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News 20 yold WASP Chad gets 26 months for having sex with a 17 year old passed out drunk female

Total Imbecile

Total Imbecile

Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017

Drayton Dwayne Preston broke into the bedroom of a 17-year-old Calgary girl who was passed out after partying with friends, raped her and then returned an hour later to sexually assault her twice more, while using her phone to take photos and video, which he posted to Facebook.

The victim, who can't be identified because of a publication ban, was in court in Calgary on Tuesday as Preston was taken into custody by a sheriff to serve a 26-month prison sentence.

Those details of Preston's crimes are contained in an agreed statement of fact prepared by defence lawyer Rame Katrib and prosecutor Pam McCluskey. Preston pleaded guilty to sexual assault several months ago.

Broke into bedroom through window
Preston and a group of friends — which included his girlfriend, the victim, her boyfriend — were partying together on the night of July 29, 2016.

They were drinking, and when the victim became drunk, she and her boyfriend had sex in her bed and then passed out.

In the early morning hours, Preston removed a window screen and broke into her bedroom.

The victim woke up to him raping her but she passed out again in the middle of the rape.

An hour later, the teen woke up again. This time, Preston was on his knees at the side of her bed. She was scared and pretended to sleep while he continued to assault her twice more.

Once Preston left her room, the victim got out of bed and told a friend who had stayed the night about what had happened. While she was crying, Preston left the victim's apartment.

Video of assault posted to Facebook
Later that night, Preston's girlfriend confronted the victim. She had seen nude photos of the girl on her boyfriend's Facebook page and mistakenly believed the victim had sent them to him.

Preston had used the victim's own phone to take photos and video, which, after the third assault, he posted to his Facebook account and then deleted them from her phone.

The video shows Preston walk up to the victim's bed, remove the blanket and spread her legs, all while her boyfriend is asleep next to her. The minute-long video then depicts Preston sexually assaulting the teen.

There are also photos of her genitalia.

Judge admonishes Preston
"It's a fundamental lack of respect for others that you demonstrated," said provincial court Judge Gord Wong in handing down his decision.

"You're not satisfied with committing this sexual offence, you go ahead and use someone else's phone to take photos ... send it back to yourself and post it to Facebook."

Preston will be on the sex offender registry for the next 20 years.

McCluskey noted that during a pre-sentence psychiatric evaluation with Dr. Patrick Baillie, Preston "talks about feeling sorry for himself."

Preston was on house arrest pending the sentencing hearing. He breached the conditions of his arrest three times and failed to attend court twice.

Femoid gets raped: LifeFuel
Chadlite in prison: LifeFuel

Good news.
fucking retard, if he wanted to fuck her all he had to do was ask nicely.

The 20 year old Chadlite also broke house arrest breached his conditions twice and failed to attend court twice. WTF? Canada's legal system is so easy. In the US he would have been arrested, fined, etc. for failing once.
"The victim woke up to him raping her but she passed out again in the middle of the rape. An hour later, the teen woke up again. This time, Preston was on his knees at the side of her bed. She was scared and pretended to sleep while he continued to assault her twice more."

Imagine believing this.

My translation: she let Chad "rape" her, then decided to throw him under the bus so she isn't considered a slut. Any female who truly doesn't want to be raped would scratch and claw for dear life. You think this girl would stay still if 5'2 Indian janitor was raping her? Fuck no, she'd try to rip his eyes out and crush his balls. Femoids stay still for Chad "rape" but you can bet your ugly ass an incel rape ain't going as smoothly.
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I want to tie him up and beat him to death with many punches, kicks, and headbutts.

Look at his smug face. I'd love to put a knife through it.
damn 26 months, rape prison time is going down, you could be out on parole in <2 years, soon there'll be no jail time, we have hope
What a fucking retard, wasting his potential like that...
Thats not a chad
Lol, he already had a girlfriend.
I want to tie him up and beat him to death with many punches, kicks, and headbutts.

Look at his smug face. I'd love to put a knife through it.
Sounds like something IT would write tbh.
I'm jelly. Fucking a passed out drunk femoid is one of my biggest dreams.
So a chad legitimately rapes a female several times and records the incident and gets 26 months. Yet incels get falsely accused of rape for daring to approach women and face life imprisonment. The roastie probably pleaded with the police to let him go.
If he was an incel he would've gotten 26 years.
Her fault. This is what she gets for engaging in acts of degeneracy. Should have been a good girl and not done alcohol and drugs.
Femoid gets raped: LifeFuel
Chadlite in prison: LifeFuel

Good news.

Not even kidding read about the incel Stanford kid who fingered the drunk girl. He literally just did the girl a favor pleasuring her no violence no anything, and he could serve up to 14 years for that. This is without the 30 other crimes "Preston" committed. This is suicidefuel. Preston is basically getting away with the crime.
A million questions come to mind with this story;

Why was this woman drinking at seventeen? Why was this woman drinking so much that she passed out? Why was this woman drinking at all? Why did her father allow her to go to a party with alcohol? Why did her father allow her to go to a party with adult males? Why didn't her father raise her to shy away alcohol and parties?

The man is a moron as well;
Why can't he control his urges and avoid that woman? Doesn't he know how easy it is to end up in trouble with pass? Why take photos? Why didn't his parents raise to not be a dumbass?

This is in my city too, interesting.
you guys seriously dont know what a chad is smh
If he was an incel he would've gotten 26 years.
Yup. This dude comitted a litany of crimes besides the two "rapes" and only got 26 months while that incel who just plotted to rape was imprisoned for years. I forget his name, but he was on the front page of the old sub.

you guys seriously dont know what a chad is smh
I agree he isn't a Chad, but he is near a Chadlite. He is attractive enough to sway the courts.

Also, that femoid should really close her window

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