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2 laws that society can pass to end/slow/reverse inceldom



Heil I.N.C.E.L.
Sep 30, 2019
1) End all child support and alimony payments entirely.

If a foid fucks some dude, she gets NOTHING. It's her choice to get creampied, so she should have to deal with the results. Child support of any kind is cuckoldry. It's what allows foids to fuck Chad after Chad with zero repercussions. If she gets knocked up, then oh well, in flows the money train. This needs to end. Child support and alimony is precisely what enables whorefoids to ride the cock carousel endlessly.

Without the safety net of child support foids will be forced to choose their partners more carefully. And without the safety net of divorce alimony payments, foids won't be able to destroy men in divorce courts and monkey-branch and upgrade men like they do shoes and outfits.

2) Outlaw all women above age 30 from having children.

Foids these days are riding the cock carousel into their 40's before trying to settle down and start a family. Women are no longer getting married an starting families, they are sucking Chad cock in their 20's and 30's and beta buxxing at 40 because our fucked up media tells women that's empowering. And the result is our society is producing a record number of retarded autistic children because this immoral behavior is not frowned upon. It needs to end. If a foid wants to have children, she should be forced to do so before she hits the age of 30 (call it the Logan's Run law). After age 30, she should be banned or chemically neutered to prevent old ladies from having birth.

This law, combined with the previous one would FORCE foids to choose their husbands wisely. She wouldn't be able to ride the cock carousel until her uterus falls out, and she won't be able to get knocked up with an autistic baby and collect boatloads of money from the stupid cuck who creampies her.

My prediction is society will continue decline until these laws are passed.
Newton IQ buddy boyo
Legalise transageism (not related to inceldom)
Good ideas. I think it would even better if the first point was extended to include all tax financed welfare.
1) End all child support and alimony payments entirely.

If a foid fucks some dude, she gets NOTHING. It's her choice to get creampied, so she should have to deal with the results. Child support of any kind is cuckoldry. It's what allows foids to fuck Chad after Chad with zero repercussions. If she gets knocked up, then oh well, in flows the money train. This needs to end. Child support and alimony is precisely what enables whorefoids to ride the cock carousel endlessly.

Without the safety net of child support foids will be forced to choose their partners more carefully. And without the safety net of divorce alimony payments, foids won't be able to destroy men in divorce courts and monkey-branch and upgrade men like they do shoes and outfits.

2) Outlaw all women above age 30 from having children.

Foids these days are riding the cock carousel into their 40's before trying to settle down and start a family. Women are no longer getting married an starting families, they are sucking Chad cock in their 20's and 30's and beta buxxing at 40 because our fucked up media tells women that's empowering. And the result is our society is producing a record number of retarded autistic children because this immoral behavior is not frowned upon. It needs to end. If a foid wants to have children, she should be forced to do so before she hits the age of 30 (call it the Logan's Run law). After age 30, she should be banned or chemically neutered to prevent old ladies from having birth.

This law, combined with the previous one would FORCE foids to choose their husbands wisely. She wouldn't be able to ride the cock carousel until her uterus falls out, and she won't be able to get knocked up with an autistic baby and collect boatloads of money from the stupid cuck who creampies her.

My prediction is society will continue decline until these laws are passed.
Not gonna happen .. ill die alone cuz i have that aspie look in my eyes ..i cant get rid of that seriel murderer look its so annoying .. its like my brain is on turning off mode ...like im emotionless..like im a soldier that awaiting command .
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Just take womens rights away bro
Another one should be that no lonely forever alone single man should pay taxes
Legalize it (you know what)
You first proposal could possibly be voted one day, but not the second. You have to find smarter laws, laws that would have the same effect without being so authoritarian.

I personally think we could put lots of pressure on women by having them pay for their reproductive abilities. In most countries the government subsidises reproductive medicine, so we could just restrict those subsidises to women younger than 30.
Legalize it (you know what)
Well, recently I thought about the parallel with anti-gun activists. They often say that if banning guns could save just one innocent person from being killed, then it should be done.

Well, rapists often kill their victim. Most of the time they do it to prevent her from telling the cops. So, here you go.
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Extremely based post.

I also suggested in another thread banning the birth control pill along with condoms which should also severely restrict female hypergamy.
I also suggested in another thread banning the birth control pill along with condoms which should also severely restrict female hypergamy.

