If Normies did blame the bullies, they would be admitting to themselves that there are certain conditions one can find himself in where the rational solution is violence. Normies do tons of reality damage control to delude themselves into thinking that there is no such thing as a problem that can’t be solved with a therapist telling you to think better thoughts, or suspend object permanence and just ignore it entirely. For one reason or another they really need to believe the world is a fair and just utopia (or in the process of becoming one) and you get out of it what you put in, and external influences are rendered trivial. Maybe they are creating supporting lies for their worldview that is really just a bunch of reality damage control theories put together to keep them sane.. “violence can’t possibly be a solution, because violence is immoral, and we are a post-violence species” and they have to believe that for whatever reason.. Idk just my theory.
nobody likes to think of themselves and the human species as “just another species”, in the same category as all other animals, subject to the same natural laws and natural constants as all other life forms. It’s easy to objectively analyze the behavior of other species and realize how they work because you don’t have any emotional stake in it. You don’t have some psychological imperative to observe A but believe B because A has terrible implications for you. So people have a general idea of how species in general work. Violence is the source of power, males fight over females, females breed with the winner, there is no morality, the only imperative is propagating, animals are automatons running on preset biological software, etc. (side note, this also implies that one would have to come to terms with the fact that humans die just like animals die. No god, no afterlife, existence is temporary. So that’s an explanation for why religious folks hate thinking of themselves as being in the samecategory as animals. The above explanation was mostly for NPCs)