Because most “involuntary” celibates on here are actually complete spergs who don’t leave their rooms, don’t try in life and still wonder why women don’t like them. Maybe it’s because they waste their lives posting in “post funny memays XD” threads like a fucking retard, I sincerely doubt such a huge number of people can be so hideous, the easier explanation is they are socially retarded aspergic losers who spend all day playing video games.
If you haven’t looksmaxxed, socialmaxxed and NTmaxxed and still had no success with women, you cannot call yourself an incel. You’re just a fucking loser sperg who spends all day on the internet, doesn’t make an attempt at getting laid and wonders why women aren’t falling into their lap while they spend all day watching anime. I would wager half the “incels” have never spoken to a woman or made an attempt with them, it’s painfully obvious when you see their post content. It’s literally “I sit around in my room all day, why won’t a girl magically fall into my lap? Why won’t a girl do all the hard work and just manifest itself into my life while I post memes?
Contrary to the fucking retards on here, you actually have to make an effort at having a semblance of a life in order to get laid. So bluepilled, I know!
High IQ threads get completely ignored and buried in favor of aspergic garbage like this. Well researched and written blackpills with links and evidence get 5 replies while spergtastic garbage like this gets bumped and kept alive for days. There was a thread on here about some idiot reaching a few thousand posts which had like 50 replies of inane, low effort bullshit, while a scientific study into women and their height preferences had 8 replies and was promptly forgot. This site is filled with awkward, autistic kids who genuinely act like complete spergs and still wonder why they have no friends, no life, and no future. Have you tried leaving the basement?
Again, if you haven’t done everything in your power to get laid with looksmaxxing etc, you are just a self filling prophecy retard throwing pity parties for yourself because women won’t magically teleport out of your anime videos and love you unconditionally.