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News 2 Australian JBW-maxxERcels and a Filipina white-worshipping, race-traitorous noodlewhore, found dead in hotel in Phillipines (suspected murdER case)!

Who do you support in this case?

  • I’m white, I support the white normies

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • I’m white, I’m neutral

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • I’m white, I support the rice-cels

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • I’m ethnic, I support the white normies

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I’m ethnic, I’m neutral

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • I’m ethnic, I support the rice-cels

    Votes: 13 46.4%

  • Total voters


Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019

View: https://youtu.be/0_ltIHzE49U

Gotta give credit to SEA-rice cels, they seem to be more aggressive, violent and in genERal more high t than their East Asian counterparts.

This seems to be a case of Filipino-cel(s) having had enough of being cucked NON-STOP by white normies and Filipina white-worshipping noodlewhores, they decided to release all that pent up angER by fighting back and getting their retribution against their oppressors.

Whitecels, what r your thoughts?

Can you relate more to white normies who are getting pussy non-stop in ethnic countries via JBW-maxxing, just because they r same race as you?

Or can you relate more to the plight of rice-cels getting cucked non-stop by their own race-traitorous females and white normies, despite these rice-cels being diffERent race to you?

Or do you not care?

do you feel sorry for your white “brothERs” who indulge in pussy non-stop but tell you to just “improve your pERsonality” when you complain about being an incel?

Or are you happy that your rice-cel “brothERs” wERe able to stand up for themselves and fight back in the face of injustice (in the form of being on the receiving end of pERpetual cucking)?

Do you not care?
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I feel happy. Even though this issue doesn't personally affect me I feel happy on behalf of my asian bros who deal with race traitor slores
I don't condone violence officer
dont have the money too go so why should i care fuckers get killed over there?

View: https://youtu.be/0_ltIHzE49U

Gotta give credit to SEA-rice cels, they seem to be more aggressive, violent and in genERal more high t than their East Asian counterparts.

This seems to be a case of Filipino-cel(s) having had enough of being cucked NON-STOP by white normies and Filipina white-worshipping noodlewhores, they decided to release all that pent up angER by fighting back and getting their retribution against their oppressors.

Whitecels, what r your thoughts?

Can you relate more to white normies who are getting pussy non-stop in ethnic countries via JBW-maxxing, just because they r same race as you?

Or can you relate more to the plight of rice-cels getting cucked non-stop by their own race-traitorous noodlewhores and white normies, despite these rice-cels being diffERent race to you?

Or do you not care?

do you feel sorry for your white “brothERs” who indulge in pussy non-stop but tell you to just “improve your pERsonality” when you complain about being an incel?

Or are you happy that your rice-cel “brothERs” wERe able to stand up for themselves and fight back in the face of injustice (in the form of being on the receiving end of pERpetual cucking)?

Do you not care?

I feel happy. Even though this issue doesn't personally affect me I feel happy on behalf of my asian bros who deal with race traitor slores
I feel happy. Even though this issue doesn't personally affect me I feel happy on behalf of my asian bros who deal with race traitor slores
I ALSO feel happy, because IT tells me that bad things only happen to bad people due to the fact that we live in a fairytale world of “fairness” and “justice”, so these people must have had a “bad pERsonality” for their life to have such a “bad outcome”, hence I’m happy that bad things happened to people with “bad pERsonality”

Tragedy? This is a comedy lmao

Glad to see my adobobros rise up
Probably got killed by the rebel fighters :feelskek:
Just saw today in Finnish TV American black man flying to Vietnam to take a woman from there. Other took from Thailand. All people take women from those countries, not only "white"s.
Their deaths are nothing but good news. The less abundant this debased and immoral people become, the better.
I feel happy. Even though this issue doesn't personally affect me I feel happy on behalf of my asian bros who deal with race traitor slores

Filipino men are docile and cucked on average so i suspect it's gang activity or drug addicts. Manila slums gook are the most low inhib violent filipino men tho + Mindanao rebls.
im white, i don't care as the problems of sexhavers do not gain my sympathy or praise
Just saw today in Finnish TV American black man flying to Vietnam to take a woman from there. Other took from Thailand. All people take women from those countries, not only "white"s.

Brutal. Noodlewhores would rathER get fucked by niggER apes than to even be in the same room as the avERage Asian man.

