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Discussion A discussion/debate on religion and god



Behold the "EMPEROR"
Apr 12, 2022
Before i go on ahead with the questions if you're religious and believe in god this post isn't meant to hurt/offend you . You still are free to do whatever you like and practice your religion .
And atheist people of this forum come and join
And also this isn't a hippy liberal post

My doubts and questions
1. If God created us and the universe then who created god?
2. If god powerful then why do evil still lurks among us? And why doesn't he destroy evil?
3. Why is god testing us? And why is he testing us unequally and unfairly ? Why do some people have better lives than other??
4. God says he is the cause of your misery and still expects us to pray him
5. Why do god expects us to do whatever he tells us?
6. If god is one and powerful then why are there different religions all different from each other ??
No god for ur face, chico
Before i go on ahead with the questions if you're religious and believe in god this post isn't meant to hurt/offend you . You still are free to do whatever you like and practice your religion .
And atheist people of this forum come and join
And also this isn't a hippy liberal post

My doubts and questions
1. If God created us and the universe then who created god?
2. If god powerful then why do evil still lurks among us? And why doesn't he destroy evil?
3. Why is god testing us? And why is he testing us unequally and unfairly ? Why do some people have better lives than other??
4. God says he is the cause of your misery and still expects us to pray him
5. Why do god expects us to do whatever he tells us?
6. If god is one and powerful then why are there different religions all different from each other ??
1. The God worshipped by Christians is Yaldaboath, the Demiurge. He is the son of Sophia, who is the daughter of the creator.

2. Yaldaboath is evil

3. God is not testing us. He created us to suffer for his amusement, and chad were created to inflict suffering.

4. He is cucking us

5. He is narcissistic

6. There are many gods
1) There is no god.
2) There is no good or bad. There are social constructions made by the weaks to survive the brutality of evolution, to stop being killed, abused and raped by the phisically and cognitive stronger individuals. That imply the contsruct of the master weapons of mass control: faith, dogmas, religions.
3) See up above^.
4) Again^
5) Again^, stop coping boys...
6) Because tribes were separated in ancient times and each group invented different tales. When around 1200y later 3 major buffoons asked their buffoonery assistants to remake the 3 master weapons in a modern key leveraging on the fact new dark times were the perfect soil to plant the "faith in a superior being" seeds: Bible, Torah, Kuran.

Now, i think it's also worth to mention the fact majority of people can't fuckin read because even if an individual is stupid enough to cope with gods... should just read just 1 of the "holy books" and realize that, literally, god is the villain of each book and should still not be worshipoed at all.
A stupid foid bit an apple so now we have to live as Incels
Inshallah heaven 72 virgins for me
Abrahamic religions don't work in the modern day. God simply cannot be all powerful, because if he was, he'd be an asshole
I've listed answers to your question from a purely rational perspective

1. Presuming an objective version of "God" exists, this question will lead to infinite regress. If God was created, then you'll have to ask, "Who created the being who created God". If the being who created God was also created, then you'll have to ask, "Who created the being who created the being who created God", and to infinity. The only solution is there must exist "something" that was never brought into existence (i.e. a being that exists beyond the limitations of time)

But would "something" with timeless existence and the ability to create, be "God" by definition? That's unclear, because timeless existence and the ability to create do not seem to automatically translate to deity status. For example, there's no proof an abstract being cannot exist beyond the limitations of time. Also there's no proof an abstract being cannot have the ability to create, because an abstract being doesn't necessarily have to be conceived before it exists. Does that necessarily cause the abstract being to become "God"?

Ideally, all of the attributes that define "God" aren't essential to every kind of abstract being. Otherwise all forms of abstract being would be "God". Unless the only attributes of "God" are timelessness and the ability to create, "something" that exists beyond limitations in time and has the ability to create, would not necessarily be "God", because it may rather be an abstract being that isn't exactly "God"

Basically there are only three possible solutions:

(a) If "God" exists, they were never created​
(b) "something" that exists beyond the limitations of time and isn't exactly "God", may have created "God"​
(c) "something" that exists beyond the limitations of time and isn't exactly "God", may have created something else that eventually created "God"​
2. It's unclear whether there's an impartial standard for "good" and "evil". If I had to guess, I'd say morals are mental constructs which serve the primary function to rationalize human ideals

But if by "evil" you are inferring conditions that seem to correspond with misery, poverty and enmity in humans, there's a list of possible answers to this question:

(a) God is a sadist and finds pleasure in causing or watching others suffer. This solution infers that "God" doesn't have to be omnibenevolent​
(b) God is carrying out a test / experiment to collect information, and the occurence of "evil" is imperative to achieve a certain objective of this test / experiment. This solution infers that "God" doesn't have to be omniscient, because "God" would have no rational motive to carry out the test / experiment if they already know all the outcomes for it​
(c) It is somehow beyond the abilities of "God" to stop or prevent "evil" from happening. This solution infers that "God" doesn't have to be omnipotent​
3. Assuming "God" is actually testing people, I don't have an answer to this question. But it was stated in my response to the second question that "God" would have no rational motive to "test humanity" if "God" is really omniscient. TBH I'm neither theist nor atheist. From my POV there is no meaningful test, only suffering and coping

4. Who said "God" had expectations? A book for toddlers and preschoolers? A bunch of bluepillers? Maybe "God" doesn't have any expectations of you

5. How do you know if "God" has ever told you to do anything? I've already addressed the vagueness of divinity in response to the first question

6. If "God" translates to one and only one divine entity, it clearly means at least one of the theistic religions of humankind has a flawed interpretation of "God". It just wouldn't be clear which theistic religion is flawed, because there's no direct evidence to prove that any theistic religion does not identify the correct "God" as the center of their religion
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My doubts and questions
1. If God created us and the universe then who created god?

2. If god powerful then why do evil still lurks among us? And why doesn't he destroy evil?
The "God" that made our physical universe is evil.

3. Why is god testing us? And why is he testing us unequally and unfairly ? Why do some people have better lives than other??
Hes not testing us. We were created to suffer for his amusement.

4. God says he is the cause of your misery and still expects us to pray him
And people like @Autistic Uggo still pray to him.

5. Why do god expects us to do whatever he tells us?
He's extremely narcissistic

6. If god is one and powerful then why are there different religions all different from each other ??
He is not all powerful. There are many gods. Every god, from every religion is real.
I've listed answers to your question from a purely rational perspective

1. Presuming an objective version of "God" exists, this question will lead to infinite regress. If God was created, then you'll have to ask, "Who created the being who created God". If the being who created God was also created, then you'll have to ask, "Who created the being who created the being who created God", and to infinity. The only solution is there must exist "something" that was never brought into existence (i.e. a being that exists beyond the limitations of time)

But would "something" with timeless existence and the ability to create, be "God" by definition? That's unclear, because timeless existence and the ability to create do not seem to automatically translate to deity status. For example, there's no proof an abstract being cannot exist beyond the limitations of time. Also there's no proof an abstract being cannot have the ability to create, because an abstract being doesn't necessarily have to be conceived before it exists. Does that necessarily cause the abstract being to become "God"?

Ideally, all of the attributes that define "God" aren't essential to every kind of abstract being. Otherwise all forms of abstract being would be "God". Unless the only attributes of "God" are timelessness and the ability to create, "something" that exists beyond limitations in time and has the ability to create, would not necessarily be "God", because it may rather be an abstract being that isn't exactly "God"

Basically there are only three possible solutions:

(a) If "God" exists, they were never created​
(b) "something" that exists beyond the limitations of time and isn't exactly "God", may have created "God"​
(c) "something" that exists beyond the limitations of time and isn't exactly "God", may have created something else that eventually created "God"​
2. It's unclear whether there's an impartial standard for "good" and "evil". If I had to guess, I'd say morals are mental constructs which serve the primary function to rationalize human ideals

But if by "evil" you are inferring conditions that seem to correspond with misery, poverty and enmity in humans, there's a list of possible answers to this question:

(a) God is a sadist and finds pleasure in causing or watching others suffer. This solution infers that "God" doesn't have to be omnibenevolent​
(b) God is carrying out a test / experiment to collect information, and the occurence of "evil" is imperative to achieve a certain objective of this test / experiment. This solution infers that "God" doesn't have to be omniscient, because "God" would have no rational motive to carry out the test / experiment if they already know all the outcomes for it​
(c) It is somehow beyond the abilities of "God" to stop or prevent "evil" from happening. This solution infers that "God" doesn't have to be omnipotent​
3. Assuming "God" is actually testing people, I don't have an answer to this question. But it was stated in my response to the second question that "God" would have no rational motive to "test humanity" if "God" is really omniscient. TBH I'm neither theist nor atheist. From my POV there is no meaningful test, only suffering and coping

4. Who said "God" had expectations? A book for toddlers and preschoolers? A bunch of bluepillers? Maybe "God" doesn't have any expectations of you

5. How do you know if "God" has ever told you to do anything? I've already addressed the vagueness of divinity in response to the first question

6. If "God" translates to one and only one divine entity, it clearly means at least one of the theistic religions of humankind has a flawed interpretation of "God". It just wouldn't be clear which theistic religion is flawed, because there's no direct evidence to prove that any theistic religion does not identify the correct "God" as the center of their religion

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