This is unrealistic. You must be more clever than that.
You don't have to ban birth control, you have to remove the financial incentives to get knocked up. Right now foids have no reason not to get creampied by every Chad they can. Once they have kids the government lets them use the children as bargaining chips, forcing men to work and support them. If that were to stop, women would probably be a lot more careful about which cock they ride. If all parental support falls on women, they would have an incentive to find a man who would actually be good to them and stick around and support his children. The situation that exists now is where it doesn't matter if the father is a "good man" or not. Women can just go to the government and extract money from men, it all boils down to money. If you remove that money safety net, wome would be forced to think twice about letting Chad and Tyrone creampie them every night.
You don't have to ban birth control, you have to remove the financial incentives to get knocked up.
Agreed. We could also take overpopulation as an excuse.

I still think that privatizing all reproductive medicine is the way to go, though.
Ban all Jews from any position of power.

Ban pre marital sex, punish people who don't obey this rule with public beatings or death sentence.

How to solve inceldom in 2 easy steps
Ban all Jews from any position of power.

Ban pre marital sex, punish people who don't obey this rule with public beatings or death sentence.

How to solve inceldom in 2 easy steps
Can you explain how these laws would solve inceldom? Cause I really don't see how removing Jewish people in positions of power is going to influence who a woman choses to have sex with. Banning premarital sex is just never going happen.
Cause I really don't see how removing Jewish people in positions of power is going to influence who a woman choses to have sex with
Jews are behind the moral decay if society, the only way to stop is by banning them from holding any power at all. Including but not limited to; media, big tech, political, porn etc.

Banning premarital sex is just never going happen
Iran has banned it. It can happen.
1) End all child support and alimony payments entirely.

If a foid fucks some dude, she gets NOTHING. It's her choice to get creampied, so she should have to deal with the results. Child support of any kind is cuckoldry. It's what allows foids to fuck Chad after Chad with zero repercussions. If she gets knocked up, then oh well, in flows the money train. This needs to end. Child support and alimony is precisely what enables whorefoids to ride the cock carousel endlessly.

Without the safety net of child support foids will be forced to choose their partners more carefully. And without the safety net of divorce alimony payments, foids won't be able to destroy men in divorce courts and monkey-branch and upgrade men like they do shoes and outfits.

2) Outlaw all women above age 30 from having children.

Foids these days are riding the cock carousel into their 40's before trying to settle down and start a family. Women are no longer getting married an starting families, they are sucking Chad cock in their 20's and 30's and beta buxxing at 40 because our fucked up media tells women that's empowering. And the result is our society is producing a record number of retarded autistic children because this immoral behavior is not frowned upon. It needs to end. If a foid wants to have children, she should be forced to do so before she hits the age of 30 (call it the Logan's Run law). After age 30, she should be banned or chemically neutered to prevent old ladies from having birth.

This law, combined with the previous one would FORCE foids to choose their husbands wisely. She wouldn't be able to ride the cock carousel until her uterus falls out, and she won't be able to get knocked up with an autistic baby and collect boatloads of money from the stupid cuck who creampies her.

My prediction is society will continue decline until these laws are passed.
Based and God IQ thread
This is unrealistic. You must be more clever than that.

All the suggestions here are unrealistic in the current system as long as women represent 50% of the voting population (and that's without counting the male normie vote).

You don't have to ban birth control, you have to remove he financial incentives to get knocked up. Right now foids have no reason not to get creampied by every Chad they can. Once they have kids the government lets them use the children as bargaining chips, forcing men to work and support them. If that were to stop, women would probably be a lot more careful about which cock they ride. If all parental support falls on women, they would have an incentive to find a man who would actually be good to them and stick around and support his children. The situation that exists now is where it doesn't matter if the father is a "good man" or not. Women can just go to the government and extract money from men, it all boils down to money. If you remove that money safety net, wome would be forced to think twice about letting Chad and Tyrone creampie them every night.

Yes I already agree with what you're saying here. My issue is that if you don't ban birth control the problem of female hypergamy remains, foids will just simply wait to build a family with an decent man until the last minute, just like we see today. Until age 28-30 Chads and Tyrones will still get all the pussy.

In fact it might even make things worse for us because it will discourage women from building a family altogether and just have protected sex with Chads forever.
1) End all child support and alimony payments entirely.

