Original recipe mod from the Serge regime.
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- Nov 7, 2017
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This is easily one of the most common arguments. "You just want to blame external factors" "you're too lazy to chance go you just blame your genetics" and other variations are commonly told to anyone expressing even slightly blackpilled reasons for why they can't attract women.
But the reality couldn't be further from the truth. So many of us, especially us oldcels, had to learn this the hard way. But even most of the zoomers here went through a bluepill and/or redpill phase. And initially we all tried to fight this belief because thinking "I'm genetically inferior male and will thus be a genetic dead end" is completely antithetical to our masculine instincts.
Personally I was bluepilled when I was young. I simped. I went for girls with similar interests thinking that compatibility was important. I went through a gymceling phase. I got lean and shredded with a 6 pack. I did a lot of cold approaching. Even when I fully accepted that I was ugly (and how ugly I truly was) I approached extremely unattractive women, as in morbidly obese or really ugly (I've approached women with craniofacial deformities) thinking if I just combined that approach with "numbers game" that I could eventually get my looksmatch or lower (though admittedly as ugly as I was, there really wasn't much room logistically to go lower). I tried social circle game. Day game. Night game.
I tried to fight the idea that I was too ugly for women, even the least attractive women, but the evidence simply overwhelmed me to the point where I could not deny it anymore.
Most blackpillers (especially the older ones) here went through a very similar journey.
Admittedly, you do have the ones who learned about the blackpill because of tik tok or some shit. Extremely sheltered zoomers who never approached that many women. Those are the ones that end up falling for retarded theories and cherrypicking threads...because their conviction in the blackpill isn't based on experience but things they see online. So you can cherrypick one example (with no context), tack on some stupid theory (just be X), and they'll eat it up. But for those of us who were blackpilled by personal experience and learned it the hardway...through trial and error and observation, we can see through that bullshit.
But the reality couldn't be further from the truth. So many of us, especially us oldcels, had to learn this the hard way. But even most of the zoomers here went through a bluepill and/or redpill phase. And initially we all tried to fight this belief because thinking "I'm genetically inferior male and will thus be a genetic dead end" is completely antithetical to our masculine instincts.
Personally I was bluepilled when I was young. I simped. I went for girls with similar interests thinking that compatibility was important. I went through a gymceling phase. I got lean and shredded with a 6 pack. I did a lot of cold approaching. Even when I fully accepted that I was ugly (and how ugly I truly was) I approached extremely unattractive women, as in morbidly obese or really ugly (I've approached women with craniofacial deformities) thinking if I just combined that approach with "numbers game" that I could eventually get my looksmatch or lower (though admittedly as ugly as I was, there really wasn't much room logistically to go lower). I tried social circle game. Day game. Night game.
I tried to fight the idea that I was too ugly for women, even the least attractive women, but the evidence simply overwhelmed me to the point where I could not deny it anymore.
Most blackpillers (especially the older ones) here went through a very similar journey.
Admittedly, you do have the ones who learned about the blackpill because of tik tok or some shit. Extremely sheltered zoomers who never approached that many women. Those are the ones that end up falling for retarded theories and cherrypicking threads...because their conviction in the blackpill isn't based on experience but things they see online. So you can cherrypick one example (with no context), tack on some stupid theory (just be X), and they'll eat it up. But for those of us who were blackpilled by personal experience and learned it the hardway...through trial and error and observation, we can see through that bullshit.
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