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Blackpill Acne Is the Worst Looks Killer



Jan 31, 2018
It turns Chads into kissless incels. Case in point


Nothing else can really compare to how crappy acne is, especially cystic acne. Going bald? Wear a hat or a hair system. Bad teeth? Close your mouth, or get braces. Bad eye area or bone structure? At least girls could give you a peck on the cheek without puking. I say perfectly clear skin automatically makes you a 4/10 unless you're deformed. Skin is the most underrated quality on PSL. Some people just wake up to a flawless face everyday and never have to worry about skin blemishes while other people go through hell and pain with disgusting marks on their faces. I truly believe that Western diets and environments are contributing to the problem of people falling with skin problems as well.

I wanted to share this story from an acne forum on just how horrifying acne can be.

anyone else experience this? I've had acne since I was about 12 years old, sixth grade. of course it bothered me but i didnt get too depressed over it. yes i got made fun of for it, yes i didnt have many friends or a girlfriend because of it, but i didnt think it was all that bad. i just was able to accept the fact that i would be alone for the rest of my life and i wasnt too upset with that. i was able to accept this because i didnt know what it was like to live a good life, i didnt know what i was missing out on.
but eventually my acne got so bad i just had to go to a derm (i was about 16 at the time). he put me on some antibiotics and it actually cleared me 100% by the time i was 17. this was the first time in 5 years (almost 1/3 of my life) that i had normal skin. nothing about my personality really changed, i was still pretty shy and antisocial because of all the abuse i got when i had acne. but something else did change. i was able to get friends, i was even able to approach girls without them making fun of me. finally my life was getting better. i made some good friends and we started going to the gym and working out. the best feeling in the world is waking up to clear skin and not have to stare in the mirror feeling depressed about acne. i was litterally happy when i woke up in the mornings for the first time. i was even happy to go to school to talk to girls and friends. acne never even crossed my mind, it was out of my life completely.
but just when i was starting to reach my full potential i started to grow resistant to the antibiotics. my whole life came crashing down. acne came back and in full force. my friends abandoned me and girls wanted nothing to do with me again. i was thrust into a state of depression that i have never been able to get out of. my life didnt go back to the way it was before i cleared my acne, it is much, much worse. why is it worse? because i know now what i am missing out on. i know how great my life was when i had clear skin, and i know how terrible it is now. and i know ill never get it back, ill never be the same. everyday it gets harder and harder to live. i can barely even make it through the day because im just exhausted all the time (even though all i do is sleep). the only thing i can think about is having clear skin again. it consumes everything i do. i have lost scholarships, been made fun of, abused, mugged, and even kicked out of my home all due to acne.
the only thing that keeps me going is that 2 months of my life that i had clear skin. i just have to think one day i will get back to that. but those thoughts are slowly fading each day i wake up to a knew face of acne. all of my motivation is burning out. i dont know how much longer i can take this...
so basically the point of this thread is to say you cant fully understand how terrible acne is until you feel how good life is when you dont have it.

The only apparent cures to acne are accutane and major diet changes, but the damage it can leave can be irreparable. There needs to be a real cure someday.
I've had cystic acne too. I still have scars though.
I used to have severe cystical acne from ages 14-16.

By some miracle, accutane managed to completely cure me and I was left with virtually no scarring.
I've heard starting accutane early stunts growth. I read tons of stories of guys taking it at 13-16 and ending up shorter than their brothers throughout different forums. It might be bullshit though. Food for thought
id take acne over underbite any day of the week, atleast u can be a normal scum with it
I've heard starting accutane early stunts growth. I read tons of stories of guys taking it at 13-16 and ending up shorter than their brothers throughout different forums. It might be bullshit though. Food for thought

yes that may be true someone i know who took it is like 5'8
I used to have severe cystical acne from ages 14-16.

By some miracle, accutane managed to completely cure me and I was left with virtually no scarring.
This is exactly why I believe I’m 5”7-5”8. I even spoke to the endocrinologists about how I believe it stunted my growth but she still wouldn’t give me HGH.

