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9/11: Real, Or Inside-Job?



Nov 20, 2022
Seems as if this quite often is a debated topic online

Obviously, many/most here do genuinely believe as if it was a Fed-Op(I agree)

As such, I want to show some stuff which further proves the case in point:

One of the first things I watched when I went down this Rabbit-hole

Quite interesting, and it both pains me & is a bit of hope that around three-million or so folks have seen this.

Found this also, it's quite interesting to see snippets of this coming out now: I predict within thirty-years or so, we will see the full-story really emerge.

Video discussing the "dancing Israelis"

Here's something interesting I found whilst snooping around:

Maria says she saw three young men kneeling on the roof of a white van in the parking lot of her apartment building. "They seemed to be taking a movie," Maria said.

The men were taking video or photos of themselves with the World Trade Center burning in the background, she said. What struck Maria were the expressions on the men's faces. "They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange," she said.

She found the behavior so suspicious that she wrote down the license plate number of the van and called the police. Before long, the FBI was also on the scene, and a statewide bulletin was issued on the van.

According to the police report, one of the passengers told the officers they had been on the West Side Highway in Manhattan "during the incident" — referring to the World Trade Center attack. The driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the officers, "We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem." The other passengers were his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari.
Now ain't that a heck of a coincidence :waitwhat:

More stuff on all this:

View: https://x.com/CensoredMen/status/1795608338429808645?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1795608338429808645%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=

Every Single Aspect of 9 11 is Jewish 1

Even without all of this, when you look at the current geopolitical situation at the time, it makes overall sense.
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It was a Mossad job.
I think it was an inside-job that was allowed by the feds
Similar to how FDR let Japan bomb Pearl Harbour so he could get involve in WW2
Who cares. Old news
I think it was an inside-job that was allowed by the feds
Similar to how FDR let Japan bomb Pearl Harbour so he could get involve in WW2
Could be true but I don't care enough to dig deeper
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
100% inside job carried out by Israel with the full cooperation and backing of the Bush oligarchy + military Junta.
The U.S. government isn’t clever enough to orchestrate and conceal involvement with something this big. Mossad…. maybe
Yeah, nah...

I'm a structural engineer with 20 years career designing buildings. Not 100 storey skyscrapers but enough that I know how these structures work, and the limitations of the fire suppression systems present.

I was at school when it happened, and all of the old professors who DID design and build mega structures before they became professors, tjey were all very clear that the official story was obviously dead right also.

Nothing in the mainstream public record theory of how this happened and how the building is collapsed, gives me any doubt at all that that is how it happened. Ockham's Razor. There is just simply no need for elaborate theories about "demolition charges" or shadowy cabals of Jewish bankers. Everything is adequately explained by basic mechanics.

(And the people insisting "9/11 INSIDE JOB, JEWS DID THIS" are the same people who always insist Jews did everything. K.)
Seems as if this quite often is a debated topic online

Obviously, many/most here do genuinely believe as if it was a Fed-Op(I agree)

As such, I want to show some stuff which further proves the case in point:

One of the first things I watched when I went down this Rabbit-hole

Quite interesting, and it both pains me & is a bit of hope that around three-million or so folks have seen this.

Found this also, it's quite interesting to see snippets of this coming out now: I predict within thirty-years or so, we will see the full-story really emerge.

Video discussing the "dancing Israelis"

Here's something interesting I found whilst snooping around:

Now ain't that a heck of a coincidence :waitwhat:

More stuff on all this:
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View: https://x.com/CensoredMen/status/1795608338429808645?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1795608338429808645%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=

View attachment 1262579

Even without all of this, when you look at the current geopolitical situation at the time, it makes overall sense.

I think Bin Laden really despised the United States, he had a sporting interest after defeating the USSR in Afghanistan. But I am also sure that the US authorities did not specifically prevent this, but allowed it to happen, just as Roosevelt allowed Pearl Harbor by refusing to evacuate the Pacific fleet from Hawaii.
One of the planes struck the treasury department in the pentagon. Trillions of dollars vanished into thin air and unaccounted for.
Yeah, nah...

I'm a structural engineer with 20 years career designing buildings. Not 100 storey skyscrapers but enough that I know how these structures work, and the limitations of the fire suppression systems present.

