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RageFuel A very brutal and sad blackpilling video



Biggest subhuman on earth, freak of nature
Oct 30, 2021

he'll never approach a woman again.
Holy shit, that incel in denial watched too many PUA-videos on Jewtube haha
How can he be so delusional that a stacey in California is gonna have sex with him?
Dude looks ready to SEAmaxx.
The blackpill has to spread faster so that guys like him don't commit sepoku bc they think it's their personality that's at fault for this
I will never ever cold approach because of this, if i did that id be reported for being black probably:feelsrope:
cold approach as a subchad male is a recipe for disappointment
This will end very bad for women. She thinks shes tough and "cool". LOL that guy get's angry enough and half her face will be missing due to minecraft. I really hope more women are "brave" enough to test out how being rude to desperate men will turn out.
Foids dont want to get approached because they have so many other options.
It's also very cruel that they don't appriciate the effort and courage that goes into an approach.
They're just entitled bitches tbh
Go away-uh. Go-uh

That incel walked away with his tail tucked between his legs smh
Every incel's nightmare is when you approach a foid and she decides to record you and post it on social media accusing you of harassment, the guy in the video has the total right to sue this subhuman foid for defamation.
This will end very bad for women.
I'd love to think so too brother but realistically I don't see this happening. Even if women fuck up to the worst level there'll still be men who have been so deprived of pussy (ME) that they'd take her. It's so embarrassing yet I know its true :fuk:.

Women will always win. Always

Look at fat women, they can get sex, they can get marriage, they can get some rich guy to pay them for idk... existing
He's not attractive enough and his approach is spergy as fuck. You can either come off as loser or a creep in these scenarios, unless you're 8+/10.
cold approaching only works if you look like fucking Chris Hemsworth

he'll never approach a woman again.

Lol this is a fucking windup

this guy is bordeline chad

she is a femcel with bad lower third, just thin thats it

this guy is not incel lol

what a joke post
Lol this is a fucking windup

this guy is bordeline chad

she is a femcel with bad lower third, just thin thats it

this guy is not incel lol

what a joke post
How is he borderline chad? His facial features are not even obvious because of limited video quality, Also he is obviously a turbo manlet and has shit frame. He is a borderline incel normie, not chad.
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His approach was autistic and weak af tbh
His approach was autistic and weak af tbh
Doesn't matter, he's just not attractive enough for her. If he was a 8/10 chad her reaction to him doing the same exact autistic approach would be drastically different, you know it's over when a foid does that expression on her face in your presence.

It's one of the obvious signs that she doesn't find you attractive, here's a blackpilling video that explains women's body language and facial expressions in detail.

At least have the balls to call her a bitch or something, JFL :feelskek:
I'd love to think so too brother but realistically I don't see this happening. Even if women fuck up to the worst level there'll still be men who have been so deprived of pussy (ME) that they'd take her. It's so embarrassing yet I know its true :fuk:.

Women will always win. Always

Look at fat women, they can get sex, they can get marriage, they can get some rich guy to pay them for idk... existing
I love this type of discussion because in the philosophical sense, women will always win-- but only in a roundabout way. To elaborate, suppose we took away women's rights. Well, that'd be good for society. Well women are a part of society, no? So, no matter how you slice it women win.

Put in the context of a video like this: No women will NOT win. More and more men will become extremely violent. The blackpill is insidious. When it first hit me, I fantasized about playing minecraft for hours. This guy in the video is just one loser. What about the next million?
I love this type of discussion because in the philosophical sense, women will always win-- but only in a roundabout way. To elaborate, suppose we took away women's rights. Well, that'd be good for society. Well women are a part of society, no? So, no matter how you slice it women win.

Put in the context of a video like this: No women will NOT win. More and more men will become extremely violent. The blackpill is insidious. When it first hit me, I fantasized about playing minecraft for hours. This guy in the video is just one loser. What about the next million?
I mean its already happening in my country. Women used to only get raped, now they're mostly being killed BRUTALLY. Its gotten so bad that the average rape cases in police stations are dismissed. I was there when this one girl came in and tried opening a case against her rapist. The blackpilled cops laughed her out the station after she told them what she was wearing. South Africa is legitimately Minecraft irl. Too bad I'm too chicken to play
I mean its already happening in my country. Women used to only get raped, now they're mostly being killed BRUTALLY. Its gotten so bad that the average rape cases in police stations are dismissed. I was there when this one girl came in and tried opening a case against her rapist. The blackpilled cops laughed her out the station after she told them what she was wearing. South Africa is legitimately Minecraft irl. Too bad I'm too chicken to play
Well, I'd advise you to steer clear if that's where you live. I was talking to a friend about that place. He told me they'll kill you for your cell phone.
The current year is 2021 as we're going into 2022, the practice known as the cold approach towards women where a male stranger tries to go talk to women in a public setting is now officially dead [DOA dead on arrival], RIP. JFL at other men who still thinks to themselves that it can still work in the current year or the next. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

"But, but, where have all the good men gone?"

"I don't understand, men have gone completely silent or quiet where they no longer talk to us anymore. They don't flirt or do anything anymore out in the public open. Why won't they talk, engage, or even approach us anymore?"

