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Serious 20.000 years of patriarchy. Why the fuck are we living today??



Jun 22, 2018
Here are some German laws and when they were changed.

Forcing your wife to have sex with you - Legal until 1997
Renting a hotel room to an unmarried couple - Crime until 1973
Renting out a flat to an unmarried couple - Crime until 1970
Beating a woman for educational purposes - Legal until 1928
Women not allowed to vote - Until 1918

Why the fuck was patriarchy in place for 20.000 years and we are born the moment when it was abolished. I mean if we had been born in 1000 years then incels would have died out until then and we would probably be Chads. Our genes still exist because of patriarchy. If patriarchy had been abolished earlier our genes would have already been wiped out from the gene pool but because it was just recently abolished we exist. Our genes made it to the present days are we are all like Frankenstein's monster now living in a world that considers us as genetic trash and symbol of everything that's evil. This is such a fucking nightmare.
Historically (at some points during that 20000 year period) 17 women reproduced for every man.
Historically (at some points during that 20000 year period) 17 women reproduced for every man.

Yeah because men died in wars and shit. But those men that survived lived in paradise as 10 women were competing for them.
Ugly people still could't get a gf though and had to go trough military conscription and all that boomer shit at least in my country
Yeah because men died in wars and shit.

Patriarchy is a cope. Back then weak guys were getting wiped off by wars/ violence, etc. In the absence of all those in today's soyciety, we are allowed to be born, live and cope but cant breed.

Low smv men awere always treated like expendable trash. Nothing new here.

But those men that survived lived in paradise as 10 women were competing for them.

Who cares about this as long as youre not one of those men?

Brutal truth pill. Monogamy is a blue pilled myth shoved into our throats by soyciety.
It was awful to be ugly in any generation. At least we have a lot of copes and opportunity to better ourselves in this one.
Brutal truth pill. Monogamy is a blue pilled myth shoved into our throats by soyciety.
monogamy is the only way to build a strong, stable civilization. if you stone/honor kill/exile/lynch every woman for thousands of years who cheats/sluts it up/fornicates, eventually all women born will be perfect waifus
monogamy is the only way to build a strong, stable civilization. if you stone/honor kill/exile/lynch every woman for thousands of years who cheats/sluts it up/fornicates, eventually all women born will be perfect waifus

They'll never lust for you though. You can't cheat nature.
if you stone/honor kill/exile/lynch every woman for thousands of years who cheats/sluts it up/fornicates, eventually all women born will be perfect waifus
Social pressure does not change female nature. Women were, are and will be hypergamous polygamous animals. That won't change. In 1500 women also whored around, but it happened much less because of social pressure. Ever heard about that single mom that had a bastard child? Or how women wanted to marry Prince Handsome but they couldn't? It was either short/ugly male or get stoned bitch.
They'll never lust for you though. You can't cheat nature.
Social pressure does not change female nature. Women were, are and will be hypergamous polygamous animals. That won't change.
do you not understand evolution? if we eliminate subhuman foid traits like hypergamy, sluttiness, bitchyness, arrogance, immodesty etc through artificial selection, we get a gender that is everything we want it to be. she WILL lust for you the same way you lust for a becky because if she didn't, she wouldn't exist. her great great great grandmother who was also like that fucked chad on the side and got stoned. end of lineage.
Here are some German laws and when they were changed.

Forcing your wife to have sex with you - Legal until 1997
Renting a hotel room to an unmarried couple - Crime until 1973
Renting out a flat to an unmarried couple - Crime until 1970
Beating a woman for educational purposes - Legal until 1928
Women not allowed to vote - Until 1918

