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45% of women will be single, childless (and probably happier for it) by 2030 : TwoXChromosomes

They are delusional, their biological clock is ticking and they are meant to reproduce. Look at any foid in their late 30’s or 40’s without kids, they are depressed and empty. Any aged foid is asked about kids/grandkids, not their career or anything of the like, I’d pay to see how they feel in a decade or two.
The Percentage of chads good enough for them will be lower. Less old whores wjll settle for beta buxxers even post 35. They'll become more bitter and whorish, society will continue to colapse, but hopefully incels gain more power
There happy because they can get fucked by Chads 24/7.
In year 2030, you will be childless and you will be happy.

Hello Mr. Schwab.

Literally couldn't care less because for me it was over when I was born
Their reasonings are either complete delusion or projections (it's men who suffer the most) but I can see 45% of women being lonely by 2030. Good riddance! Who would have thought that unleashed hypergamy, cock carousel and chad chasing wouldn't work?!

Also, if this will be the % of lonely women, how much higher the % of lonely guys will be by then? Probably over 60%.
>Can't read
Even children's books are more entertaining than the whining and complaining of the average TwoXChromosomes specimen, it's not his fault.
Children, the only group you are allowed to hate and malign on Cuckit besides SAWCSMs.

The agenda is quite clear.

Least bitter post wall roasties
No thought given to how we could make child rearing more appealing to women (FINANCIAL SECURITY. GIVE THEM FINANCIAL SECURITY, YOU ABSOLUTE GOONS).
Yeah that ain't drive the divorce rates up EVEN FURTHER
No thought given to how men can make the idea of marrying/dating them more appealing.
I wonder what the entire purpose of the self-improvement bandwagon is :waitwhat:
Oh look. Men have caused a problem, are screaming about it, and now blaming women for it, and expect us to fix it for them.
That almost sounds like they want us to rectify the damage feminism has done. Almost.
Good. Let this faggot species end already.
also they will all be sharing chads cock
No wonder I was outearned by my female colleagues who had worse education and skills than me, because "muh extroversion":
They may have been doing "side jobs" too
I stopped looking at that sub because it is just the same whining about shit and constantly blaming men. Fucking hate feminazi whores!
I stopped looking at that sub because it is just the same whining about shit and constantly blaming men. Fucking hate feminazi whores!
nazis are based feminists arent
I stopped looking at that sub because it is just the same whining about shit and constantly blaming men. Fucking hate feminazi whores!
Men (SAWCSM) and children are only thing they are allowed to hate since any other hate would get banned, that's why. They can't criticize tranny perverts either because muh transphobia.

nazis are based feminists arent
Rush Limbaugh (American AM radio host, RiP) popularized term cuz "nazis bad" and "muh WW2".
they will complain muh foids are being taken advantage of! :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy: Even though they can take the easy route.
It's actually the opposite. They are taking advantage of the company and coworkers to get an undeserved job they are unqualified for.
It's actually the opposite. They are taking advantage of the company and coworkers to get an undeserved job they are unqualified for.
Yes, taking pay that should go to someone doing hard work. But instead it goes to some whore who sucks a dick and does jack shit.
How is it our fault? They are just entitled and want all the positives without any negatives. They want us to serve them jfl

Those bitches can suck my cock and fuck off. I hope they get run over by cars or break their necks or whatever
Foid whores purpose is to get fucked but you give them rights and they just want more and more.
Lesbians have the least functional relationships, the highest divorce rate out of any demographic, the most spousal abuse, the most infidelity, idk how much crack you have to smoke to blatantly disregard reality like this.
True, this is a widely known fact. The study is possibly cherrypicking couples too.
True, this is a widely known fact. The study is possibly cherrypicking couples too.
They probably beat their kids into giving the researchers the answers they wanted :feelshaha:
Lesbians have the least functional relationships, the highest divorce rate out of any demographic, the most spousal abuse, the most infidelity, idk how much crack you have to smoke to blatantly disregard reality like this.

Does N=25,000 have enough "lesbian families" to have any power anyway? Given how rare "lesbian families" are.
after sex bots come out it'll be close to 90%
Men are the providers for family, foids would die if men didn't supported them financialy and they can't do even bare minimum just make dinner, clean the house and give some sex. I guess getting puonded by a Chad is the only thing foids know.
when you OD on cope :feelsjuice:
Lesbians have the least functional relationships, the highest divorce rate out of any demographic, the most spousal abuse, the most infidelity, idk how much crack you have to smoke to blatantly disregard reality like this.
A growing elderly population, a diminishing young population - wonderful. I look forward to seeing how these hags cope in the future. Society cannot sustain itself.
it can, through immigration to seal the low birthrate gap
Wonderful. The native populations can just die out, seeing as they do not want to procreate. The future is brown.
As you know, nature abhors a vacuum.
I don't blame the browns tbh. If the whites don't want to make babies, then they have sealed their fate.
They're literally this stupid.

That's why I can't have sympathy for them or the simps who enable this delusion.
Men are the providers for family, foids would die if men didn't supported them financialy and they can't do even bare minimum just make dinner, clean the house and give some sex. I guess getting puonded by a Chad is the only thing foids know.
A growing elderly population, a diminishing young population - wonderful. I look forward to seeing how these hags cope in the future. Society cannot sustain itself.
I live in that world
I was envisioning Japan/Asia, as they are a window into the future for Western countries also. We are in a bubble right now - I look forward to seeing it pop. That is if things aren't rectified, which it doesn't seem like they will be.
By the time most men realise what's going on, it'll be too late, let's watch the world slide down into darkness.

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