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Blackpill 22 percent of millennials say they have “no friends”



Nov 24, 2017
22 percent of millennials say they have “no friends”

Loneliness can be helpful, unless it becomes chronic.

By Brian Resnick@B_resnick[email protected] Aug 1, 2019, 12:30pm EDT

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Illustration of single person walking on a path of light against a dark, foreboding background.
27 percent of millennials said they had “no close friends.” Getty Images/iStockphoto
Today, members of the millennial generation are ages 23 to 38. These ought to be prime years of careers taking off and starting families, before joints really begin to ache. Yet as a recent poll and some corresponding research indicate, there’s something missing for many in this generation: companionship.
A recent poll from YouGov, a polling firm and market research company, found that 30 percent of millennials say they feel lonely. This is the highest percentage of all the generations surveyed.
Furthermore, 22 percent of millennials in the poll said they had zero friends. Twenty-seven percent said they had “no close friends,” 30 percent said they have “no best friends,” and 25 percent said they have no acquaintances. (I wonder if the poll respondents have differing thoughts on what “acquaintance” means; I take it to mean “people you interact with now and then.”)
In comparison, just 16 percent of Gen Xers and 9 percent of baby boomers say they have no friends.
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The poll, which looked at 1,254 adults 18 and up, did not report results for the up-and-coming Gen Z (who report high levels of loneliness on other surveys), or for the oldest adults in the country. And we should note: Loneliness tends to increase markedly after age 75; social isolation among the elderly remains a huge problem that will only grow worse as baby boomers age. So perhaps it’s not the case that millennials are the loneliest of all.
Still, the findings on millennials are surprising. Why do a fifth of these 20- and 30-somethings say they lack friends? YouGov’s poll didn’t measure why.
If this generation is truly lonelier, that’s concerning for a number of reasons: Research shows that loneliness tends to increase as we get older. What will happen to millennials, who are already reporting high levels of loneliness, when they reach old age?
It also raises the question of whether everyone who’s lonely, millennials included, is more isolated from spending more time on the internet. (Though there’s also evidence that the internet can help lonely, isolated people connect with others.)
But while there may be something particular happening with millennials, it’s also possible loneliness naturally ebbs and flows throughout life. A 1990 meta-analysis (a study of studies), which included data on 25,000 people, found that “loneliness was highest among young adults, declined over midlife, and increased modestly in old age.”
So there may be a cycle and it might not be new. Many 30-somethings find it gets harder to make new friends as they age. Friends move, family and work obligations increase, and plans to reconnect get perpetually booted into the future on email chains.
More recently, in a 2016 paper, researchers in Germany found a peak of loneliness in a sample of 16,000 Germans at around age 30, another around age 50, and then increasing again at age 80.
“We don’t quite know why this is happening,” said Maike Luhmann, a psychologist who researches loneliness at Ruhr-Universität Bochum and co-authored the paper. “So most of the previous research has focused on old age, and for good reason, because it’s when loneliness levels are high.”
The bigger point, she said, was “researchers have ignored that loneliness can happen at any time.”
And that’s important. Because loneliness is bad for our health.
Loneliness is associated with higher blood pressure and heart disease — it literally breaks our hearts. A 2015 meta-review of 70 studies showed that loneliness increases the risk of dying by 26 percent. (Compare that to depression and anxiety, which is associated with a comparable 21 percent increase in mortality.) There’s evidence that chronic loneliness can turn on genes involved with inflammation, which can be a risk factor for heart disease and cancer.
Make no mistake: We need stress. We need some amount of loneliness. The pain of loneliness is a reminder that we are social creatures who need other people. It’s also important to recognize that loneliness isn’t the same as having few friends. It’s the perceived social isolation that harms us. We can certainly have fulfilling, protective relationships with just a few people.
“As long as we then do what we should do — reconnect with people — then loneliness is a good thing,” Luhmann said. “It becomes a bad thing when it becomes chronic. That’s when the health effects kick in. And it becomes harder and harder to connect with other people the longer you are in the state of loneliness.”

