and different for having. This foid sounds more autistic than anything
It is, its just been over-diagnosed by all these kike doctors so they can give everyone jew pills. Actual ADHD is an extreme hinderance for those with more severe versions of it. Even if what you said is true by that logic spergs are even less viable cause they act more NT than most NT people (sociopathic, dark triad, etc)
It is, its just been over-diagnosed by all these kike doctors so they can give everyone jew pills. Actual ADHD is an extreme hinderance for those with more severe versions of it.
Of course some kids will truly have it their whole lives and it can be genetic, but the vast majority were diagnosed with the meme version of the disorder which is the result of modern social conditioning. It's the result of cell phones, TV, high fructose/modern goyslop foods, and an overall lack of drive caused by the above. That's why practically every zoomer has it. All of this nstant gratification will halt progress and prevent the brilliant minds of today from doing anything valuable, leading to the decay of the west as we know it, but that's a whole different can of worms
Even if what you said is true by that logic spergs are even less viable cause they act more NT than most NT people (sociopathic, dark triad, etc)
>Non NTs act more NT than NTs

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A literal femcel was badmouthing the manlet and says she feels sorry for her sister. How is this lifefuel in any way?
"I thought pickmes didn't get picked."
Women being this stupid should be a crime.
View attachment 695073

Screenshot in case the original post gets deleted.

Short-shaming. Whenever a toilet doesn't care about height other toilets go out of their way to shame her for her preference. Shortcels aren't incels because there are not enough toilets that like short men, they're incels because the toilets that would love them don't want to be laughed at by their social circles.
Screenshot 8

Mogs me
How is that sub even a thing lmao :feelshaha: at least we incels have our reasons there is NO reason a toilet should not be able to find a bf. She probably has insane standards while being fat and ugly. But this post is a banger, there's so much to delve into the mind of an entitled toilet even in such a short time. Let me translate some toiletese for you fine 'cels.

"You think that would be a big turn off for most guys, but not her boyfriend. The weird thing is he doesn't like anime at all."
-toilet cannot understand that literally no guy would be put off of a girl just because she likes anime. That's either something completely irrelevant and to many guys it would be a bonus. Toilet is thinking with toiletbrain because in the minds of foids if a guy has an interest in anime or something that she doesn't like it is a turn off. Classic toilet thinking that men think in their retarded ass way.

"Additionally she's always been quite a bit of a pickme. I thought pickmes didn't get picked but apparently that's not always true"
-from what I gather of toilet terminology a "pickme" is a girl that actually puts effort in order to get the man she wants, is actually willing to not be a bitch, is actually willing to be feminine and cook and clean etc. In what universe is a man going to not go for that? Toilet OP probably doesn't even shave her armpits and thinks that cooking is demeaning or some shit. Complete retardation.

"Also he is 5'6" and a nurse. She is going to be the laughingstock of the family now"
-classic toilet heightism. Maybe your sister got picked because she was actually willing to put up with a guy under 6 feet? Is this another example of what toilets call being a "pickme". OH GUURRL HE UNDER 6'5 STOP LOWERING THE STANDARDS FO ALL DA LADIES!! Jesus...

the comments are equally dogshit as you would expect from such a sub and I could write a fucking thesis on it but I cba and this post is already tl;dr
Getting proposed to is cucked.

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