On peptides right now hoping to get to at least 5”9
hey can i ask you about the growth shit you're using or whatever it is lol
Few months ago I made a similiar thread and on the same guy too(I used to watch him when I had acne) and I remember him talking about his friends making him cry.
Acne is fucking bad. I had it very severe from 13 y o to 18 y o.. trust me, its fucking BAD. Legit makes you 1/10 now with my shit facial bones added too. Accutane kind of saved me. I will kms if it will progress again no joke.
Glad he ascended
If it gives you some hope, I never got acne again since accutane ridded me of all my acne and it’s been almost 3 years since I came off of it.
Did you have consultation with doctors before using accutane? I was thinking about it, but not sure that it worth in my case and maybe i should wait/consult with doctor before using it.
I have 0 acne on my cheeks but have acne on my forehead and nose, not that severe tho, it doesn't make me look alien
"the best feeling in the world is waking up to clear skin and not have to stare in the mirror feeling depressed about acne."

Legit, acne makes you look shameful
If it gives you some hope, I never got acne again since accutane ridded me of all my acne and it’s been almost 3 years since I came off of it.
No hope given lel. I know everything about acne and I know it can come back so I would need to relapse.. I still get few spots there and there but it might progress like I said. My whole face was covered in it and I mean whole.. forehead, jaw, zygomatic arch, philtrum, nose, chin, even fucking upper eyelids sometimes(rarely tho), ears, inside nose.. I was literally riddled with it.. I also used benzoyl peroxide and it ruined my face even more.. now I have wrinkles, bad skin texture, scars, still acne marks that probs dont go away as fast as they did because of benzoyl peroxide.
Go ahead. What do you need to know?
say i want to grow 1/2 inches min and 3/4 max, my plates are still open but only have a couple hundred bucks, what do you recommend?
CJC 1295 without DAC combined with hexerelin.

Then take an estrogen blocker with it to preserve your plates. Preferably aromasin
about how much is all that
Varies from source to source but both the Hexerelin and CJC will be about £14 each for 2mg.
how much for atleast an inch maybe? and how much should i take a day
Before you do anything, I implore you to look into the side effects of CJC 1295 without DAC and Hexerelin. See if it’s really for you.

How tall are you btw?
That height is fine bro unless you live in the Netherlands or scandanavia. I’d be happy if I grew to that height (currently 5”7-5”8).
cope i dont think i can live being sub 6ft
cope i dont think i can live being sub 6ft
Im 6ft - its not really better kek, im still heightmogged or doesnt feel dom because almost everyone is near that or even taller in height
Can confirm. I was a tall handsome kid and had the world at my feet, great grades, positive female attention, cool friends, just great prospects all around.....and then this shit hit me like Hiroshima & Nagasaki and essentially vaporized my life, transformed it into a post-apocalyptic wasteland from which I'm only now, over 20 years later, starting to recover. It looking like I will eventually ascend but no amount of post-incel glory can ever make up for having hopelessly wasted the best years of my life rotting away in darkness, I'm so mentally fucked at this point I seriously worry if I'll even be able to function normally around people again, I just want to keep hiding forever tbh.
That was me from 11-16. You are correct, there's nothing worse. A young guy can get away with a few teen spots. I was a cute kid and then it was over for those years, then I gymceled and became a chadlite @17. I remember one time I was helping my Grandad do some DIY work, holding a ladder outside some random house. And this fucking 10 year old in the next house was talking to his mate, and he started loudly dropping the words "SPOTTED dick" into sentences and giggling away. I was 15-16 and was being destroyed by a child. I developed a fear of the Sun, as it lit my face up like a firework. I used to have to bug my Mum to blow £7 on a time on Clearasil. I tried Retinol-A, but it just made my skin peel off in clumps, and made people gasp as I walked by.
I had acne too.
Since 13 years to even now at my almost 26.
So at the beggining tot big deal, a small pimple here and there. But then I was with small red pimples all over my face 24/7. When an area of my face started to clear up, another one broke out.
At 15 it was terrible. I had brown scars that made me look dirty all the time.
It 18 like magic I started getting better. But it was only a couple of days and then back to my pizza face.
I went to doctors, I tried antibiotic, cleansers, creams, soaps, diet, drink tons of water, excercise, you name it.
One day I started to take antibiotic again and it worked. I still have pimples regulary on the right side of my face. Im extra cautious on my cleaning rutine, but everyday im afraid it gets worse again.
It you shave your face it helps with scarring
Im 6ft - its not really better kek, im still heightmogged or doesnt feel dom because almost everyone is near that or even taller in height
better than being a manlet