Why the fuck was patriarchy in place for 20.000 years and we are born the moment when it was abolished. I mean if we had been born in 1000 years then incels would have died out until then and we would probably be Chads. Our genes still exist because of patriarchy. If patriarchy had been abolished earlier our genes would have already been wiped out from the gene pool but because it was just recently abolished we exist. Our genes made it to the present days are we are all like Frankenstein's monster now living in a world that considers us as genetic trash and symbol of everything that's evil. This is such a fucking nightmare.
When the patriarchies of Europe plunged the continent into a stupid war in 1914, they combined military incompetence with technological advances to create an infernal meat grinder that chewed up an entire generation of men. By the time it finally ended, it had bled the nations white, and compelled nearly all belligerents to send Mom and Sis into the armaments factories, into the mines, the farms, the fisheries, into every essential industry from transportation to undertaking. One political cost of this was a worldwide almost irresistible postwar demand for women's suffrage. If Mom and Sis can make artillery shells, draw coal and drive trains, why should they be denied the right to vote?
So, if you want to blame somebody for the current state of affairs, blame the vain and foolish men who started and then continued that war beyond any sensible point, destroying three Christian empires in the process, because none of them wanted to endure the humiliation of defeat.
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do you not understand evolution? if we eliminate subhuman foid traits like hypergamy, sluttiness, bitchyness, arrogance, immodesty etc through artificial selection, we get a gender that is everything we want it to be. she WILL lust for you the same way you lust for a becky because if she didn't, she wouldn't exist. her great great great grandmother who was also like that fucked chad on the side and got stoned. end of lineage.

The only way to do that would be genetic engineering of foids. I dont think its possible in our lifetime tbh.
You said: "If we eliminate...". Good luck trying to re-engineer DNA at the phylum level.
are you suggesting that traits like hypergamy are fundamentally harder to select against than more recent developments such as the ability to speak or think abstractly?
Because ((((they)))) think Goy society has got to be destroyed.
Everything is wrong in today's world, but back then we would have died in battle regardless still better than living now tbh.
When the patriarchies of Europe plunged the continent into a stupid war in 1914, they combined military incompetence with technological advances to create an infernal meat grinder that chewed up an entire generation of men. By the time it finally ended, it had bled the nations white, and compelled nearly all belligerents to send Mom and Sis into the armaments factories, into the mines, the farms, the fisheries, into every essential industry from transportation to undertaking. One political cost of this was a worldwide almost irresistible postwar demand for women's suffrage. If Mom and Sis can make artillery shells, draw coal and drive trains, why should they be denied the right to vote?
So, if you want to blame somebody for the current state of affairs, blame the vain and foolish men who started and then continued that war beyond any sensible point, destroying three Christian empires in the process, because none of them wanted to endure the humiliation of defeat.
Da fuck! Are you a foid or something? Mods should look into this account.
Da fuck! Are you a foid or something? Mods should look into this account.
Really? It was a point of contention as to how 20,000 years of patriarchy went up the spout so quickly. I offered an explanation. The "correct" explanation isn't likely to be much prettier.
We were born too late to enjoy the patriarchy and too soon to enjoy sexbots :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
The boomers ruined everything, its their fault
society believes even a whore can reform and have kids, but not a subhuman.

He will seldom be desired.
This is the brief period in history where humanity tried out feminism. Future men will look back on today's men and wonder how we ever allowed ourselves to get so cucked.
By the time it finally ended, it had bled the nations white, and compelled nearly all belligerents to send Mom and Sis into the armaments factories, into the mines, the farms, the fisheries, into every essential industry from transportation to undertaking.
One political cost of this was a worldwide almost irresistible postwar demand for women's suffrage. If Mom and Sis can make artillery shells, draw coal and drive trains, why should they be denied the right to vote?

Most women have always been either unwilling or incapable of doing manual labor. In France, which went to great lengths to replace male workers with female workers during World War I, only 25% of the munitions factories' workforce was female in 1918. The labor force participation rate of British women was only 37% in 1918. At the height of World War I, the vast majority of British women were still an economic burden on men. Most of the women that did work were not as anywhere near as effective as their male counterparts for obvious biological reasons. There was no rational reason for men to give women the right to vote after World War I.

One political cost of this was a worldwide almost irresistible postwar demand for women's suffrage. If Mom and Sis can make artillery shells, draw coal and drive trains, why should they be denied the right to vote?

In 1945, 25 years after women had obtained the right to vote, most American women were unwilling or unable to contribute to the war effort by joining the labor force. At the time, they comprised no more than 36% of the American labor force and only 4% of skilled workers.