Vacate the west, it's going to shit quick
you need just one person to be happy, if its the right person

thought having a lover and 4 friends would be great
you need just one person to be happy, if its the right person

thought having a lover and 4 friends would be great
having a "lover" and "ascending" as an incel is impossible. firstly she will see you have no social life or circle which wont boost her status to her friends. Second, you will become an emotional tampon/provider for her. Then after shes gets bored she will dump ya ass for a better available option, provided she hasn't cheated on you yet, although its a high possibility she has already.
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having a "lover" and "ascending" as an incel is impossible. firstly she will see you have no social life or circle which wont boost her status to her friends. Second, you will become an emotional tampon/provider for her. Then after shes gets bored she will dump ya ass for a better available option, provided she hasn't cheated on you yet, although its a high possibility she has already.
this is true
but i hate people. having friends is bs
22% have no friends 24% have never fucked a girl

Why not just say roughly one out of 4 is an incel.
The future shall reek with Incels induced in RAGE.
It´s already started.
I can´t fucking wait until the next mass shooting.
Gov is dumb as fuck to pay millions to research institutes to study mass shootings.
Here is the answer...
A 2015 meta-review of 70 studies showed that loneliness increases the risk of dying by 26 percent. (Compare that to depression and anxiety, which is associated with a comparable 21 percent increase in mortality.)
Basically if you have both of these your life is literally a Coin Flip. 47% increase in the possibility of you being a fatality statistic. Why do normies even get upset by Mass Shootings anymore.. they do it to themselves when they isolate people who feel as if they have no way out, literally no release from this Twisted World. Feminism has ruined this world.. advocates of Feminism should stand trial for crimes against humanity.
The future shall reek with Incels induced in RAGE.
It´s already started.
I can´t fucking wait until the next mass shooting.

I'm waiting for the guy who's completely conscious of the blackpill, writes a manifesto on it, and targets a sorority house or something similar. Kill young women. That would be great.
Gov is dumb as fuck to pay millions to research institutes to study mass shootings.
Here is the answer...
By paying millions into stupid studies the governments of the world deludes people into believing that this world is actually going somewhere other than total destruction.
Not having friends for normies means having 20 friends they speak with once or twice a week.
Not having friends for incels means not talking to a human being for the last 10 years
The future shall reek with Incels induced in RAGE.
It´s already started.
I can´t fucking wait until the next mass shooting.
Cannot wait.. I cannot wait. It will be beautiful. My heart beats in my chest and a cleansing of filth is what I desire. I am human.. even though I don't want to be and I am important.. the abuse of a powerful class is never a good option for a society that wants to exist for more than a decade.
Vacate the west, it's going to shit quick
Somewhere and Someone needs to be first.
I wonder what the gender disparity is like.
Over representation of Males.. I don't even have to look at the data to know that I am already correct in my assumption. I just know.
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Seems like 50%+ of people always used their significant other as best friends when they grew older. We do not have that
I'm waiting for the guy who's completely conscious of the blackpill, writes a manifesto on it, and targets a sorority house or something similar. Kill young women. That would be great.
That will be neat.
I really do hope so.
Cannot wait.. I cannot wait. It will be beautiful. My heart beats in my chest and a cleansing of filth is what I desire. I am human.. even though I don't want to be and I am important.. the abuse of a powerful class is never a good option for a society that wants to exist for more than a decade.
They´re gonna pay for all the shit.
ALL OF IT !!!!!
Aye no doubt half of them have 1000+ 'Facebook friends' but naecunt they can rely on irl to help them with some shit.
Economy destroyed, jobs controlled by HR cunts, no friends, no sex, no intimate relantionships, degeneracy 24/7 on tv/social media showing sex and everything you're losing for being born with the wrong genes, no future at all. And these government idiots have to waste 250k of taxpayer money to research why inceldom and mass shootings are increasing.
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Aye no doubt half of them have 1000+ 'Facebook friends' but naecunt they can rely on irl to help them with some shit.
i had like 800 friends on facebook
literally no one was texting me
very few was liking my posts
men are dying, foids are watching
i had like 800 friends on facebook
literally no one was texting me
very few was liking my posts
Social media is narcissistic as fuck. The ones I despise the most is the drama foids. The ones that will put out a status saying, upset, frustrated, whatever. Then their stupid fuckin pals will be 'what's up babe'
'PM me'. Stop fuckin fishing for attention, if there's something important that you are going through, then go tell your fuckin friends, don't plaster it all round Facebook ya fuckin whore.
Social media is narcissistic as fuck. The ones I despise the most is the drama foids. The ones that will put out a status saying, upset, frustrated, whatever. Then their stupid fuckin pals will be 'what's up babe'
'PM me'. Stop fuckin fishing for attention, if there's something important that you are going through, then go tell your fuckin friends, don't plaster it all round Facebook ya fuckin whore.
i deleted facebook already, feel better not seeing their disgusting faces anymore
Economy destroyed, jobs controlled by HR cunts, no friends, no sex, no intimate relantionships, degeneracy 24/7 on tv/social media showing sex and everything you're losing for being born with the wrong genes, no future at all. And these government idiots have to waste 250k of taxpayer money to research why inceldom and mass shootings are increasing.