If my mind was somehow artificially placed into the body of an Asian male but my memory was completely wiped (meaning one day I just woke up in the body of an Asian male and lost all my memory relating to my previous life), I’d probably end up going ER from the relentless onslaught of cucking i’d expERience at the hands of white normies and my Asian female countERparts, I don’t blame rice-cels at all for responding in that mannER, it’s the most logical response to being sexually deprived and disrespected CONTINUOUSLY day aftER day, the humiliation would make anybody snap at a cERtain point.

But funnily enough, I bet the reason behind this attack most likely had nothing to do with inceldom, Phillipines is a poor country and foreignERs are associated with “wealth”, so the motive behind the murdER was most likely “robbERy” JFL (funny to fantasize that it was an “inceldom-motivated” attack pERpetrated by a rice-cel/group of rice-cels getting revenge on their oppressors by going ER hahahahah).
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Noodlewhores would rathER get fucked by niggER apes than to even be in the same room as the avERage Asian man.
bullshit. this woman in question had a Vietnamese husband in the past and 2 full Vietnamese children.
bullshit. this woman in question had a Vietnamese husband in the past and 2 full Vietnamese children.

Maybe that’s because she lived in Vietnam at the time, and it’s also likely that thERe wERen’t as many JBW-maxxERcel tourists during that ERa, so majority of viet foids had NO CHOICE but to settle for an ugly gook viet male.

Guess what though, the moment she was able to live in a country whERe she had easy access to white men and/or the moment white men started to flood hER gook country, she pounced on a white man and the rest is history…….
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Filipino men are docile and cucked on average so i suspect it's gang activity or drug addicts. Manila slums gook are the most low inhib violent filipino men tho + Mindanao rebls.

No wondER manny Pacquiao was such a successful boxER,

ConsidERing the fact that he came from such a tough and harsh environment, it must have definitely hardened him up physically and mentally, which a big part of his success can surely be attributed to
CBF watching the video but was this murder really related to sex tourism? I am pretty sure most pinoys and Thais are cucks and dont care about it.
Seems like it was a white dude, his Filipina wife and her presumably Filipino relative, so one white guy and two Filipinos.

CBF watching the video but was this murder really related to sex tourism? I am pretty sure most pinoys and Thais are cucks and dont care about it.
Tbh, this was probably something about drugs or some personal dispute. I legit don't think I've read about foreign sexpats being killed just for sexpatting basically anywhere in the last few years, not just in SEA, but there's a lot of cases about foreigners in SEA being tangled up in drug trade and other crime, which Aznidentity and others love to scream about a lot:waitwhat:.
CBF watching the video but was this murder really related to sex tourism? I am pretty sure most pinoys and Thais are cucks and dont care about it.
Sometimes they are killed for property. There's suspiciously high number of sexpats "falling off buildings" in Thailand.

That one's more creative (even more hilarious)

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PdYgk3rc_Wg
It's harder to have sympathy for most sexhavers in general
Maybe that’s because she lived in Vietnam at the time, and it’s also likely that thERe wERen’t as many JBW-maxxERcel tourists during that ERa, so majority of viet foids had NO CHOICE but to settle for an ugly gook viet male.

Guess what though, the moment she was able to live in a country whERe she had easy access to white men and/or the moment white men started to flood hER gook country, she pounced on a white man and the rest is history…….
no, she lived in Vietnam still and found a black man from a dating app

why are you talking about "white" men? she never dated one
then why is she fucking other men?
she had a divorce long time ago. she hadn't fucked the man yet, after 2 years they met for the first time. and she wanted to go slow, not give her pussy right away. and she lived with her own mother, two own children and two brothers in same apartment in Ho Chi Minh City, where she said finding a man is difficult (bullshit of course). i changed the channel, don't know how their first meeting went. i don't remember the name of the program. some American program, of which Finnish TV channels are full of (and zero programs in Finnish TV channels from non-anglophone countries except Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and sometimes some French documentary which is French-made but narrated in English (!!!) and some very low amount of German murder programs (i dont know how to call them, for example "Kettu", "Kahden keikka")) and one other German series + the very rare Spanish series on YLE Teema. Nothing from Japan, Russia, China, Brazil, Italy, Romania, Poland, Greece... this must be conspiracy. Why there are many/most Australian, Canadian, UK, USA, New Zealand reality programs shown on Finnish TV channels, but never even one single Japanese TV show shown? How is this possible?
Just saw today in Finnish TV American black man flying to Vietnam to take a woman from there. Other took from Thailand. All people take women from those countries, not only "white"s.
They are stupid for taking them back. It will only cause trouble.

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