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SuicideFuel A Honest Female and How we are Perceived



Jun 3, 2021
So, I met a women and started having some daily conversations regarding how people are viewed and how they associate with others. She was complaining how she didn't want to work with others and we sort of had the same upbringing and attitudes towards things. Things were fine until I asked for her opinion on my appearance based on a photo I had attached to my public Linkedin profile, because we need that shit for work.

I think of you as my equal, so i'll tell you things without sugarcoating, that's for the weak. So, there are 2 things:
1- I don't care about how you look since I'm much taller than you, means we're not potential lovers. So it's none of my business.
LOL, that was fast. She is 5.9ft btw where as I'm 5'4ft.
2- I still have an opinion about how you look. You're not ugly, you're really cute.
This means nothing at all.
The thing is, you're the total opposite of what society thinks is handsome. You have contradictory features: a baby face + a little bit of facial hair + baldness. It confuses the mind, I think that's what happens when people see you, they're confused. If in addition to that, you have a deep voice, that's exponential confusing.
A monster, no surprise here.

But then, it got really interesting.

Now regarding how it made me feel, it's a little bit confusing.
Here. We. Go.
When I first saw the picture, it's like a I had a primitive instinctual reaction, I didn't want to talk to you anymore for a second. And it was a strong intense feeling of rejection.
Women hate ugly dudes, water is wet.
Then I asked myself why, since I was enjoying our discussions and I'm talller than you so no dating possible, I shouldn't care normally.
This my friends, is the friend zone.
But I thought about it a little bit and I think it comes from my own weakness: I could see how society would consider you, and how poorly it would treat you, and it's like I didn't want to associate with you to not be treated as poorly as you would be. That's an awful thought blablabla but we're not judging here,
Perceived value, society says x is bad, therefore x is bad.
we're trying to understand how someone who would enjoy your intellectual company a lot, would still not want to associate with you.
Oh, this is an easy one.
I've never felt this way, I thought I didn't care about what society thinks, and it's true, consciously i don't, but the primitive me does apparently.
We are really nothing but animals.
I cared for a second, but I don't think others ask themselves why and figure out it's their own weakness that dictates this feeling, they stop at the rejection.
10 milliseconds guys, that is all you have.
I'm pretty sure if I was successful financially, doing something I love and exerting power through it, I would not be afraid to associate with you, because i'd be immune to how society treats me consequently.
Great, I only have value as a human being if I mix with people who don't fear the negative consensus of dealing with me.
Having confusing features is maybe worse than being ugly, because there are a lot of ugly people, and it's like the large number brings them closer to the average person and we accept them, but people who confuse us are very few, and they're automatically on the edge. Means associating with them is particularly dangerous, at leas that's how my animal brain interprets the situation.
Ugly people are ugly, if your not ugly and your not good looking, you must be ugly, by default.

Okay now that I knew all of this, I thought i was free of it and didn't care again. But then I felt a deep feeling of uneasiness, I felt pity, and that's the feeling I hate the most. It paralyzes my brain. I hated myself for feeling pity towards how you people including me reject you instinctively.
This is the wires crossing, where the limbic system and prefrontal cortex grind against each other.
To me you're a smart introspective and observant person, no one has the right to feel pity for you because it puts them automatically at a higher place than you. I can't be friends with someone unless i see them as my equal, and pity is you knowing something and feeling a certain way about it and not telling the person because you feel it would hurt them. The only way for me to be free of this pity thing is to be honest and tell you it's there, so now we're equal again.
Hypergamy and perceived value, again, it is funny to see it admitted.

This communication pretty much ended there, what else do I need to say and what else do I need to get? Nothing.

But to all the people coping with "personality", this woman and myself had the closet thing to chemistry I ever had in my entire life and not even that could overcome the looks threshold.

It was an interesting reaction and it isn't the first time, but she was at least honest enough to admit this.

At least she is honest
GrAYcel hallucinator talking to a toilet, yikes.
You should fully change your dialogue.
Never say anything to her again.
Unless it is passive aggressive or creepy.
If a bitch wants to say anything to you but hasn’t opened her legs to show her beef, she being sadistic.
Creep the bitch out subtly.
fakecel if talked to a foid
Women hate ugly men and they want ugly men to die, it is what it is
didn't read I already know we are suhuman still I won't tocuh this
you said she was honest. the disgusting whore is trying sugarcoat her low opinion of you while searing that she's not trying to sugarcoat it. she should be acid faced
[citation needed]
So, I met a women and started having some daily conversations regarding how people are viewed and how they associate with others. She was complaining how she didn't want to work with others and we sort of had the same upbringing and attitudes towards things. Things were fine until I asked for her opinion on my appearance based on a photo I had attached to my public Linkedin profile, because we need that shit for work.

LOL, that was fast. She is 5.9ft btw where as I'm 5'4ft.

This means nothing at all.

A monster, no surprise here.

But then, it got really interesting.

Here. We. Go.

Women hate ugly dudes, water is wet.

This my friends, is the friend zone.

Perceived value, society says x is bad, therefore x is bad.

Oh, this is an easy one.

We are really nothing but animals.

10 milliseconds guys, that is all you have.

Great, I only have value as a human being if I mix with people who don't fear the negative consensus of dealing with me.

Ugly people are ugly, if your not ugly and your not good looking, you must be ugly, by default.

This is the wires crossing, where the limbic system and prefrontal cortex grind against each other.

Hypergamy and perceived value, again, it is funny to see it admitted.

This communication pretty much ended there, what else do I need to say and what else do I need to get? Nothing.

But to all the people coping with "personality", this woman and myself had the closet thing to chemistry I ever had in my entire life and not even that could overcome the looks threshold.

It was an interesting reaction and it isn't the first time, but she was at least honest enough to admit this.

You should post more often. This was a interesting read.
I wish all cunts were this honest instead of trying to gaslight us.
Is this piece of fiction original or copypasted? That's not how foids talk this is how they talk:

"Sorry sweety You're not my type but your not ugly theres someone out there for everyone and I'm sure you'll make a woman very happy one day just not me teeeheee "
@The Enforcer thoughts?
where do you work? this sounds fake or you were talking to a tranny. or maybe she has autism, idk
where do you work? this sounds fake or you were talking to a tranny. or maybe she has autism, idk
probably a IT infiltrator

they pull stunts like this to expose dirty incels :feelskek: :feelskek:
This sounds like LARP.

99.999% of women would say something along the lines of "looking great!" to virtue signal & move on.

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