economy is trash unless you own a global corp that relies on cheap labor

but in the news they constantly blast "BEST ECONOMY IN 10 years" lmao
Economy destroyed, jobs controlled by HR cunts, no friends, no sex, no intimate relantionships, degeneracy 24/7 on tv/social media showing sex and everything you're losing for being born with the wrong genes, no future at all. And these government idiots have to waste 250k of taxpayer money to research why inceldom and mass shootings are increasing.
Those government idiots have all lived lives of privilege and can't imagine ever not having job security, $ for looksmax, and friends. I bet you they'll find a way to blame it on poor ppl for being lazy. Can't socialize when you slave away for most of day where a wrong opinion can get you fired, then come home with your soul drained and just want to numb the pain.
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These numbers seem far too high in my opinion.
And I bet that 22% is all male, with less than average height, autism, low income, etc.
29% of manlets. Who is more lonely than a manlet?
I’ve been alone and friendless for 25 years
And I bet that 22% is all male, with less than average height, autism, low income, etc.
I’m sure a good amount of that 22% is foids, but u know what foid loneliness is.. meme loneliness. Merely being the sole occupant of a space for longer than a day. How lonely can you possibly be as a foid when all men on earth want to fuck You and society is specifically tailored to serve your every need..

I bet none of those 22% are chads tho.. statistically, maybe 2 or 3 of them should be sexually desirable men if SMV has nothing to do with loneliness, but something tells me low SMV is the root cause of loneliness
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Foids feel "lonely" after 1 hour of Chad not giving them attention, we have very different versions. They wouldn't survive a day in a truecel's shoes.
based lonelycels
Women can’t be lonely. are they included in these stats? A lot of attention whores will claim they are lonely while in communication with 8 different chads
Foids feel "lonely" after 1 hour of Chad not giving them attention, we have very different versions. They wouldn't survive a day in a truecel's shoes.
Vacate the west, it's going to shit quick
Economy destroyed, jobs controlled by HR cunts, no friends, no sex, no intimate relantionships, degeneracy 24/7 on tv/social media showing sex and everything you're losing for being born with the wrong genes, no future at all. And these government idiots have to waste 250k of taxpayer money to research why inceldom and mass shootings are increasing.
It's great
Economy destroyed, jobs controlled by HR cunts, no friends, no sex, no intimate relantionships, degeneracy 24/7 on tv/social media showing sex and everything you're losing for being born with the wrong genes, no future at all. And these government idiots have to waste 250k of taxpayer money to research why inceldom and mass shootings are increasing.

We badly need a WW 3
What exactly do we consider friends?

All the guys I know just want to play ball or maybe lift together.

But I guess that's more than most people get, especially if you're too old or out of shape to do those things.

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