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2024 update on MGTOW: What should we think of them?



Jul 7, 2024
MGTOW is essentially dead now. Last month it got 800 searches in google. They remain popular only in YT, though they dropped the moniker. So what do you think of them as of 2024?
This got 1.5m view on jewtube so far, only uploaded a couple of weeks ago. Ultimately though, they were sent their own way, let's be honest.

Anyone who isn't simping or betabuxxing is atleast somewhat useful.
Incels coping and not accepting that they are incels
MGTOW pretend not care about women when they spend the entire day talking about them
they speak the truth about modern women's behaviour
I saw many of them growing hostile to Incels though. And they were from the very beginning really. But now it's more open attacks. For example, they call us simps and pussybeggars and failed bluepillers. I want to specifically know what's up with that. Why does MGTOW hate Incels.
They fight against feminism and hypergamy so all in all id say we both have the same goal and are on the same side.

With that said though, they are huge copers who were sent their own way and would be much better off if they just accepted the bp
Incels coping and not accepting that they are incels
MGTOW pretend not care about women when they spend the entire day talking about them
I really like the idea of MGTOW. The problem is, it doesn't work in practice.

As long as chad exists, women will always have unlimited access to cock.
Incels coping and not accepting that they are incels
MGTOW pretend not care about women when they spend the entire day talking about them
I was one of them. It's true

But the copium was so powerful i used to think it was really a choice just jfl. I would forget all my principes for a pussy a this time probably
i remember following mgtow channels a few years ago until an argentinian guy's channel started badmouthing incels and telling incels not to follow him. in the end i deleted all my subscriptions to those channels. they finally look like pathetic old men stuck paying alimony and fighting baldness and their ugly tummies.
Most are copers

They're MSTOW

Though they've got the right idea, just wanting foids to pump and dump and nothing more
This got 1.5m view on jewtube so far, only uploaded a couple of weeks ago. Ultimately though, they were sent their own way, let's be honest.

They need to become our betabuxxers and give us attention without anything in return :foidSoy::foidSoy:
Incels in denial
Mostly this, but I think some of them are chads/tyrones that got divorce raped or accused of actual rape or some other life ruining shit that foids do to men.
MGTOW and incels are different currents - some are mostly young guys from 18 to 30 years old, and the second are normals who were fucked by divorce in the form of theft of half of the property. That is, if fate hadn't hit them well, they would have been sitting on IT and would have poisoned us.
MGTOW is cope because most of these men are Incels or Nomies that failed in life and cant get women one way or another.

I already made a post about this: First of all you cant survive on your own in the western world except you make like 6 figures.

Secondly, like @lowz1r said as long as Chads and Tyrones are around women have infinite supply. And you got no idea how desperate some of these Chads are. Theres legit 6'4 gymmaxxed, rich Chads that still are searching a Girlfriend, like even those guys have trouble to get into a LTR thats just how insane its gotten.

Theres this HTN YouTuber who did MGTOW because he can get Sex and actually has luck on Tinder and shit but he never had a girlfriend. This guy actually gave up on dating because its just that hard nowadays.
blackpill minus acknowledging chad exists.
I have some sympathy for them.... they have known love, sex and the desire of a woman... And then they got sent their own way. It must feel a long way down from where they were, to being as Bob Dylan would say old men with broken teeth, stranded without love.

Most of them need to harden the fuck up, accept the blackpill and stop crying though. I guess I need to remember they haven't had decades of inceldom, and this is all pretty fresh trauma for them, that's why the cope so hard.

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