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Serious Actually mentalcel



Weeb trash
Feb 22, 2018
So most of you guys call eachother autistic or mental,
But how many of you actually are, and I mean diagnosed *no self diagnoses.

I'm diagnosed autistic aspergers, social anxiety and anti social personality disorder aka sociopath.
And probably more but they stop labelling you at a certain point after years of useless therapy.
I have psychiatrist diagnosis
If you're not diagnosed by a legit doctor as mentalcel, then GTFO.
Social anxiety, depression, etc. = Ugly face
I don't feel like going to a actual doctor to get diagnosed with something i know i have
mentalcel is a meme created by average looking guys, so they can post here without getting harassed
Never thought there would be gatekeeping for being autistic.
But I do get annoyed at everyone just claiming it as if it's a joke, cuz it's ruined my life so it's not a joke to me.
+1 for liking black clover
I'm not diagnosed. Last time I visited a doctor was when I was like 12. 27 now. My observation is mostly a guess based on how hard I find it to keep a one on one conversation going. Maybe false who knows
Schizoid and Narcissistic Personality Disorders.
+1 for liking black clover
Yuno' s face keeps me alive
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I wish I was mentalcel.
I don't need some paper pushing geek to tell me what's wrong with me, I know what's wrong. Besides, going to the doctor and getting an official diagnosis can only hurt you.
diagnosed aspiecel and borderlinecel here

but i LITERALLY fit the description of EVERY SINGLE Personality disorder except antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.
diagnosed aspiecel and borderlinecel here

but i LITERALLY fit the description of EVERY SINGLE Personality disorder except antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.
shame you had the looks to
I haven't been diagnosed but I'm pretty sure I'm a schizoid.

Also used to have terrible social anxiety that only just now started to get better.
I don't need some paper pushing geek to tell me what's wrong with me, I know what's wrong. Besides, going to the doctor and getting an official diagnosis can only hurt you.
No it can actually help you.
Having people who were actually trying to help and understand my problems got me through my 12-15s.
Without that I would have jumped in front of a train at 13.
My tour through mental health treatment and putting some thought into the matter has made me less hyped about what might be called the medical model of psychology. Psychology and psychiatry doesn't follow the disease model which forms the basis of other fields of medicine, and the identification of "mental health" issues doesn't live up to any reasonable diagnostic standard.

So whether someone's spoken the checkbox phrases to get a diagnosis or not, I trust their ability to assess whether or not their personality traits and persistent behavioural patterns are fucking them over in whatever environment they find themselves in.
ive been diagnosed for severe anxiety. but i think i have avoidant personality too.

im seeing a new therapist in march so we shall see how that goes.

All i know is its a lot harder to find employment if your a low value ugly incel with mental issues.
No it can actually help you.
Having people who were actually trying to help and understand my problems got me through my 12-15s.
Without that I would have jumped in front of a train at 13.
They helped themselves to that insurance money and those co pays. You are still here browsing incel forums, so how much was that help really worth?
They helped themselves to that insurance money and those co pays. You are still here browsing incel forums, so how much was that help really worth?

I don't know how things are where you live but here they are grossly underpaid and overworked so to believe they do it just for the money is very naive, not really a job you can do for long unless you actually care.

And yes I am STILL HERE. Thats something...
No it can actually help you.
Having people who were actually trying to help and understand my problems got me through my 12-15s.
Without that I would have jumped in front of a train at 13.

I probably should have got help before it ruined my entire life tbh
I don't know how things are where you live but here they are grossly underpaid and overworked so to believe they do it just for the money is very naive, not really a job you can do for long unless you actually care.

And yes I am STILL HERE. Thats something...
Oh, here in Memerica, medical people are a bunch of vampires.
doctors are jews anyways
They helped themselves to that insurance money and those co pays. You are still here browsing incel forums, so how much was that help really worth?


Just lol @ still believing in the system.
My tour through mental health treatment and putting some thought into the matter has made me less hyped about what might be called the medical model of psychology. Psychology and psychiatry doesn't follow the disease model which forms the basis of other fields of medicine, and the identification of "mental health" issues doesn't live up to any reasonable diagnostic standard.

repped. I would elaborate but my brain is permanently fucked from all the pills.
repped. I would elaborate but my brain is permanently fucked from all the pills.
Which drugs did you take and what were they prescribed for?
Ye, combined personality disorder. (Antisocial, ,schizoid) Also anxiety attacks from time to time. I would also tend to give myself OCD but never got diagnosed with that. tbh
Diagnosed anxiety and depression, but those are just usual symptoms of being a subhuman outcast.
All i know is its a lot harder to find employment if your a low value ugly incel with mental issues.

that's an understatement. I can see myself becoming homeless in the future simply because I fail at interviews.
Diagnosed aspie, insomniac, anxiety order, VERY low t, and of course depression
legit schizocel checking in

my meds kills my libido
Diagnosed Aspie, strongly depressed and 5'7" = Death sentence. No 4/10 fem would date me, ever.
I'm autistic, not self-diagnosed. I think a lot of people here are tbh. people just post the same shit over and over again.

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