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Acne is the ultimate killer, it leaves no survivors.



Nov 7, 2017



No one looks good with acne, not even a 10/10 Chad.
And even if the acne goes away you will be cursed with acne scars for the rest of your life.
The only cure for us acnecels is a shotgun blast to the face.
Serious acne is a death sentence.
oh, i'm well familiar. there are some treatments you can get [laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, etc] that can undo a lot of the pitted scarring etc.
Eczema is worse because it can’t be treated with good hygiene and over the counters medicine
KV3 said:
Eczema is worse because it can’t be treated with good hygiene and over the counters medicine

Forget about warm/hot water, only ever use cool one. Wash your eczema twice a day with baby soap. Use hydrating baby cream that lasts for 24h after you wash with the soap. 

These are legit advices, and i suggest you should try them.
plutomoon said:
oh, i'm well familiar. there are some treatments you can get [laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, etc] that can undo a lot of the pitted scarring etc.

thats probably what dr shekelstein told you, but the truth is that acne scars will ALWAYS be visible no matter what treatment you get
yep thats what got me in highschool...........

the worst feeling was watching the class chad sit with his hands on his face the entire day, and when i did that for 1 second, my entire face would break out.

accutane helped me out when nothing else worked for years though, can even get rid of scars
swissincel said:
thats probably what dr shekelstein told you, but the truth is that acne scars will ALWAYS be visible no matter what treatment you get

it's true though, go to RealSelf.com & look up acne with those procedures. lots of people go that route & document it, not fringe at all.

not doing anything to fix yourself & still complaining is cool too.

i mean yeah, to some small extent the scars may be slightly visible but there are methods to reduce it so drastically that you're not even the same person.
I think this acne thing is a cope I get no more attention from women when I don't have acne. None of my pics online show acne but I still get ignored on dating sites. I think if you have the right features you can still get chicks even if you have acne.
NeverSubmit said:
I think this acne thing is a cope I get no more attention from women when I don't have acne. None of my pics online show acne but I still get ignored on dating sites. I think if you have the right features you can still get chicks even if you have acne.

Agreed, attractive people get acne and still remain attractive
plutomoon said:
it's true though, go to RealSelf.com & look up acne with those procedures. lots of people go that route & document it, not fringe at all.

not doing anything to fix yourself & still complaining is cool too.

I paid 20k for surgeries so far, including 4k for skin treatments (microdermabrasion and fraxel) but go ahead and make assumptions
z2020 said:
NeverSubmit said:
I think this acne thing is a cope I get no more attention from women when I don't have acne. None of my pics online show acne but I still get ignored on dating sites. I think if you have the right features you can still get chicks even if you have acne.
Agreed, attractive people get acne and still remain attractive
Look at the attractive guys i posted, they look like subhumans with acne.
first guy has a 180 degree gonial angle
swissincel said:
I paid 20k for surgeries so far, including 4k for skin treatments (microdermabrasion and fraxel) but go ahead and make assumptions

ok good for you - what you had written gave me the impression that you were making assumptions about something I've put some research into, & yes I lumped you into what I imagine isn't an uncommon characteristic of this forum. sorry guy.

I'm guessing those treatments didn't work for you..?
first guy is completely fucked
I actualy have a fetish for girls with acne


I want to lick it so bad
KV3 said:
Eczema is worse because it can’t be treated with good hygiene and over the counters medicine

If your acne is a problem, then most likely good hygiene and OTC won't do shit.

>just wash ur face dood

Lol fuck off if you think this is actually advice you idiot
>wash face all the time
>have tried various soaps and creams
>have tried multiple diets
>still have greasy skin and acne
should I rope?
Crustaciouse said:



No one looks good with acne, not even a 10/10 Chad.
And even if the acne goes away you will be cursed with acne scars for the rest of your life.
The only cure for us acnecels is a shotgun blast to the face.

You are a volcel if you don't take accutane.
NeverSubmit said:
I think this acne thing is a cope I get no more attention from women when I don't have acne. None of my pics online show acne but I still get ignored on dating sites. I think if you have the right features you can still get chicks even if you have acne.

truer words were never spoken
Serious acne really is a death sentence for anyone. That first guy has some kind of youtube fitness channel. A Chad now, but he would never have got any girls before his acne was fixed. I was ruined by this myself, one thing is the acne, but the fucking acne scars are so depressing. And it doesn´t seem like all kinds of treatment will really fix it all...
Dekim said:
I actualy have a fetish for girls with acne


I want to lick it so bad

Lol wtf is wrong with you?
plutomoon said:
it's true though, go to RealSelf.com & look up acne with those procedures. lots of people go that route & document it, not fringe at all.

not doing anything to fix yourself & still complaining is cool too.

i mean yeah, to some small extent the scars may be slightly visible but there are methods to reduce it so drastically that you're not even the same person.


Hello realself.com salesman
Crustaciouse said:

No one looks good with acne, not even a 10/10 Chad.
And even if the acne goes away you will be cursed with acne scars for the rest of your life.
The only cure for us acnecels is a shotgun blast to the face.

Bottom pick is my skin. Seriously freshman year of high school my face was covered 100% in red. They told me it would pass, but my face is scarred for life.