So, if you want to blame somebody for the current state of affairs, blame the vain and foolish men who started and then continued that war beyond any sensible point, destroying three Christian empires in the process, because none of them wanted to endure the humiliation of defeat.

The United States lost more men during the Civil War than during World War I. Women were not any more deserving of the right to vote in 1920 than they were in 1865.
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Social pressure does not change female nature. Women were, are and will be hypergamous polygamous animals. That won't change. In 1500 women also whored around, but it happened much less because of social pressure. Ever heard about that single mom that had a bastard child? Or how women wanted to marry Prince Handsome but they couldn't? It was either short/ugly male or get stoned bitch.
It should still be that way. Women should be stoned for cheating with Chad.
Let's just get the whole world dragged into our crazy, experimental ideological bullshit theory.
Most women have always been either unwilling or incapable of doing manual labor. In France, which went to great lengths to replace male workers with female workers during World War I, only 25% of the munitions factories' workforce was female in 1918. The labor force participation rate of British women was only 37% in 1918. At the height of World War I, the vast majority of British women were still an economic burden on men. Most of the women that did work were not as anywhere near as effective as their male counterparts for obvious biological reasons. There was no rational reason for men to give women the right to vote after World War I.

In 1945, 25 years after women had obtained the right to vote, most American women were unwilling or unable to contribute to the war effort by joining the labor force. At the time, they comprised no more than 36% of the American labor force and only 4% of skilled workers.

The United States lost more men during the Civil War than during World War I. Women were not any more deserving of the right to vote in 1920 than they were in 1865.
Again, the question was how did 20,000 years of Patriarchy end so suddenly. My post is an attempt to answer that question. It was not an invitation to have a statistical war. Even if you're right, it doesn't matter. The perception of women's contribution to the war effort was the key factor in undermining resistance to woman's suffrage.
I prefer internet and warmth and vidya to fucking a roastie anyways
Modern society is shit
Yeah because men died in wars and shit. But those men that survived lived in paradise as 10 women were competing for them.
Yea but the truecels died in the wars.
are you suggesting that traits like hypergamy are fundamentally harder to select against than more recent developments such as the ability to speak or think abstractly?
Granted, hypergamy is a byproduct of 3.5 billion years of evolution. Good luck changing it.
There was never a patriarchy. It is true that men have occupied most positions of institutional authority throughout history, but the idea that they used it to benefit men at the expense of women is a feminist distortion of history. Widespread democracy is a recent invention. So is "Career advancement". People didn't get to decide what they do with their lives throughout most of history. If you were a man you ended up doing some sort of manual labor all day, and if you were a woman you took care of the home. You didn't get promotions or dream of building your resume up to move into a better job. Being a man was only desirable if you were part of the nobility.

Some time around the 19th century, the industrial revolution happened and work gradually begins to shift to manufacturing roles and bureaucratic roles. It is not a coincidence that this was also when women began to want to enter the workforce.

Contemporary with this was the rise of widespread democracy. This was a gradual rollout that went initially to wealthy white males, then to all white males, then to all males, then to everybody. Feminists are correct when they complain that it's unfair that women were the last ones to receive voting rights, but that's a far cry from "the patriarchy", which is supposed to be a large-scale millennium-spanning conspiracy to uplift men at the expense of women.
Feminists are correct when they complain that it's unfair that women were the last ones to receive voting rights, but that's a far cry from "the patriarchy", which is supposed to be a large-scale millennium-spanning conspiracy to uplift men at the expense of women.
what's this nebulous concept of fairness you speak of? Shouldn't rights be granted on the basis of competence, a feature which femoids are probably most men have proven themselves to lack? That's my idea of fairness anyway
Granted, hypergamy is a byproduct of 3.5 billion years of evolution. Good luck changing it.
don't even fucking try. sexual reproduction itself evolved only 1.2 billion years ago. and there is a wide range of hypergamy levels in the animal kingdom, suggesting it's as mutable as any other trait. why wouldn't it be? it's just dna. and why the fuck are you talking to me if you don't even know what artificial selection is? :feelsseriously:

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