better than being a manlet
Its kinda new average height, but what i say that difference in 4 cm doesnt really make you manlet. But yeah, i understand you, i actually think that ~186cm is height when you can actually feel urself somewhat relaxed. Maybe...
Its kinda new average height, but what i say that difference in 4 cm doesnt really make you manlet. But yeah, i understand you, i actually think that ~186cm is height when you can actually feel urself somewhat relaxed. Maybe...
id kill to be 6'0-6'3
I’d kill to be 5”10.

Being my height ACTUALLY IS manlet, being your height is borderline manlet and can be easily solved with lifts.

Lifts will still make me manlet so I have to resort to peptides.
i already wear lifts to be 6ft and its great

if i cant be 6'0-6'3 im gonna kms somehow

i made this autism thread and nobody believes me
I’d kill to be 5”10.

Being my height ACTUALLY IS manlet, being your height is borderline manlet and can be easily solved with lifts.

Lifts will still make me manlet so I have to resort to peptides.
Anybody 5 foot 10 or over complaining about their height needs bullets
Thought you said you were 5 foot 2
I PMed him a couple days ago and he told me he's 5'10.5. Of course I was gonna keep it on the down low but his dumbass just exposed himself.

lol id fucking rope if i was actually 5'2

plus ig some people found out my height idc really
Guess I can't blame you. Too bad there's actual sub 5'5 turbo manlets on here who are about to go ER from reading your comment
JFL @ wasting your time trolling incels.
idk what else to do but be here, if i said who i really was id get banned with the quickness

just ask @FACEandLMS
Guess I can't blame you. Too bad there's actual sub 5'5 turbo manlets on here who are about to go ER from reading your comment
i got banned from short too bc people thought i was trolling kek
idk what else to do but be here, if i said who i really was id get banned with the quickness

just ask @FACEandLMS

i got banned from short too bc people thought i was trolling kek
My nigga do you want to expose yourself right now?
dont care anymore im bored of this place, thats why i havent been making like 200+ posts since school ended
Alright boyo, let me start making this thread... :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:

Jk, I'm not a bitch. I'll do it though if you wanted a laugh
JFL @ wasting your time trolling incels.

He's a goodlooking guy with some minor acne. This whole incel community is mostly decentl-ooking guys who want to be approached by 8/10 JB. Legit ugly guys make up a small part of it. JFC.
fucking fakecels.me

im convinced everyone is LARPing but me at this point
you act like this changes anything, im still a virgin
He's a goodlooking guy with some minor acne. This whole incel community is mostly decentl-ooking guys who want to be approached by 8/10 JB. Legit ugly guys make up a small part of it. JFC.
i would like even a 4/10 approach me

but nope
jfl at @blackletcel thinking his completely normal height matters to such an extent with his 6.5-7 face

just go talk to girls you autist
jfl at @blackletcel thinking his completely normal height matters to such an extent with his 6.5-7 face

just go talk to girls you autist
i bet im more high inhib than you

also cope im a manlet, if i was 6+ i wouldnt be so high inhib
If you’re that desperate then hop on those peptides but do your research and you’ll have to find a legitimate source yourself as the only ones I know are UK based.
will they send to US
He's a goodlooking guy with some minor acne. This whole incel community is mostly decentl-ooking guys who want to be approached by 8/10 JB. Legit ugly guys make up a small part of it. JFC.
Legit 6.5/10 face too. Major larper

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