EDIT; Are you guys ready for the FINAL TERMINAL blackpill?


>As we age, acne scars often become more noticeable because our skin loses collagen.

Acne (along with other skin conditions) is a HORMONAL problem. It's your skin overproducing sebum and clogging your pores with dirt and bacteria, causing these unsightly lesions.

Over-the-counter treatments generally do one of two things: oxidize the skin to kill the trapped bacteria, or break down the excessive sebum layer to limit the growth and formation of acne. Unless you're a pig who doesn't shower for days on end, they will do nothing for you. They're cope. Overusing them will irritate your skin and exacerbate the problem. Using as directed will be slow-acting and most likely of minimal help. Overall, a waste of money.
Acne is bad, but it feels worse when you meet people with flawless porcelain skin and you wonder why you havent gone e.r. yet
To the dumb motherfuckers saying acne is cope just lol. Bitch, acne is what ruined my life. It serves no purpose other then to point out who is genetically inferior. But seriously, I've been a member of acne.org for years now and if you think this site is a den of sorrow LMAO this place is fucking chucky cheese compared to the hell that is the emotional and psychological effects of acne section of the org. So fuck of with your bull shit, because I know first hand acne is a undisputed deal breaker to almost all women if it's bad enough. I'm not talking about a zit here or there, I'm talking about your entire face covered with this shit and leaving me with permanent icepick scars.
acnecel = fakecel

Just hop on Isotretinoin
VLÖ said:

Hello realself.com salesman

lol that wouldn't be too bad a gig i guess, selling my wares to the most insecure men around. [no offense b/c i'm one of them.]

ps that jew that was my avatar isn't me obviously. jfl at making an avatar of yourself.
pizza faces make me want to vomit

Holy cope. Girls want the COMPLETE package of Chad. Anything taking away from it like balding, acne, bad teeth, etc. is a death sentence.
TrueForcedIncel said:
To the dumb motherfuckers saying acne is cope just lol. Bitch, acne is what ruined my life. It serves no purpose other then to point out who is genetically inferior. But seriously, I've been a member of acne.org for years now and if you think this site is a den of sorrow LMAO this place is fucking chucky cheese compared to the hell that is the emotional and psychological effects of acne section of the org. So fuck of with your bull shit, because I know first hand acne is a undisputed deal breaker to almost all women if it's bad enough. I'm not talking about a zit here or there, I'm talking about your entire face covered with this shit and leaving me with permanent icepick scars.

Agreed. I despise the incels calling acne a cope. Take ANYONE of these faggots and give them shit-tier skin with full blown cystic acne that even high-grade treatments and remedies can't fix. They'd rope within a week, guaranteed.
Anything is a death sentence for males. Femoids can have everything wrong with them and still get male attention.
uglylifematters said:
first guy is completely fucked

He's Brian Turner

A vegan youtuber and I actually enjoy his videos
Facade said:
He's Brian Turner

A vegan youtuber and I actually enjoy his videos

he's vegan with a face like that? I thought eating healthy greatly decreases the chance of getting acne acne?
I remember whores seeing right through the acne on Chad Chadlington III back in high school; they weren't nearly so forgiving when it hit me. 

If anyone is looking to get non-cystic acne under control without antibiotics or similar interventions, I would advise the following:

- If you wash your face harshly, stop doing it. ~Once every other day is sufficient, while in excess it'll dry out your skin and aggravate the problem. I showered twice daily at the height of the problem and got nothing out of it. Don't get memed on by ill-considered nostrums from the mouths of normans.

- Evaluate your diet, a possible etiology that is highly specific to the individual. Some have noted having problems with dairy products, others wheat, still others salt. None of these were probably the issue for me, but now after the problem has largely passed I'll notice a few spots come up after eating a lot of omega-6 fatty acids (nuts, most plant oils) over an extended period.

- Most of all, fill a plastic bag with water and throw it in the freezer. If you notice a spot starting to inflame, press the ice to your face for about 5 minutes. This seems to be really helpful in bringing big, persistent motherfuckers to a head and getting rid of them more quickly.

I'm not even sure you'll see results after doing this, but it seemed to help me in some capacity.
uglylifematters said:
he's vegan with a face like that? I thought eating healthy greatly decreases the chance of getting acne acne?

The before pic was actually taken befote he went vegan. He was consuming lots of whey protein at that time which is ofc made out of dairy. He cleaned himself with accutane and then started a vegan diet  + skincare to keep his acne way
Facade said:
The before pic was actually taken befote he went vegan. He was consuming lots of whey protein at that time which is ofc made out of dairy. He cleaned himself with accutane and then started a vegan diet  + skincare to keep his acne way

oh now it makes sense. I thought for a second that his genetics made him highly susceptible to acne; then it would have really over
KV3 said:
Eczema is worse because it can’t be treated with good hygiene and over the counters medicine

Acne isn't a hygiene issue dumbass.

You don't get acne from not washing your face.

Acne is an inflammatory process that begins under the skin.
Dry Spell said:
Acne isn't a hygiene issue dumbass.

You don't get acne from not washing your face.

Acne is an inflammatory process that begins under the skin.

Those bacteria that cause the inflammation live in the oils in your faces’ pores. Washing your face helps dumbass.

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