I was at school when it happened, and all of the old professors who DID design and build mega structures before they became professors, tjey were all very clear that the official story was obviously dead right also.

Nothing in the mainstream public record theory of how this happened and how the building is collapsed, gives me any doubt at all that that is how it happened. Ockham's Razor. There is just simply no need for elaborate theories about "demolition charges" or shadowy cabals of Jewish bankers. Everything is adequately explained by basic mechanics.

(And the people insisting "9/11 INSIDE JOB, JEWS DID THIS" are the same people who always insist Jews did everything. K.)
That's fine. Based on the facts about how these buildings are constructed and the stresses they're capable of withstanding, we can discount the demolition charge theory. None of it discounts the possible involvement of foreign state, private, or rogue internal actors, however.

I refuse to believe a group of jihadi sand niggers with nothing but thoughts of heavenly virgins and raging at infidels were sophisticated enough to carry out this operation without some serious help.
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Inside because the plane did penetrate
Seems as if this quite often is a debated topic online

Obviously, many/most here do genuinely believe as if it was a Fed-Op(I agree)

As such, I want to show some stuff which further proves the case in point:

One of the first things I watched when I went down this Rabbit-hole

Quite interesting, and it both pains me & is a bit of hope that around three-million or so folks have seen this.

Found this also, it's quite interesting to see snippets of this coming out now: I predict within thirty-years or so, we will see the full-story really emerge.

Video discussing the "dancing Israelis"

Here's something interesting I found whilst snooping around:

Now ain't that a heck of a coincidence :waitwhat:

More stuff on all this:
View attachment 1262578

View: https://x.com/CensoredMen/status/1795608338429808645?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1795608338429808645%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=

View attachment 1262579

Even without all of this, when you look at the current geopolitical situation at the time, it makes overall sense.

I do have to say this in rebuttal to one point about have F22 jets. I dont think until it happend that anyone would expect the jets to crash into the WTC. People whe knew about the hijackings problably expected it to be hostage taking or kidnappings. Not a whole fucking massacure.
I refuse to believe a group of jihadi sand niggers with nothing but thoughts of heavenly virgins and raging at infidels were sophisticated enough to carry out this operation without some serious help.

That's the impressive thing about it though, in terms of how the sand diggers carried out their attack. All it took was enough cash for 16 (ish?) fit young guys to spend half a year in the USA getting flying lessons and logging an intense amount of time on Microsoft Flight Sim plotting their routes to the target. And 16 domestic business class seats on the actual day.

(And the leadership and discipline to actually assemble a team that could stick to that plan and execute it.)

I'm a WW2 military history nerd so I can't help but compare the Al-Qaeda cell, what they accomplished, and the resources required... with what major world powers spent on special projects in WW2 and their results.

The British spent an absolute fortune developing airdropped special bombs for taking out special high-value targets like dams, armoured submarine pens and bridges, and those were only ever partial successes.

The Germans tried 3 or 4 times to drop covert agents in the USA to sabotage factories. They had a near-superpower economy and the best military in the world to select their elite super agents from... they had a blue water navy and they used submarines so good they could sail right up to the U.S. coast undetected to drop off the agents. Those missions ALL failed dismally because the teams of agents almost immediately broke up, lost their nerve and sold each other out to the CIA, every damn time.

So the sand niggers executed a stunning successful plan, and all it cost them was half a year's personal expenses for 16 guys and some box cutters from wal-mart.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a loyal patriotic Whitey so FUCK those guys. But at the same time, grudging respect to those guys, they set themselves a huge goal and they absolutely nailed it.
(And the people insisting "9/11 INSIDE JOB, JEWS DID THIS" are the same people who always insist Jews did everything. K.)

What about Lucky Larry Silverstein? "Silverstein completed the largest real estate transaction in New York history when he signed a 99-year lease on the 10.6 million-square-foot World Trade Center for $3.25 billion, only to see it destroyed in terrorist attacks six weeks later on September 11, 2001." Lucky Larry also made sure to insure it against terrorism, which was not a big topic before 9/11, to get $4.6 billion from insurance companies. Larry is also the first private party to have ever owned WTC.

But wait there's more, Lucky Larry was in WTC almost every day, except "However, the morning of September 11, 2001, his wife insisted he attend a medical appointment, inadvertently saving him from certain death" BWAHAHA. That's what those in the know call a cohencidence.

