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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

A lot of you are pretty dumb for thinking, "Chad doesn't need to do x" and all that



It's the blackpill, not the black and white pill. We've established that anywhere from around 2-5% of men are actually chads, and around 25% of guys are incel. Where does that leave the rest of men? They're just normal men who try and get a girlfriend every so often if they've got a good social circle. The majority of men aren't chads or chadlites or the top 20%, but it doesn't mean that they don't get laid. It's ridiculous to think that, just because the top 5% doesn't have to try that it's just not worth it.

If you can try and succeed then you are not an incel. Why put others down who try when there's hope with the flimsy excuse of "well, you're not Chad"; "Chad doesn't need to approach" blah blah blah.

You're only thinking that there are 2 groups you can be in when it's actually more like a cubed graph (well, kinda). The 80/20 rule still applies, but it doesn't mean that it's just "not worth it because chad has it for free" is like thinking, I dunno, why bother having a job when people win the lottery. I think this mindset probably comes from you being a narcissistic or spoiled fucker because you think you're special; you want the special life that the top % are living. You can't just suddenly decide that you want to be playing by the rules of the elite, because you're not one of them. You're no better than a child who thinks he's going to be the biggest Minecraft YouTuber or whatever when he's older.

tl;dr: a lot of non incel guys on here not willing to try. It's ridiculous to think that you can play by the top percentiles' rules.
tl;dr: a lot of non incel guys on here not willing to try. It's ridiculous to think that you can play by the top percentiles' rules.
Just go to my how to be an alpha male camp bro :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
JFL @ people like ER who just want free pussy to fall into their lap like they are gigachad
Just go to my how to be an alpha male camp bro :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
I don't know if you're trying to be for or against what I'm saying. The entire premise behind the PUA scam is that, as long as they act like Chad, they can live like Chad, when that's simply not true

No one should consider themselves incel without at least a few dozen of consecutive and in-person rejections.
sure you need to pass a certain looks threshold to be a normie but that doesnt change the fact that you are just a jester, the real hierarchy is: chads are leaders, normies are jesters, and incels are subhumans unworthy of any position. I dont envy normies tbh, I only envy chad
Socaially I will never be a normie
No. Sub8 is real. But only 5% are chads
No one should consider themselves incel without at least a few dozen of consecutive and in-person rejections.

This. Plus you need to have put at least some effort in improving your looks first. If you were a lazy ass fatcel your entire life you can not claim the title of an incel.
JFL @ people like ER who just want free pussy to fall into their lap like they are gigachad
What's wrong about it? ER based supreme volcelism is great inspiration for us misogynistic incels.

The first stage of the blackpill, is recognizing that, womben are not worth it if you are not GiGaChad.

Second stage: recognizing how it's over if you are sub-8

Third stage: Lookmaxing and copemax, moneymax if you are AT LEAST a solid 6/10 PSL, with the persistent goal in mind to become a Chad and the ultimate volcel.

Then you switch to another pill, the voidpill: Forget about womben and start developing your volcellism and extreme active misogyny. Because with looks at your side you can finally chose, to become a volcel.
As always, a high iq thread from bunny man.
I agree, I don't see why you would discourage others from at least trying. Normies have to try to get a gf.
No matter how much we crap on MGTOW, it's the most logical solution for anyone who's not a chadlite (minimum).

The majority of men aren't chads or chadlites or the top 20%, but it doesn't mean that they don't get laid.

Indeed that is true, but tell me more about the "lays".
I for one am not someone who encourages this culture of sleeping around as it's fueled the degeneracy we see in present day and as such I too would want a loyal woman who'd love me till death (religiously influenced as well).

Think about what I've just said.

You'd respond with:

It's unrealistic to expect a woman to be loyal to a genetic subhuman when she'd have way better options - AWALT

and rightly so, if by some miracle a foid does end up with me: I'm inevitably getting screwed over.

The point I'm trying to make: Is it worth it?

Despite the Inceldom numbers increasing (Source: medicalxpress): there are normies/low-tier normies who MAY luck out.
However, the amount of effort they've had to put in for a crappy relationship just isn't worth it.

The effort + risk involved in trying to get a relationship with a foid is not worth the "reward", which is why logically the best thing for men to do is not even bother with foids - Actually GYOW (not the cucked version on reddit).

Tldr: For what it entails to get a relationship, it just isn't worth it.
Your advice is akin to suggesting poorcels just play the lottery to get rich: All Efforts shall be in vain.
if by some miracle a foid does end up with me: I'm inevitably getting screwed over.

The point I'm trying to make: Is it worth it?

Despite the Inceldom numbers increasing (Source: medicalxpress): there are normies/low-tier normies who MAY luck out.
However, the amount of effort they've had to put in for a crappy relationship just isn't worth it.

The effort + risk involved in trying to get a relationship with a foid is not worth the "reward", which is why logically the best thing for men to do is not even bother with foids - Actually GYOW (not the cucked version on reddit).

Tldr: For what it entails to get a relationship, it just isn't worth it.
Your advice is akin to suggesting poorcels just play the lottery to get rich: All Efforts shall be in vain.
I'm not saying that you as an incel can just approach and get laid: my own personal definition of the blackpill is that, due to immutable factors, there's a negligible chance that a man can have sex or a relationship with a woman. The entire point is that normies do get laid, albeit it was a bit too implicit now that I look at the OP, and they don't have a place here. If they can put in effort like the rest of the normal, non incel non Chad, population, and get a girlfriend then they don't belong here. Volcels and guys who just desperately want to be Chad and nothing else don't belong here.
Indeed that is true, but tell me more about the "lays".
I for one am not someone who encourages this culture of sleeping around as it's fueled the degeneracy we see in present day and as such I too would want a loyal woman who'd love me till death (religiously influenced as well).
I don't think the average normie could get more than one or maybe 2 ONSs in his lifetime; he usually relies on LTRs or getting girlfriends.

I mean, if you don't think it's worth it to approach and try as a normie, then that's up to you, but only because you likely value pussy or a girlfriend less than the rest of us, or me, at least. If there was a chance I would go for it, and I think others here should too. Unfortunately, for me there's very little likelihood of that happening because obviously deformity, balding, short, small frame, generally ugly face etc, but normies don't belong here just because they can't be bothered to try.

It's like saying you're starving because there's no food in the fridge, but you can just go to Tesco down the road, and trying to fit in with those with no money nor source of food
f(x) = x, x axis is looks, y axis is happiness
You must just be a failed normie LARPing as a incel if you think truly believe what you just wrote.
You must just be a failed normie LARPing as a incel if you think truly believe what you just wrote.
Quite the opposite. I'm a truecel who doesn't like failed normies on here. If I were a failed normie who believed what I wrote, then I wouldn't be here
Yeah, I have to agree, the low-to-mid-tier normies here who call themselves incel because they can't live like the top 2-5% are just being narcissistic and entitled. Normie men have to get rejected and simp out and risk getting cucked by Chad.

This is what the SMP looks like according to Good Looking Loser (this is geared towards a college environment but the general trend holds true everywhere).


Normies are in the middle 40%, maybe the top of the bottom 40% if they don't put any effort into themselves. Truecels like us can't even approach the middle 40% no matter how hard we try due to our genetics.
I am nit happy how whites habe it better and why should we wll be cucked by chad? I want shariah law and chad gets one foid just like me (i dont want to hear 4 wives excuse this is better than chad fucking all the women in town and stealing their virginity)
Simply being a 5/10 would be good enough for me

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