Geez, I wonder why you fucking ignorant entitled selfish twats. :feelsjuice::yes::yes::yes:

Let me tell you what the deafening silence and quietness with zero interaction with women is leading up to you fucking twats, behind the deafening silence there is a rage building up behind the scenes, and once this rage is unleashed by the majority of men in the future you cunts are going to learn what real fucking brutal oppression looks like. It's all fun and games until it isn't anymore, actions have consequences. :feelsjuice::feelsdevil:
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She should have left, or said "Sorry, I have a boyfriend! Have a good day sir". No excuses for being so rude, she treated him like an animal "go away"... deserved a beating.
It's such a disgrace that society allows and promotes these kinds of (foids) behaviors
His approach was autistic and weak af tbh
Yes indeed, but still, not a valid reason for disrespecting him
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"Just approach women bro"
"Just be confident bro"
cold approach as a subchad male is a recipe for disappointment
Always, every single time. No point in even trying anymore. I've lost count of how many times I've been spitted on by bitches just like the one in the video. :feelsjuice::yes::yes:
"Just approach women bro"
"Just be confident bro"
"We're just blowing smoke up your asses because we're all a bunch of lying evil malicious cunts bro." :feelsdevil:
Holy shit, that incel in denial watched too many PUA-videos on Jewtube haha
How can he be so delusional that a stacey in California is gonna have sex with him?
Dude looks ready to SEAmaxx.
The blackpill has to spread faster so that guys like him don't commit sepoku bc they think it's their personality that's at fault for this
So many men killing themselves over useless twats and cunt bags like the one in this video, we need to tell them that it isn't their fault. We are the male solidarity movement, we're here to uplift each other as men by spreading the word of the blackpill. :feelsjuice::yes::yes::blackpill:
This will end very bad for women. She thinks shes tough and "cool". LOL that guy get's angry enough and half her face will be missing due to minecraft. I really hope more women are "brave" enough to test out how being rude to desperate men will turn out.
When the Handmaiden's Tale becomes reality where Gilead is worldwide not restricted to the United States alone, I'm livid thinking about it.

There will come a day where feminism as an ideology will meet its eternal demise, it's when a majority of men's rage, apathy, or indifference for women becomes complete worldwide overshadowing feminism completely in total. On the day feminism finally dies men worldwide who rarely agree on anything will agree on just one single thing, that when feminism dies, it stays dead forever never to return again in the annals of future world history. Feminism from then on out will be a horror story men will teach their sons tucking them into a bed at night of what happens when you let women rule over the world. A cautionary tale never to be repeated ever again in human history, it will be viewed as a stain of past history where it was necessary that it be forcibly removed entirely. We've tried feminism as an experiment for the last sixty-two years and women have blown it completely as they have proven themselves to be irresponsible, callous, and reckless. It's now time to put this sick social experiment to rest permanently. :feelsjuice::yes:
cold approaching only works if you look like fucking Chris Hemsworth
Go away-uh. Go-uh

That incel walked away with his tail tucked between his legs smh
I would tell the bitch that I hope her car gets wrapped around an eighteen-wheeler on her drive home before walking off the beach. :feelsjuice::yes:

Might as well walk out in style. :feelsdevil::feelzez:
Every incel's nightmare is when you approach a foid and she decides to record you and post it on social media accusing you of harassment, the guy in the video has the total right to sue this subhuman foid for defamation.
Nobody in the court of law cares about men, utterly useless. If you don't have a vagina and tits anymore your life doesn't matter, nobody cares.

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She's a Becky trying to act like bombshell high-value Stacey. My guess is she rejected by some Chad earlier in some way and decided to take her anger out on this poor fella. She wants to appear like he's not even worthy of talking to her.
At least have the balls to call her a bitch or something, JFL :feelskek:
You can't hit or threaten a woman as that would be illegal, but you can't be charged for being an asshole to them verbally. All men should call a cunt a fucking cunt, calling a spade a fucking spade. Never allow these women to see weakness, keep your chin up and walk with pride by calling a cunt a fucking no good bitch that she is. :feelsjuice::yes:
I love this type of discussion because in the philosophical sense, women will always win-- but only in a roundabout way. To elaborate, suppose we took away women's rights. Well, that'd be good for society. Well women are a part of society, no? So, no matter how you slice it women win.

Put in the context of a video like this: No women will NOT win. More and more men will become extremely violent. The blackpill is insidious. When it first hit me, I fantasized about playing minecraft for hours. This guy in the video is just one loser. What about the next million?
All you have to do is look at the divorce, marriage, sexlessness, and chronic singledom statistics for men to see where this is all going, anybody with half a brain along with an inkling of understanding concerning human history knows where all of this will end. You cannot have a stable society when you turn a majority of men into sexless social outcasts and the elites of the world must be pretty stupid if they think this is going to end well for them or females as a whole. But, this is the world they wanted that they were so quick to create so now all the consequences of the world that they created lie on their shoulders to deal with of which over time there will be many. I also have no doubts that eventually they will be overthrown at some point.

Females laugh, mock, and gloat over the modern state of men which overall just illustrates the malicious evil of their nature, but that victory of theirs will be short-lived as we see more and more men resign away from society completely with every passing year. As I said earlier in this thread, actions have consequences and I imagine in twenty years or fewer females everywhere are going to learn what those consequences really are to which their current laughter will transform into tears very quickly. :feelsjuice::yes:
I mean its already happening in my country. Women used to only get raped, now they're mostly being killed BRUTALLY. Its gotten so bad that the average rape cases in police stations are dismissed. I was there when this one girl came in and tried opening a case against her rapist. The blackpilled cops laughed her out the station after she told them what she was wearing. South Africa is legitimately Minecraft irl. Too bad I'm too chicken to play
She should have left, or said "Sorry, I have a boyfriend! Have a good day sir". No excuses for being so rude, she treated him like an animal "go away"... deserved a beating.
It's such a disgrace that society allows and promotes these kinds of (foids) behaviors

Yes indeed, but still, not a valid reason for disrespecting him
I always like it when women say that they have a boyfriend or husband even when they don't because they're too chicken shit to tell you what they really think and they also think that we men are too stupid to know that they're openly lying to us. Makes you want to say, "Look here bitch, I know you're lying to me because I've already asked around about you in advance, you can cut the act any second now, thanks." :feelsEhh::yes:
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