Oh and what do you say to dancing israelis? Just a cohencidence too? It could've been any other ethnic group, it just happened to be israelis, right?
That's the impressive thing about it though, in terms of how the sand diggers carried out their attack. All it took was enough cash for 16 (ish?) fit young guys to spend half a year in the USA getting flying lessons and logging an intense amount of time on Microsoft Flight Sim plotting their routes to the target. And 16 domestic business class seats on the actual day.

(And the leadership and discipline to actually assemble a team that could stick to that plan and execute it.)

I'm a WW2 military history nerd so I can't help but compare the Al-Qaeda cell, what they accomplished, and the resources required... with what major world powers spent on special projects in WW2 and their results.

The British spent an absolute fortune developing airdropped special bombs for taking out special high-value targets like dams, armoured submarine pens and bridges, and those were only ever partial successes.

The Germans tried 3 or 4 times to drop covert agents in the USA to sabotage factories. They had a near-superpower economy and the best military in the world to select their elite super agents from... they had a blue water navy and they used submarines so good they could sail right up to the U.S. coast undetected to drop off the agents. Those missions ALL failed dismally because the teams of agents almost immediately broke up, lost their nerve and sold each other out to the CIA, every damn time.

So the sand niggers executed a stunning successful plan, and all it cost them was half a year's personal expenses for 16 guys and some box cutters from wal-mart.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a loyal patriotic Whitey so FUCK those guys. But at the same time, grudging respect to those guys, they set themselves a huge goal and they absolutely nailed it.
Let's apply Occam's razor then.

Which do you think is more likely, given what you just said about the difficulty and success rate of major covert operations in WW2 when the entire world's collective powers came together in concert to achieve some objective: a carefully selected group backed (financially) by one man, who also happens to be their spiritual leader, who planned everything with his second-in-command (Ayman Al-Zawahiri), pulling off one of the most successful offensive black operations in history all by their lonesome, OR that the same group had a great deal of intelligence and logistics support from groups - possibly governments - to ensure their success?

On a balance of probabilities (with your history lesson serving as the Bayesian prior), the second possibility seems far more likely to me, tbhngl. This is speaking strictly on the surface with what we know, without any special information added into the mix. That to me is a simpler explanation from the outside looking in i.e., that they must have had help, given the complexity of the mission and the surgical precision required for its success.
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I remember having this book.

711NTD0sZ7L AC UF10001000 QL80
Seems as if this quite often is a debated topic online

Obviously, many/most here do genuinely believe as if it was a Fed-Op(I agree)

As such, I want to show some stuff which further proves the case in point:

One of the first things I watched when I went down this Rabbit-hole

Quite interesting, and it both pains me & is a bit of hope that around three-million or so folks have seen this.

Found this also, it's quite interesting to see snippets of this coming out now: I predict within thirty-years or so, we will see the full-story really emerge.

Video discussing the "dancing Israelis"

Here's something interesting I found whilst snooping around:

Now ain't that a heck of a coincidence :waitwhat:

More stuff on all this:
View attachment 1262578

View: https://x.com/CensoredMen/status/1795608338429808645?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1795608338429808645%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=

View attachment 1262579

Even without all of this, when you look at the current geopolitical situation at the time, it makes overall sense.

Based thread
9/11 must be ragefuel for americancels because they destroyed their skyscrappers with stolen planes
Let's apply Occam's razor then.

Which do you think is more likely, given what you just said about the difficulty and success rate of major covert operations in WW2 when the entire world's collective powers came together in concert to achieve some objective: a carefully selected group backed (financially) by one man, who also happens to be their spiritual leader, who planned everything with his second-in-command (Ayman Al-Zawahiri), pulling off one of the most successful offensive black operations in history all by their lonesome, OR that the same group had a great deal of intelligence and logistics support from groups - possibly governments - to ensure their success?

I just don't see a contradiction there.

The genius of their plan, was how small it was.

It was easy to keep hidden because there was almost nothing to hide. No need for weapons. No need for complex 2-way real-time comms. No logistical support required. Just a bunch of ordinary looking young guys with a good, simple plan and the religious fanatacism to carry it put.
Seems as if this quite often is a debated topic online

Obviously, many/most here do genuinely believe as if it was a Fed-Op(I agree)

As such, I want to show some stuff which further proves the case in point:

One of the first things I watched when I went down this Rabbit-hole

Quite interesting, and it both pains me & is a bit of hope that around three-million or so folks have seen this.