If a foid fucks some dude, she gets NOTHING. It's her choice to get creampied, so she should have to deal with the results. Child support of any kind is cuckoldry. It's what allows foids to fuck Chad after Chad with zero repercussions. If she gets knocked up, then oh well, in flows the money train. This needs to end. Child support and alimony is precisely what enables whorefoids to ride the cock carousel endlessly.

Without the safety net of child support foids will be forced to choose their partners more carefully. And without the safety net of divorce alimony payments, foids won't be able to destroy men in divorce courts and monkey-branch and upgrade men like they do shoes and outfits.

2) Outlaw all women above age 30 from having children.

Foids these days are riding the cock carousel into their 40's before trying to settle down and start a family. Women are no longer getting married an starting families, they are sucking Chad cock in their 20's and 30's and beta buxxing at 40 because our fucked up media tells women that's empowering. And the result is our society is producing a record number of retarded autistic children because this immoral behavior is not frowned upon. It needs to end. If a foid wants to have children, she should be forced to do so before she hits the age of 30 (call it the Logan's Run law). After age 30, she should be banned or chemically neutered to prevent old ladies from having birth.

This law, combined with the previous one would FORCE foids to choose their husbands wisely. She wouldn't be able to ride the cock carousel until her uterus falls out, and she won't be able to get knocked up with an autistic baby and collect boatloads of money from the stupid cuck who creampies her.

My prediction is society will continue decline until these laws are passed.

I highly disagree. It's like you're trying to fix a Boeing with blu tack and a glue stick. These laws wouldn't work. In fact, I think these laws would be counterproductive.

1) I do think alimony should end, but child support should stay. First of all, do you really think the typical person carefully examines their financial stability before they fuck? Of course not. I'm just not convinced that this would "deter" foids in any way. Why shouldn't Chads have to pay for their wretched offspring? The only group of people this law would benefit are Chads, not incels, not anybody else. And chances are, the group of people who would get hurt the most are their offspring -- who aren't at fault for being born to irresponsible parents.

That said, I do agree that men should be able to waive their responsibility to support a child if they sign a legal document within the first two trimesters of the foid's pregnancy urging the foid to obtain an abortion and will assume all the responsibilities of parenting if she chooses not to.

2) First of all, we don't need more families. We don't need more boring housewives who spend their entire lives vacuuming, baking cookies, and driving their crotch goblins to soccer practice.

If the consequence of urbanization and increased educational attainment means that more women are career-oriented and don't start families until later, so be it. It's good for GDP. And it's good for their offspring, because chances are, a 35-year-old foid is more financially prepared for parenting than a 25-year-old.

You know what your proposals would actually cause? An increase in crime rates over the long term. You don't want to force Chads to support their children. And you want to force foids to have children earlier in life -- when they're less financially prepared to be responsible parents. Your laws are going to force a generation of children to grow up in socioeconomically dastardly conditions, and that's going to hurt the taxpayer's wallets when the criminal justice system has to deal with them.
Allow us to buy guns in European countries to shoot ourselves and others
All the suggestions here are unrealistic in the current system as long as women represent 50% of the voting population (and that's without counting the male normie vote).

If it really is true that democracy inevitably leads to gynocracy, then we need to target democracy, and try to find justifications for an alternative political system.

And no, just saying "democracy inevitably leads to gynocracy" will not work.
If it really is true that democracy inevitably leads to gynocracy, then we need to target democracy, and try to find justifications for an alternative political system.

And no, just saying "democracy inevitably leads to gynocracy" will not work.

I am completely with you here. I think ideally we need some form of balkanization.
Female hypergamy knows no limits, they'd ride the CC earlier so later they can either marry a Chad-lite in their 20s while still fucking other Chads or becoming homoflexible lesbians so they can marry each other yet still fucks Chads.
1) End all child support and alimony payments entirely.

If a foid fucks some dude, she gets NOTHING. It's her choice to get creampied, so she should have to deal with the results. Child support of any kind is cuckoldry. It's what allows foids to fuck Chad after Chad with zero repercussions. If she gets knocked up, then oh well, in flows the money train. This needs to end. Child support and alimony is precisely what enables whorefoids to ride the cock carousel endlessly.

