We should force all women to stay in the house, clean cook and do basic necessities in the house while the men go work. Women should be shamed for being whores and not staying virgin until they get their husband for life, If you don't want rape to happen maybe you shouldn't make chad and chadlites have lesser jail sentences just for having good looks but no im inkwell and misogynist, Even if you do this women are dirty stupid whores that's why we need a large propaganda agenda that shows that beating women is ok and punishing them hard puts them in their stupid whore place, Also all ugly men should have firearms to defend incase a HTN+ is invited to their wife's home or she finds a way to cheat so he can put bullets inside that chad and the woman even if the woman is a mother she deserves death for cheating, If we take away their rights and their money they have no way of surviving on their own because we all know chads don't care about any girl that isn't their looksmatch or higher they view them as meat which i do too now i agree with the chads because they are just playing the game how the elites made it to be played i just don't like when chad shows them affection instead of just fucking them and leaving that gets me mad because we know that stupid whore who is our looksmatch doesn't deserve that affection from a chad, Also all drugs should be legalized and only accessible to ugly men who don't have a way to find a woman because they are too deformed or too short or is non nt or bad genetics in general and they should be free also escorts are pimped out instead of making their own price because the dirty used whore overvalues her disgusting hole, Only these pimps will be able to sell sex women are not allowed to or else they get sent to jail.
Also wanna say, Kill all the rich jewish people in america and all of the western nations and kill all political figures, Only a stable healthy family is the only thing to be looked up to. Money is not hard to get and you can afford a home after working a few years, if a single mother has a family she should not be given any support at all she should abort the family and find a stupid cuck to make a family with her that doesn't mind her used hole. Basically just make the modern world into the old world with a few inventions we use i feel like tons of men would finally be happy and mental illness and jew faggotry would be over with (no more plus sized body positivity bullshit, No more online dating, No more giving chads and stacies special privilege just for being born, Kill anyone who is suspected of adultery and brainwash little girls with religion (doesn't matter christ cuckery or islam cuckery) but make women know that men are their masters and that they cannot just ignore all men and go for 5-10% of rare men, Make useless jobs banned so stupid whores can't make their own money and try to look for chad also want to say that we should kill all of the cuck fathers and slut mothers who teach their children degeneracy and make our world worse