Found this also, it's quite interesting to see snippets of this coming out now: I predict within thirty-years or so, we will see the full-story really emerge.

Video discussing the "dancing Israelis"

Here's something interesting I found whilst snooping around:

Now ain't that a heck of a coincidence :waitwhat:

More stuff on all this:
View attachment 1262578

View: https://x.com/CensoredMen/status/1795608338429808645?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1795608338429808645%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=

View attachment 1262579

Even without all of this, when you look at the current geopolitical situation at the time, it makes overall sense.

It was obvious from the start but great work though, high effort thread worthy of pinning
I just don't see a contradiction there.

The genius of their plan, was how small it was.

It was easy to keep hidden because there was almost nothing to hide. No need for weapons. No need for complex 2-way real-time comms. No logistical support required. Just a bunch of ordinary looking young guys with a good, simple plan and the religious fanatacism to carry it put.
You're correct, there's no contradiction. I'm saying, given what we know, it's less likely that it was done without external assistance. That doesn't rule out the possibility that it was planned and executed in isolation (read: w/o help), but it does make less plausible.

I'm making the claim that, in this instance, the more likely outcome is the simpler explanation (for reasons mentioned). I don't know if it's the case that, in general, the more likely outcome is usually the simpler explanation, as I don't think that that's necessarily true, so I haven't made that particular claim. I'd have to think about that.
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You're correct, there's no contradiction. I'm saying, given what we know, it's less likely that it was done without external assistance. That doesn't rule out the possibility that was planned and executed in isolation (read: w/o help), but it does make less plausible.

I'm making the claim that, in this instance, the more likely outcome is the simpler explanation (for reasons mentioned). I don't know if it's the case that, in general, the more likely outcome is usually the simpler explanation, as I don't think that that's necessarily true, so I haven't made that particular claim. I'd have to think about that.


All the theories about outside help, deep state, Jewry, to me they just seem to add moving parts and make the whole thing less likely to succeed and more likely to be discovered.

All the theories about outside help, deep state, Jewry, to me they just seem to add moving parts and make the whole thing less likely to succeed and more likely to be discovered.
That's true. There a ton of moving parts, and that increase the difficulty of keeping a lid on things. I will say, though, that in operations of this sort and caliber compartmentalization is always the rule, without exception. Need to know and all that. It ensures security and efficiency.
100% inside job
There is a reason why most of the old Youtube videos about this subject are either banned, or shadowbanned (doesnt appear when you write 9/11 conspiracy to search bar).

100% inside job
Lets see.....

Highly suspicious prior stock market activity
PNAC 1998
The passport in the rubble bullshit

Cui bono.

What I can't understand is how it benefited anyone but Israel.
I know Jihadis don't think logically but....
Seems as if this quite often is a debated topic online

Obviously, many/most here do genuinely believe as if it was a Fed-Op(I agree)

As such, I want to show some stuff which further proves the case in point:

One of the first things I watched when I went down this Rabbit-hole

Quite interesting, and it both pains me & is a bit of hope that around three-million or so folks have seen this.

Found this also, it's quite interesting to see snippets of this coming out now: I predict within thirty-years or so, we will see the full-story really emerge.

Video discussing the "dancing Israelis"

Here's something interesting I found whilst snooping around:

Now ain't that a heck of a coincidence :waitwhat:

More stuff on all this:
View attachment 1262578

View: https://x.com/CensoredMen/status/1795608338429808645?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1795608338429808645%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=

View attachment 1262579

Even without all of this, when you look at the current geopolitical situation at the time, it makes overall sense.

Inside job carried out by Israeli Mossad
9/11: Operation Northwoods

nonetheless sandnigger terror groups are very real, they were created by the CIA along with the saudi´s during the cold war but once the USSR collapsed the american government couldnt get rid of them

Jews did 9/11 fyi
I don’t have enough knowledge on the matter to make a definitive answer, but my theory is that Mossad and ZOG knew well beforehand but didn’t stop it because it was an excuse to further expand into the Middle East for oil and non-Jew ethnocide

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