Without the safety net of child support foids will be forced to choose their partners more carefully. And without the safety net of divorce alimony payments, foids won't be able to destroy men in divorce courts and monkey-branch and upgrade men like they do shoes and outfits.

2) Outlaw all women above age 30 from having children.

Foids these days are riding the cock carousel into their 40's before trying to settle down and start a family. Women are no longer getting married an starting families, they are sucking Chad cock in their 20's and 30's and beta buxxing at 40 because our fucked up media tells women that's empowering. And the result is our society is producing a record number of retarded autistic children because this immoral behavior is not frowned upon. It needs to end. If a foid wants to have children, she should be forced to do so before she hits the age of 30 (call it the Logan's Run law). After age 30, she should be banned or chemically neutered to prevent old ladies from having birth.

This law, combined with the previous one would FORCE foids to choose their husbands wisely. She wouldn't be able to ride the cock carousel until her uterus falls out, and she won't be able to get knocked up with an autistic baby and collect boatloads of money from the stupid cuck who creampies her.

My prediction is society will continue decline until these laws are passed.
we would already be in the golden age if we could get this past the plebeians who vote for it, in a democracy we cant
All the suggestions here are unrealistic in the current system as long as women represent 50% of the voting population (and that's without counting the male normie vote).
Removing women's suffrage should be a no brainer at this point and it is baffling how society could've ever thought it'd be wise to deign these neurotic wombcattle rights resembling those of men. Social & perhaps legal punishments for the more appalling aspects of foid nature, which undoubtedly we're all aware of, would naturally follow.

If the consequence of urbanization and increased educational attainment means that more women are career-oriented and don't start families until later, so be it. It's good for GDP. And it's good for their offspring, because chances are, a 35-year-old foid is more financially prepared for parenting than a 25-year-old.
A 35 year old foid should've already been having a family years ago. This absurd notion that foids should be valued for throwing away their reproductive years riding the carousel and deciding to larp as men with careers is at least partially the reason we've ended up at this juncture.
That said, I do agree that men should be able to waive their responsibility to support a child

This would more or less accomplish the same goal.

As to your other point, no I dont think a motherhood age limit would make crime. It would put the brakes on women having children later in life and force them to make better decisions earlier on (like who the father will be). Good fathers make good families which brings up good people, but that's not happening anymore. Women have way too much flexibility right now, and they're using it to ride the carousel and collect free money instead of starting proper families.
1) End all child support and alimony payments entirely.

If a foid fucks some dude, she gets NOTHING. It's her choice to get creampied, so she should have to deal with the results. Child support of any kind is cuckoldry. It's what allows foids to fuck Chad after Chad with zero repercussions. If she gets knocked up, then oh well, in flows the money train. This needs to end. Child support and alimony is precisely what enables whorefoids to ride the cock carousel endlessly.

Without the safety net of child support foids will be forced to choose their partners more carefully. And without the safety net of divorce alimony payments, foids won't be able to destroy men in divorce courts and monkey-branch and upgrade men like they do shoes and outfits.

2) Outlaw all women above age 30 from having children.

Foids these days are riding the cock carousel into their 40's before trying to settle down and start a family. Women are no longer getting married an starting families, they are sucking Chad cock in their 20's and 30's and beta buxxing at 40 because our fucked up media tells women that's empowering. And the result is our society is producing a record number of retarded autistic children because this immoral behavior is not frowned upon. It needs to end. If a foid wants to have children, she should be forced to do so before she hits the age of 30 (call it the Logan's Run law). After age 30, she should be banned or chemically neutered to prevent old ladies from having birth.

This law, combined with the previous one would FORCE foids to choose their husbands wisely. She wouldn't be able to ride the cock carousel until her uterus falls out, and she won't be able to get knocked up with an autistic baby and collect boatloads of money from the stupid cuck who creampies her.

My prediction is society will continue decline until these laws are passed.

Despite sounding draconian these are half measures. You need to neutralize Chad from the equation by taking him out of the dating market. Government enforced monogamy with severe punishments for those that cheat or frivorce. The polygamous dating market must be cancelled otherwise Chad's will fucking a buffet of women and leave scraps for the rest. Government will force men to marry virgin women they had sex with. Failure to do so is 250k USD or 25 years jail sentence. Government got us into this mess they can technically get us out of it.

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